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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Many Wiki pages are nonsense. But that is in my opinion. What we read on the Wiki pages is often someone's opinion. Same with fact-checkers. People read the script and half the time they don't realise it's the guy they are sitting next to that has posted the piece.
  2. Wiki is edited by people like me and you. I have edited many subjects. It is sometimes difficult to keep one's opinions away. In saying that, a good deal of the 'facts/truth' is opinion, and not nearly objective enough.
  3. Take it easy there Tippy. These klimate change enthusiasts will go straight to 'Google', and then usually to the 'Wiki' page, when ever they face a difficult question. We know it is all a hoax. And I've got my views on why it is being pushed so hard, but that's beyond the scope of the topic. Grab yerself a cold beer, and reflect how fortunate some of us are, not to be so easily taken in. .
  4. Watch yer don't fall off yer horse Placeholder. I think you are another poster who has been smitten with SRS; 'elective Reading Syndrome'. I'll spell my position out for you::: The climate is indeed changing. It always has done, and will in the future. I'm not bothered about that (as I stated). What I don't like is the people that insist that humans are causing the changes. Some call it an emergency. I call it a hoax. Our contribution, as humans, is insignificant, in the big picture. As for Ms - you have stolen my dreams - Greta. She is simply ridiculed my the majority; in the west. A joke figure. Not sure the billions of people, not in the west, would know of her though. If I've got 'less than nothing'; (as you so eloquently put it) so be it.
  5. Yes! Very good! But you missed out the second line of the post: I don't know whether there is warming or cooling. In fact I'm not bothered. Just like the huge majority; I've got other stuff to think of. Like WW3 starting. Feel a bit sorry for the Dutch. But not the hoity-toity Bangkokians. But hey! That's the way the cookie crumbles. I'll be OK up here. ps. Is Ms Greta still locked up?
  6. Well Brian mate. It was placeholder's chart. I only copied it to show how scientists disagree. I don't know whether there is warming or cooling. In fact I'm not bothered. Was very hot this year in my area. What I don't like is those doom and gloom mongers saying that we will all be underwater in 10 years; and it's all human's fault. This Earth of ours is very robust. It has gone through many changes, and will continue to do so. We must do our bit in keeping it as clean as possible.
  7. Easy match coming up. Should put Mansfield to the sword. A good result might kick-start the season. A draw at Cardiff would be OK.
  8. Thanks for that encouragement DJ. Had a few more pics to post on the log, but for some reason or t'other; I deleted them. Must get a grip.
  9. It's board game with rules. Maybe men are better at interpreting the rules than the girls.
  10. I was not in Medical School, as a trainee doctor. I has a year's placement from my University when I was reading 'Applied Physiology'. But I am a questioner. My placement was cut a tad short. My personal tutor gave me a a roasting, but I think he was secretly proud of me. Unlike a lot of people who are so easily fooled. Brian mate; the BBC had regular climate warnings on the coming 'ice age'. As for the fur coat and hat. I gave them to a anti-fur protester who I quite liked the look of. We got on well. Very well! She was impressed that i would give up my clothing so readily.
  11. Owl Log - 20-08-2023 - Sunday afternoon Good news yesterday. Passport arrived at 17-00. Is it black, or the darkest blue? Posted the stuff off on 7th July. So about 7/8 weeks. Quite happy with that. Must give a shout to the people who handled the renewal for me. www.keyvisathailand.com Done the weekly trip to Ban Dung on Friday afternoon. Went into a shop to buy a tin of cookies with pineapple fillings. Their dag came over and wanted a stroke. Asked his name. 'Low cow'. A farang dog she said. Farm is looking good. Sometimes the Mekongs spook themselves and the water erupts. Mildred usually feeds the fish. I look after the dogs and chickens. vid at the farm.mp4 A bit of a calamity in the week. Tried to fix the dripping tap in the bathroom. Easy job. Take off the old and put on the new. All Mildred had to do was turn the water off and then back on. Unfortunately the sun had got to the valve and it fell apart. Not to fret. I turned it off with a pair of pliers. Water spurted out everywhere. so it was a new valve. Half hour later; all done. Big C shopping went as planned on Friday. But the receipt was unbelievable. Over 2 metres long. The first bit was the actual transactions. The rest was offers. Next week they will be giving me dosh. Had the dogs 6 months now. Robert is so friendly towards the cats; especially Ginger. Oscar is content to simply relax. Mildred's rice patch didn't do well. But she tried again. This time soaked the rice for a day or two. And it didn't take long for the new seeds to blossom. Saw a mum and child in Ban Dung taking a ride. He looked to be all of 3 years old. Don't know why he is not in front of mum, like I often see. . Oh dear! Owls lose at home again. But things are improving 53% possession and 8 attempts on goal. Better from the Peacocks. Orient grab a point at Blackpool. Is this the start of their march up the table? Both teams local to where i once lived in Dagenham went out of the FA Cup. But Aveley are leading the National League South. Brighton had another fine win. My two teams for automatic to get back into the EPL - Saints and Foxes - both won. Banks O'Dee hit 6 away. Ladies contest the world Cup final later today. England v Spain. Dry season has kicked in. What is going on in the Thai Government?. Is it dead-locked? Hard to get info'. Thaksin due to return this week. A friend and his family have visited from England. Good to have a farang to chat to. Only here for a short stay. Last day today. First time they have been over for 5 years. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  12. Can't you read Bkk Brian? I stated that we got our news from the trusted BBC. Never went out of my way then, to gather up evidence. I suggest that you learn to read.
  13. None. Only a couple have ever managed to break into the top ten. But there are things that women excel at. Men couldn't compete at their level in this stuff. And good job too. Why we all want to be equal in everything.
  14. @placeholder - Friday last - 09-24 PM I was rubbish at school. Dorothy's hair distracted me. Later is was beer and football. Got chucked out of medical school for asking too many questions. Came to Thailand and joined TV - now AN. It's now all as clear as a Thai farmer's windscreen.
  15. Trust 'scientists'!!! How can we?? Many are compromised. Many are beholden to their sponsors, or grant givers; and could not tell the truth even if they wanted to. Much of the printed stuff in journals is either made up or deliberately obfuscatationary. Only have to look back over the last few years for that. A graph - posted on this thread a few days ago - shows there is disagreement among 'scientists'. Now if the blues are correct then the others are wrong. And if the others are right well,,,,! I take it that they all had access to the same data. I don't know if the Earth is warming up. It was very hot for a 6 week period in April and May this year. As for the climate changing; I'll accept that. Seeing as climate is - and always has been - changing. But where I disagree, with many, is that I do not believe it is man's endeavours that are causing the changes. Our interventions into the natural are insignificant. I reckon all the bods spouting this clap-trap about humans responsible for climate change and global warming, would be better of directing their energies to try stopping corporations fowling the land, and dumping their filth in the rivers and oceans.
  16. Nemo is new to me. A pretty girl with an unusual opening. I reckon her rating is no higher than 1500. I could handle her all right. No probs. I would use the London; if white. If black, then it would depend on her first move. The lady on the left is Anna Campling. A very decent player. I would play with her, but I think she would get the better of me. However, in saying that, I think I would at least have a chance in 'classic' chess. 'Blitz', 'rapid' and the other variations i would get slaughtered. I was at my best some years ago. Don't think - with my rating then of 1750 - I could beat Anna, who rates over 2000. But yer never know. One silly mistake by her, and I would be in for the check-mate.
  17. Got mine delivered this afternoon. Just under 7 weeks from me posting it off; until today. 12,500.
  18. I was in email correspondence with the DDA. I sent her an email and at the bottom wrote SWGTMTFTS. I was half expecting a promotion, and be made CEO. But no! Instead she made me DFO of the RITB research project. Not the happiest time in my life.
  19. Both her mother and father were Chess Grandmasters. She is rated about 2050. Swedish.
  20. Indeed! Black mates on his second move. There is also a mate after black's second move (white's third). There are some things where the female is considerably better than a man. But not chess. PS. Women do go head-to-head with men in swimming.
  21. The problem with that, is that I/we/they are accepting that trans even exist.
  22. As me dear mum used to say: If yer uncle didn't have balls he would be yer aunt.
  23. The comedian Eddie Issard has announced that he intends to contest a seat in the next UK GE. It was reported in one newspapers; and they referred to him as 'she', Has the world gone completely mad? This 'trannie nonsense is taking hold in the schools. that is the real worry for most.
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