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  • Birthday 04/06/1971

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  1. Been to Gordon Ramsey pub/eatery there. That was actually quite good.
  2. Trump is all over the place cleaning up every plot against good Americans "Four alleged victims of sexual violence by self-styled ‘misogynist influencer’ react after reports US envoy asked for travel restrictions on Tate to be lifted" https://www.theguardian.com/news/2025/feb/18/andrew-tates-alleged-victims-urge-us-officials-to-stay-out-of-romanian-criminal-proceedings
  3. I repeat if you did not understand my point: I have noticed places that was free for these drug tourists, are now their new playground for their drug party holidays. Kids and also elderly who seeks out these arenas, used to stay in jungle parties in Laos, now they seek out new territories in Thailand who now made it possible for the drug business to establish themselves new pristine places. I have travelled more than 20 years to these places and know what I'm talking about.
  4. I know, there is no sarcasm emotion on this forum 😉 Trump like great big investments when he can take the fame, but here he left 3 trillion investment by Nato and "3,500 coalition troops were killed in action, 70,000 from the Afghan Security Forces and tens of thousands of civilians" Calling spitting on people on his way out creating caos
  5. I'm signing out, still got this day to make you all miss me even more as promised 😁✈️ Will be back for a short visit in a few months, and then gone for another 4 months. Maybe I enjoy my time more next time.e without the forum. Addictive toxic
  6. How is it done? Where and how long time? Any experiences?
  7. I agree, but I also hate uneducated ignorant right wings who do not understand bits and things above concern themselves as much as anyone else. Edit note: Forgot women abusing drugheads
  8. So not all about money laundry, international restrictions and regulations, war on terror, illegal companies and crypto exchange without being taxed? Thai banks to operate internationally need to comply to international rules and regulations
  9. There is no emotion for this one. He basically gave Taliban back Afghanistan and Afghanistan is back to zero!
  10. (Dimethyltryptamine) and it is becoming more popular than yaba, and even more available in certain areas, together with other club drugs, mdma, lsd, ketamin,,,, You wouldn't notice in the beer bar districts where most likely blue and brown/yellow pills are the most consumed together with blood pressure and cholesterol medication
  11. It was Yagodas plan, to boycott thailand
  12. I hear you say so, and with your intelligence, you understand complicated economics and also world politics through fox News Quite spit on how I experience you and how you are viewing the world 😁👏
  13. We are not noticeable with our 100k maybe who visit or live here. I guys 10% is gay or so, but with our oil money, I guess we spend a bit more than you. Quite a bit. You know, we Norwegians own the oil and gass, not cooperations and stock holders.
  14. Bring the British, Germans and Russians on board to for a massive boycot.
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