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About PeterA

  • Birthday 11/11/1955

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  1. We got a call 2 months ago that instead of the 12th, payments were due on the 20th. No biggie.
  2. Anytime trump does something stupid, which seems to be every day, he brings up another deflection. "Don't look at the man behind the curtain ".
  3. I don't think the Chinese are that stupid. They know it would be the end of most everyone. They know if no one intervened, the least that would happen would be a total collapse of their economy when all nations but places like N. Korea stop trade. They are only trying to save face by the shows of force. And in Asia, saving face is more important than anything.
  4. I have had an account with Schwab for a about 5 years now. They have my Thai phone number. They know I live in Thailand. They also have an address for me in the US. All documents are done on-line. If I remember right, I had to call them to set it up, but it might not be needed now.
  5. If people want to drink, they will buy it from the shops that sell it anytime. Or, they wait until they can buy all they want at 7-11 or other stores. The places that will see a boost is restaurants and bars. I don't see it boosting the general economy at all, just changing the times it is sold.
  6. You should be a writer. Too funny!
  7. "Personally I'd rather have citizenship like every foreign female who is married to a Thai guy can obtain after 3 years of marriage.".. Really, is this true?
  8. My 2.5 year old Samsung is in the shop for a major repair (I hope). Warranty has expired. These don't last forever. A 2-3 year old phone is probably on it's last leg. These are not like the phones of 10 years ago that did nothing.
  9. Who gives a flying rats A^$ about fads? I will get a tattoo when I want one, not when some fashionista tells me to or not to. Ridiculous.
  10. I am also type 2. I have a bowl of mixed fruit and yogurt every morning. My A1c is low 6 to high 5 with metformin and Insulin now. I did a google search on everything I eat for the glycemic load and glycemic index. I have a long list of things ok to eat. Many fruits are low GI. The ones that you stay away from are watermelon, jack- fruit, pineapple, dried dates, most dried fruits (drying concentrates the sugars), yellow (sweet) bananas, canned pears.
  11. I think most get into the field for a few reasons; Maybe a family member is also in the field, and - or the money is over the top, and you only have to deal with one <deleted> at a time. So much easier than a brain or heart surgeon, or gastrointestinal. Even a decent dentist can make near a cool $Mill.. USD in a average year. I know, I have some family that do medical stuff...
  12. I don't see it ever happening. More so in the country, far from the police or government. Burning goes on here every day, year round. Oh, the police are here, so they say. But you never see them, only when stopping and checking motorcycles once a month or so.
  13. Always try to stay nearest the airport as possible. I prefer morning flights. The 5 hour drive to the airport is a drag, so I can take an easy drive the day before and not worry about being late for my flight. If I lived in Bangkok, it would be different.
  14. I go to the Bangkok Bank office just a few KLMS from Korat immigration the morning of my application to immigration. I get my one year statement inside of 10 minutes. I've done this 3 or 4 years now. They know exactly how to do it. No delays.
  15. If you take a walk anywhere in Thailand, you will see garbage dumped. It is such a common occurrence, I am never surprised.
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