That the right disagrees with the left on how best to address the issues you listed, among others, does not mean the right does not want to address them.
For example, the inner-city schools run by the left are so bad that many poor students are not able score high enough on the SAT to qualify for university. The left's solution is to lower admission standards and make taking the SAT optional. When not enough poor students graduate, the left's solution is to lower graduation standards.
The right's solution is to improve the quality of K-12 education in the inner-city.
But you go dude, tax the rich, make driving unaffordable for the poor, put the farmers out of business to save the Delta Smelt, mandate that everyone that does not want to work for healthcare gets it free, open the border, kill all the babies you can, and get as many kids as you can to change genders, it's all good.