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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Owl Log 15-05-2022 - Sunday marning Yesterday afternoon - Saturday 14th - was the darkest I have experienced here in Thailand. It started to get dark at 2-30 and by three is was so dark a couple of lights had to be put on in the house. Stayed like that until it got proper dark at 6ish. There was some rain and a little lightening, but the darkness was an experience. Found an interesting road sign on the way to Ban Dung. Well, four signs all saying that 'Kham chanod' was 20/23k away. I think that's how ya spell it. That's plain enough; 'Kham cha not'. Next one up, just 20 metres further on. A bit further. Swapped the 'K' for a 'C'. Lastly; just round the corner. Back to 20k and a different spelling again. Now, this got me thinking. Is this simply the English translation of the Thai name? Pen, is also seen as Phen or Penn is also Interesting in that way. Another nut cut in the week. Finished up with 19k baht (our share on 50/50 basis). The price has broken through the 10 baht a kg barrier. This is obviously good, but does it forecast the prices of fuel for the not to distant future? Also Indonesia's decision to stop all palm oil exports has a big influence on the price. My last month forecast of 40 baht a litre for diesel might be arriving soon. I have to go to Udon for my 90 day in a few days. Think I'll take the bus or get on the bike. Too expensive in the pick-up now. It wasn't all 'straight into Mrs Owl's purse' however. We set aside 30k for fertilizer. Have to shop about to see what is on offer. Ideally, it would be 50/50 46-0-0 and 0-0-60. Will check and report back in the week. Got the 3 incher working. Had to get a new petrol tank. Fitted that on with little difficulty. But the cap was faulty and had to be changed. To be fair, the shop replaced it at once. Thumbs up to them. The old tank was well pitted. On with the new. Lady dropped the price tp 450 baht; just for me. All told 700 baht. That's a service, oil, plug and tank. Had to put a roof on the budgie cage. Not got any of them to talk yet. Just out of reach. Shame that Poo! Had a cow visit us in the week. She ate about 20 mangoes. A bit close to my avoes there girl. Two avocadoes were planted at the farm in the week. Mrs Owl took control of it all. As she normally does. Then leaves it to me after the easy bit. And into their new homes. I'll be making sure they don't go short of a drink. Mildred caught a nice pla nin in the week from pond five. Was gonna eat it, but not really big enough for two, so gave it away. Still in the dark about the pipe-work that has now finished in the village. Asked the Mrs, but she was not interested enough to answer. Investigating the big mangoes. Just love fondling them. Buddha pond building storming ahead. It's gonna be grand. Mildred's due to go to her new school on Tuesday. Picked up all the clothes that had to be embroidered with the name of the new school last Thursday. She is still showing great enthusiasm for the art. In fact, she is so into it, that Mrs Owl can't always get her to run errands. This latest one is called; 'dentist'. www.mildredart.com Some nice sunsets lately. On the way back from the farm there is always time for sunset fun. Mildred dear! Down a bit and move to the left. Sun it dropping fast. Will be gone in 30 seconds. Visited one of my favourite Ban Dung trees. Real shame about the rubbish. Although the Thais probably wouldn't see the rubbish as rubbish. Just offerings! Can't say I'm looking forward to Mildred returning to school. Her best friend, Aom, won't be joining her. She is going to a boarding school out Loei way. Sure they will touch mobile base often enough though. Plan to pump out pond five next week end. It will, hopefully, give me the chance to get out the nets, that are stuck in the mud. I'm also gonna be busy with the fertilizer for the palms. Interesting and hectic week ahead. George Galloway ducked out of going onto Sonia Poulton's Rise with BNT programme. That's not good George. And what happened to that 'Batley and Spen' by-election legal challenge? Bristol vote to dump the City Mayor. Footy round up. Forest look good to make the final after winning away at the Cuttlers place. Close at the bottom. Leeds simply must win today. Lucky Liverpool win the FA Cup. In the German Bunderliga yesterday, every team scored at least one goal. Don't happen very often in any major league. Fighting talk from Boris and Liz over the Ruskies. Can't get my head around the UK stance on it all. I notice that the BBC's documentaries on the Ukraine far right, that were shown on TV in 2013 and 2014, are no longer available for viewing. Taken out of the archives. We certainly live in uncertain times. Sun is out. Looking lovely outside. Not too hot. Gonna sit in the sun for an hour, and tell the budgies some Thai words to imitate. I know at least 20; not counting numbers and people's names of course. Is there a better place to be in the world right now than Isaan? Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  2. You are not wrong there HP. About a year or so later.
  3. Speaking of birds. Big one in Chai Badan; I think. Dog takes a ride on the 2022. Elephant visits our house. Back in 2008 or 09.
  4. I blame the Russians. If they had insisted "Gas for Roubles or Bitcoin" the price would be shooting up.
  5. When Bitcoin tumbles to below a dollar I'm gonna buy a shed load.
  6. Right you are HP. I can see clearly now the rain has gone. Who sang that? Thanks. Must get a new pair of specks at the 20 baht shop.
  7. Did as you said HP. Still can't see it. Put a circle round it.
  8. That bird is well camouflaged HP. So well that I can't even spot it. I thought that the Tawny Frogmouth was a variety of owl. I checked it in the www and it seems that it is a separate species of bird. I am informed. Learn something new every day. That snake looks as though it could spring up and grab ya nose as easy as anything.
  9. Lovely cow Bannork. We never had any cows, but did have two buffaloes (no pics). Also had a tribe of pigs. Tookee and Shampoo And their piglets. This was in the very early days. What happened to those shorts? Old hut. New house being built. Must make it clear that I didn't work at all. Just posing for the camera. Fatty looking on. Even fatter. Went to Ban Dung on Thursday. It absolutely teemed down for an hour. Left for home at three, and half way along the roads were dry. Not lucky with the rain.
  10. The lowest price I can see for one year trading is 26,740.
  11. Didn't think Wycombe would get there TBH. I'll have a tickle on both The Owls and Derby getting promoted next season. Get about 7/8 to 1 at the start of next season. Nice win double.
  12. You are right of course HP. We had already done a bit of fishing before the holiday in Harlow. Catching little tench and crucians, so she knew the score. But on that theme. Mrs Owl was amazed at how many rabbits there were seemingly everywhere. When we went to Norfolk they were even on the grassy roundabouts. In Wisbeach they were protected. The town was home to my wife before's brother and his family. Mrs Owl and my niece Zee.
  13. A few more West Country pics. Mrs Owl's biggest of the trip. About 11/12 lbs. Colourful carp from another pond. Ponies and horses everywhere around Dartmoor. And cattle. Not forgetting the sheep. Heathercombe School; on the edge of Dartmoor. I was sent there for 4/5 months in 1956. Got in big trouble for staying out all night, to see who was putting fresh flowers on Jay's Grave. Never found out. Beautiful Exmoor. Me; looking on with envy as the fisherman takes his chances in the surf. Braving the elements for a couple of flatties. Enjoy!
  14. Finely chop up papaya and neem leaves. Put them on the bite area and stay calm. Sleep if possible. My friend was bitten by a cobra. Didn't go to hospital.
  15. Had a visit from Black Girl earlier. White Boy tied up. Just as well. Those horns look sharp. A bit scary. But Black Girl free to roam. She just loves fruit. video_20220510_103634.mp4 Mrs Owl came out and scared her away.
  16. Pics of Thailand. Ko Chang Pattaya. Biggest of the day. Water Market. Udon Thani. Simply no respect! At the farm. Mildred tending her plants. At home. Fang and Dutch.
  17. Without being too soppy; I reckon Mrs HP is lucky to have you bud. Mrs Owl was in England for six months. I was working for the first 4 months or so. The pics appear to tell a story of a carefree life experience. Always been a bit of a 'snapper'. For past work and interest. Unfortunately I lost thousands - both hard pics and stored images - when my wife passed away in 2006. Many of West Africa, Jamaica and Cuba, as well as England. But life goes on. Have many great pics if anyone would like to see them posted (noted Andy D). Mostly of west of England, but also Spain, East Anglia and London. I had a top-notch camera then, so the images are pretty good. All stored away on memory sticks.
  18. Hiked around Hound Tor and Great Tor. Visited Jay's Grave. About 20 miles all told. Started raining at two in the afternoon. Went to Fenworth Resoviour and I bought her a hot dog. The Mrs wanted an ice cream; but they were so expensive. So I turned her off that by saying she would catch a chill.. Hound Tor. Fenworth Ressie. Jay's Grave. So it was a 10 day fishing holiday with trips out to interesting places. We also went looking for the Beast of Bodmin Moor. Didn't spot it, but enjoyed the fantastic countryside that Bodmin and Exmoor have to offer.. Mrs Owl couldn't get over how clear of rubbish it was. I left my work in early May and we returned to Thailand on the last week of June. Spent time visiting Huntingdonshire, London, Norfolk, and of course my favourite place in the whole world; Essex. River Ouse. Big Bill; or was it Ben? Tring.
  19. We had a couple of weeks off before we were due to come back to Thailandl Went tree hunting in Somerset. Visited footy grounds. Down the coast for a bit of shivering. Climbing and just relaxing.
  20. She had a decent hiking cane and correct footwear. It was a little cold that day. But I had the foresight to put a couple of 'wind-cheaters' in her ruck-sack. She seemed to enjoy the fishing. It was mid June but wet and cold. Think she thought that English summers were warm She caught a couple of nice ones. Seemed happy when she was catching carp/
  21. It wasn't all fishing. One day we went hiking on the moors near Heathercombe.
  22. You are not wrong there Andy. Don't think she likes anything that I do. She was a nightmare in England when she was there with me. The worst time was when I took her fishing to Devon for a week. Moan. moan moan! "Mrs Owl", I would say. "Can't you keep your feet still. Scaring the fish, and talk in a whisper." Mildred was not around back then. Fortunately she loves a lot of things that her Mum don't care for.
  23. Agree with you about yesterday. Listening to Parov Stelar, one eye on the footy and trying to do a bit of HTML coding all at the same time. Also got notifications coming in from Thai visa. Now Mrs Owl is yak yak me for not listening to her rabbit on about something or other.
  24. Drama indeed Andy!! Big day for the battle down below. Now that the title is sorted, all eyes on the bottom of the table.
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