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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Three very good teams went down from the EPL last season. I think it is possible that the same three will come straight up. Don't think that has happened before. If not automatic; then Foxes. Peacocks and Saints will all make top 6.
  2. Been to your area a long time ago Garry. Went to one of the many beautiful mango farms that adorn the area. You certainly get more rain south of the Sakon Nakhon road than we do to the north. Mrs Owl doesn't like a storm also. Covers her eyes and ears. I love em. Make me own coffee or tea? What???? Sends shivers down me spine thinking of it. I had 4 sisters and they would say; "This kitchen is girl-talk area. Get out." And when I later got married, I had four daughters, and they would say; "You are making the kitchen untidy. Get out" To be honest, I'm scared of the kitchen. Good job Mrs Owl understands. But in saying that, she can be a tad slow making the drinks. The other morning I waited from seven to gone ten o'clock. Got fed up with whistling. So to teach her a lesson, I hid the remote. Only stumbled on it when Mildred came home from school. That'll teach her; I thought. There are better ways of keeping women in check than using the whip Gary lad. Keep a 20 baht note showing from yer shirt top pocket. That'll focus her. Works for me. Do anything to get their hands on it.
  3. Thanks Andy. Leeds at home to Cardiff later today. They don't travel well. Easy win for The Peacocks. I'd like to see them change back to royal blue and gold. There is peace of sorts. I've whistled twice now for my afternoon 3in1 cup of coffee. Don't want to shout out. Would be unbecoming (as another Andy once said). Just have to wait til the wife has finished watching GOT7 on TV. Wish i could be tough with these ladies; like other men.
  4. Owl Log - 06-08-2023 - Sunday afternoon Rain, rain and even more rain. Lubley jubley. But the farm don't take care of itself. So plenty to do. First thing was to lower the water in the rice paddy. We had two big down-pours and there was only 4 inches between the paddy and the height of pond one. The thing being, that if the newly planted rice gets waterlogged it will just die off. The overflow could only just be seen. Water level had to be dropped quickly. I started the work but I couldn't take pics and work, so Soo and E came over to help out. The little river was about 4 inches deep. Needs to go down another few inches before I put permanent pipes in. Probably do that in the week. That sorted, focus was then on getting the water from pond 2 to pond 3. I used a 2 inch gravity pipe. Not fast, but over time, would drop the levels considerably. Went along next morning and saw that the pipes had done the biz. In all the the water was dropped 6 inches. The overflow pipe in pond one, was at least being seen. Next job is to get the water from number 3 to number 4. A bit more of a challenge as it's going up-hill then. Also dug out the route from the house to the overflow. Not bothered to keep it in order for a couple of years as the rainfall was so pitiful. Water finds its way into the ring, where it hits the outflow pipe, going under the road into pond 4. Poom is about on his leccy scooter. He is learning bout life it seems. Go on Poom, put it through its paces. vid poom rides out.mp4 Some more charcoal making at Chai's farm. Chai and wife Joy stay at the farm in the hut. They have two daughters, Nut and Butt, who both live in the village. Although Nut does 'Grab' deliveries and is often away overnight. But BeeApp is on hand for any needed help. Time to harvest the charcoal. Joy was at home. Working away. Robert keeping watch. He joins me, every time I go to the farm. Sits in the pick-up. The political scene in Thailand has gone a bit quiet. Must take a look. Take an interest even; like the villagers. A tragic incident in Costa Rica last week. A local footballer was swimming in a pond when a big croc came along and ate him. It's on YouTube, as a couple of his team-mates had the fortitude to catch it on their mobiles. The Sun (English Newspaper[?]) had the headline. ''Footballer ferociously eaten by crocodile.'' I had the sinister thought; 'Footballer lovingly eaten by crocodile.' RIP fella. Wife told me a story a few years back. A farang dangled a bit of meat to a croc at a farm, in Thailand, and got pulled in. Fortunately his coat with wallet was hanging on a chair. His g/f was absolutely frantic. As he was being fought over by overgrown lizards, she was screaming ''what's the pin number''. Must be true 'cause the wife don't say nothing humorous. Makes ya realise how lucky some of us are. Mildred in her studio earlier today. Dogs keeping guard. Footy started Friday evening. My tip for promotion, Saints, visited Sheffield and got the points. 5 matches had crowds of over 20k. Think Norwich was tops, with just under 30k.. Other footy news. Barking and Romford both move forward in the FA cup. Banks O'Dee and Linlithgow Rose both won, and Hamilton Beat Cove. I like both those last two; so not upset. Two promoted teams to the Football league; Wrexham and Notts County, were both hit for 5, by MK Dons and Sutton. Wolves play at Molineux Stadium. How did that name come about? a/ Named after a local playground. b/ Named after the founder of the club's wife's first name; Lady Molineux Sabille. c/ The area had links to Molineux District in France, Going back to 1800s. d/ Molineux is French for 'great arena', and it was thought appropriate to name the ground thus. No Udon as planned yesterday. Didn't want to go all that way in the rain. So 90 day, and some mounting boards from DoHome, will have to wait til next Saturday. Or in the week if I go without Mildred. Everything was centred at the farm last week. Still raining now at 13-45. Davis Popovici had a dreadful World Swimming champs. In the 200 free he was well clear, and it looked like a 1.42, with just 50 to go. He blew up and finished 4th. Never in it for the 100, in which he holds the world record. The best race for me; was the longest one. What a great last hundred in the 1500. Tunisian, Ahmed Hafnaui, just out-touching American Bob Finke. Ozzies had a great meet and were top dolphins overall. Only one thing left to say; take care out there. Thanks for visiting. Bye y'all.
  5. Very interesting Owl I used to write for a Sports mag back in the day, and I just love the trivia of football. Although not at all trivial to the individual clubs. Only a couple of years back (due to yourself) did I investigate where the 'Pigs' came into the frame. Still not sure on that one. But I got it wrong about the 'Owl' nickname. I thought for years it was because of an actual Owl in the early 1900s, but it could be the move to Owlerton. Got a great new question for tomorrow. Midlands club this time.
  6. Just looked it up. ''''On the evening of Wednesday 4 September 1867, a meeting was held at the Adelphi Hotel to establish whether there was interest among the club's members to form a football club to keep the team together and fit during the winter months. The proposal proved very popular, with over 60 members signing up for the new team on the first night. They played their first match against The Mechanics on 19 October the same year, winning by three goals and four 'rouges' to nil.'''' Courtesy of Wiki.
  7. The Wednesday were originally a cricket club. But some of the players liked to play footy. The only day they could get together was Wednesday; when they had a day off. 'The Wednesday' name, hung about to 1929, when they changed it to what it is now. Not sure about the date originally formed; about 1890 I reckon. I'll look that up, and report back. Or better still Owl; post the answer.. You are sure to know.
  8. Our beautiful cat is also called Champu. I'm always referring to her as Poo. but now I see the correct spelling.
  9. You are missing the main points in all this Bob lad. (1) Can she make a nice cup of Rosy? (2) Can she name all the winners of the EPL?
  10. When I first met my girl friend, I loved her high sex appetite and didn't care about her low bank balance. After we married, I noticed how the two had gradually changed places.
  11. The wife timed us making love yesterday afternoon. Later, I asked her how long. "Two hours, fifty-five minutes, seven seconds." She said. "Wow!" I replied. "Nearly three hours! Super-stud!!" "Owl! That time included our pre-sex financial negotiations and your sleep afterwards.
  12. August, and late July, have certainly done the biz for the rain. And just like your good self, i like a drop. When is enough, enough? Well, there is plenty of rain coming our way during the next week or so, before the dry season kicks in at the end of the month. I'm not interested in virgins. I like a woman who has been round the block. A sort of a 'Madonna' type rather than a 'Mother Theresa' if you get my drift. Young girls engaging in sex in the villages. Same here. There is one on 11 (eleven), who has a 'husband'. This was the girl who I employed to pick up all the bits of rubbish in the farm. Said I would pay her one baht for each bit. Finished up paying out 200 baht. Money spent well, but a suspicion of tearing bits up there. A rip off you could say. And she was the one who I asked to hold the bottom of the ladder, while I was at the farm fixing the roof. I looked down to see she had wandered off and was watching her telephone. Some catch she will be. Riding a motorbike at 10??!! Don't wait that long here. Although the transport has turned leccy. Six year old Poom showing off his roadster. His main aim in life; terrorizing elderly farang.
  13. My girl was a bad-un when I met her. I transformed her into a nice lady. Took ages. Now she has turned bad again. But!! The rain is here and if I don't whistle too loudly, I'll get another cup of rosy; without salt hopefully. And most importantly; the footy has started up again. Life is grand!
  14. Thanks Mutt. In these uncertain times, a bit of encouragement, keeps us at it. So easy to slide into a meaningless loop of waking up, doing nothing, and going back to sleep.
  15. Why not tell us a little about Buddism Glegolo? My take is that it reflects life, nature, humans and our bodies. We plan, we build, we maintain and we destroy. It's an ongoing cycle of everything, from the universe to the cells in our bodies. But on the upside; didn't I get it right in the footy opener? I forecast 1-2, and Sheffield Owl agreed. Hope he had a few bob on the score.
  16. Two genies were walking away from the tree. They chatted as they removed their white hoods. "Sometimes I think humans are strange." "What you mean?" "Well, take today. That guy, who released us from the bottle." "This one, who got the three wishes." Nodding back to the tree. "Yep. I can understand his first wish; to have a large house in beautiful grounds. And the second; to be surrounded by lots of beautiful naked ladies. But his last wish? I don't get it." "What? That he wanted to be hung like a black man."
  17. I came home from the pub after a good night out. Julie had already gone to bed. I was feeling a tad horny. I lay on the bed and my hand began to wander. I soon found what I was after. "My word Julie, you are getting so hairy down there, and so soft and lovely." My finger began investigating. "Very tight too. But a little dry." Julie replied. "That's the cat. I'm further over."
  18. In the best part of three years, it has gone from a wooden hut to a fine building. Apart from a bit of tidy up on mainland, the whole thing is just about finished. All that's left now is a donation box, and some fish. 25 pics in all show the progress. Sometimes racing ahead. At other times very slow. Thanks for viewing.
  19. We don't know what lies in store for us at 13 years old. I'm pleased she has found something she has a talent for and sticking with it. The teenagers in the village don't seem to do anything constructive. Just charge about on these electric bikes most of the time; it seems to me. And when their bikes are being recharged; it's time for the mobile. Rain!! The last 30 days have been as they should be. Although a couple of real heavy downpours have caused havoc with the rice fields. We have had our share in the village. Pond one is full. So full, in fact, that that it has been running back down the overflow into the paddy. So had to break the bank and let some water out today.. Didn't finish 'til 17-45 this evening. And there is more to do tomorrow. I'll post some pics in the week. Thai politics!? Can't say there is anyone I know in the village that is really interested. Most are just surviving financially and don't know what's going on. Is Thaksin coming home? But back to your favourite subject. What do the meteorological office know? Any forecast longer than a couple of days in front is a guess. I'll settle for another two months like rainy July.
  20. Unfortunately cheats do get involved in sport. Even darts and snooker, has its cheaters. You are right when you say that golf is relatively clean. Can't recall many incidents. And don't know of any cheating. Perhaps a (un)intentional error on the scorecard! Perhaps Trevino, when he chucked that snake at Nicklaus. Or was that a bit of gamesmanship?
  21. I agree partly with you post BN. Think the fielding side should have the option of changing the old for new ball after so many overs are bowled; say 50. The new ball is automatic on the 70th over. If the ball is badly damaged; as was the case in Bridgetown some years back; when Sobers hit the ball onto a iron girder on the terracing, and split the thing, then it has to be replaced. Discussion on this scenario is needed. Recall Colin Cowdrey giving himself out (walked) when on 94? Don't need to change rules. Get the cheats out of the sport. .
  22. As far as Scottish cricketers go; they refuse to wear white kilts. Obviously there is a cricket dress code. Welsh men can play in the English cricket team. Wasn't Lewis a Welshman? The game of cricket gives bowlers and batters an even chance. Conditions change and pitches vary, but the beauty of the game is that both sides play with a ;fair-play; spirit and accept the result; win or lose. As for the '''South Africans, Indians, and Pakistanis who cheat'''. I am saddened that they do cheat; if indeed they do. I was in Sabina Park, in 1998, when the match was abandoned during the first session. That chief groundsman should have faced ridicule for the rest of his days. I went onto the pitch after the players went off, and I could but my fingers deep into the cracks. I'm not just saying this stuff to get 'likes. No!! In my bio - if anyone reads it to the end - I say that 'Cheating in Sport' is one of my pet hates. Alongside mass murdering and destroying historic works of art.
  23. No wonder there is so much corruption, wars and bad things happening in the world. Cricket should be setting an example and be above bad stuff. If any player is caught cheating they should be banned forever and have all their series match fees taken away. If they are Oz, then made to pay for their own passage home. If English (or Welsh); stocks should brought out of storage and be dusted off.
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