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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. You seem to be conflating data with projections. We have much more complete and accurate data from the financial sector, yet we have no model that will accurately predict it. With climate change, we have less data and many more variables, yet we're supposed to be absolutely certain the models are accurate. I do not doubt that the Earth is warming, nor do I doubt that human activity has an impact on that, but it the problem is CO2, why are we shutting down nuclear and hydro? Why are we compelling people to burn wood and dung when they could be burning gas?
  2. How is it a misrepresentation? You think the issue is not enough money? Who runs the big cities and virtually all the schools in the US?
  3. That looks like a good price and configuration. I had this Asus before the Acer and really liked it, but it had a motherboard issue (which had to be replaced) and later it had a charging issue (the connection). Great display and keyboard. I bought it in January of 2018 while I visiting the US and it was $799. Be advised, unless something had changed, Asus would not honor the warranty on my motherboard, which blew. Be advised, if you're friend sends something to you and you try to avoid the VAT and duty you may end up paying significantly more, and shipping will cost more than if you ship it direct.
  4. This is what I got a few months ago, the NUC is still the same price, but I paid about $50 more for the SSD and $11 more for the RAM:
  5. I'm glad he was impressed, I was not. It's okay, and I'm using it, I just don't like the keyboard. I'm not in the market for another laptop.
  6. This is probably a wind-up, but on the off-chance it's not, my advice is to quit feeling sorry for yourself, man-up and take care of your wife and child. Or do like a lot of guys here are recommending and just flush their lives down the toilet.
  7. I love cruise control and use it all the time here. I've only used "adaptive" cruise control in US rentals and you could turn it off and on, it was okay.
  8. Do you have a lot of flat tires?
  9. Singha Smart Family 02-725-4777 They have an English option.
  10. It is the hottest, driest areas getting greener, not the cold areas. Plants generally need CO2 to grow.
  11. I agree, believing the proliferation if EVs will significantly reduce climate change is idiocy. Would you please provide support for your claims that: 1. Leaders are pocketing fossil fuel bribes. 2. Leaders are denying there is a problem. 3. Most US companies pay no taxes. Thanks!
  12. Nope, no me one, never.
  13. I would buy a filter if I thought my wife would drink it. Treating water is pretty cheap and easy.
  14. I do not, my wife orders it, I'll find out. You have to pay the deposit for the bottles and buy a coupon book for the refills. We have ten bottles total and usually order six at a time.
  15. The big delays are after New Year, Songkran and Motor Show.
  16. I have an Acer Swift i5, 14", 8GB/512 I bought in Aug '08 and I like it, but I hate the keyboard. It seems a bit sketchy and the backlighting is cr*p. My last computer I ordered from B & H in the US, had it delivered here and saved a good bit over local prices.
  17. I did not make a comment, I asked a question.
  18. That's great to know. I'll set up a wellness visit in the US next time I visit. I don't suppose you have a recommendation for a facility/doctor in Southern California? Thanks again!
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