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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. The church (religious) played the tyrant for a long time, and still do many places. In these days, where are people going to find some kind of respect for their leaders, when there is no major risk involved, or nobody willing to risk anything, because most have a decent life? We (I with many) Have everything we need, shelter, protection, food, education, but still very few feel self realization, and thats a problem. The worst problem to solve for many here at AN, is visa and enough money for beer and ladies. Thats all they care about, or staying sustainable so they can continue to gluttony their way to death with no whatsoever regrets.
  2. Both, and also need to be a bit tyrant, because true democracy will finely implode by its own weight
  3. Without people following leaders, we would still lived in caves! Great societies need good leaders and people who are willing to following them, and do as they are told. It comes with both, good and bad
  4. And you didnt bother to buy her a machine? No wonder she is your x ????
  5. Depends what kind of clothes you have. Wouldn’t sent my Calvin Klain jeans to those laundry shops. But in real they Charge from 40 baht to 70 baht pr kg. Double if express.
  6. Never spent less money pr month after settle with my lady. A little investment in her minifarm, and normal days float away on 30k a month with all included.
  7. Have a look at pollution by capital instead of country emissions. Please read https://climate.selectra.com/en/carbon-footprint/most-polluting-countries
  8. When 50k is all you got, you should plan your spending less than that, and put aside a bit for emergency and “holidays” when needed.
  9. A cousin of the gf went this year on legal 5 year contract agriculture as well, 60 000 a month to start.
  10. Do not haggling at all these days, and can't remember I went to buy something at the marked where I needed to either. Pretty much know when I find decent T-shirts of quality, and also know the prices. But again, do not shopping much at all where haggling is a must. My gf do the shopping and talking, and in most cases she is getting the correct price. Taxi we use fixed prices and if we are delayed they know by flight number or we informed them. Before COVID I had the same driver for 3 years, so no need to haggle, but more important to give tip.
  11. Religion have been with us for good and bad, and I do not think with any other system we would had been better or worse off, because of our true nature. Can not fake our nature through religion, politics or any other system that needs to control the masses from themselves. Let loose everyone on social media or here, and you know where it will be heading in just hours of free thoughts and free will typing ecactly what they want. Sit back and see it devolops in front of you. People are deleted nuts when you give the chance to show their truly self. Some is worse than others who manage to pull the rest in some direction or the other, because there will always be two poles pulling. Yin and Yang
  12. I see the religion as an easy way to abuse people and power in the nature of religion as a way to teach other people about the truth of God! Narure is absolute, but religion is what it is now in this moment, and thats not absolute.
  13. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men Lord Acton https://oll.libertyfund.org/quote/lord-acton-writes-to-bishop-creighton-that-the-same-moral-standards-should-be-applied-to-all-men-political-and-religious-leaders-included-especially-since-power-tends-to-corrupt-and-absolute-power-corrupts-absolutely-1887
  14. Fun or funny is words being used often when people do something or meet up for socialising? I remember me as a kid and young man had a-lot of fun, and also laughed alot, but the older I got, the more experiences I got, the more challenges I overcame, the less I got the feeling of fun. Enjoy and enjoyment comes to mind as more correct. I enjoy life alot more the older I get, but fun? No What is fun for you? I did not have any boring life, and still do not have a boring life comparing to others, and also more satisfying or more satisfied comes to mind as a more correct word for me.
  15. Im in my 50’ies now, thats the past when I earned my fame and attraction by what I did, and what I was. Im retired and retarded now ???? It have been fun to survive the crazyness I did put myself through, and the illusion of fame after, where nice girls knew who you where, and wanted to hang out with you. But, sad to say, that explit feeling doesnt last long, and you had new projects to finalise. Now happy to be alive, but fun? Yeah, being alive was more fun before, when you did did put your life at stake for the feeling av being alive. I guess many girls who working, get the thrill out of it to sometimes, but its all an illusion and it will not last. The smart ones gets out of it before its to late.
  16. Im still trying to figure out what is fun in life. I read about people having fun, but, I just cant see it. Monthy python was fun back in the time, but now its just nostalgia. Bargirls was exitement and intersting back in the days, but after the experience and repeated experience, not so much anymore. It was nice to hang out, but fun? I have alot of excitement in life, but fun, hm I enjoy living, dont get me wrong, I just dont see the fun anymore as I used to, or maybe I never did? Back to topic, many bg’s do farming in their retirement days with or without sponsors. If they good at being a bg, Im sure they have other talents to.
  17. First time we went there, we turned around and went to Panda Rider, and I bought complete goretex two piece suit, boots, gloves, helmet and more accessories to my gf, so they missed out on that one. But I believe they really do not care much, since their customers seems to be quite wealthy Thai riders who can afford their prices on high end gear and equipment. Later followed Paddock on FB, and they have some really good sales quite often, and seem to have what you need in stock when you need it. But their service in shop, sucks indeed
  18. I know, thats why the questions
  19. A bit more information would help a lot. Got a few promo biker girls contacts living in Surat Thanis. What kind of girls you looking for, tattoos, height ? What kind of model work presentation, contract, pay, length. And also reputation of the responsible agent searching.
  20. Ends up in the same category who rage over beer prices. Mentals
  21. From last year https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/thai-government-says-covid-treatment-is-free-but-patients-report-hefty-bills March this year https://www.thaipbsworld.com/a-guide-to-the-ucep-plus-treatment-scheme-for-covid-19-patients/ From March 16, people who test positive for COVID-19 will no longer be able to claim free treatment under Thailand’s Universal Coverage for Emergency Patients (UCEP). However, those with serious COVID symptoms or significant underlying risks will still be able to turn to the new scheme, UCEP Plus, for free medical help. UCEP Plus is for Thais only, not for foreigners.
  22. Yes, they said so, but in reality no. Have being several cases where foreigners have been left with bills up to one million for treatment in private hospitals.
  23. I hate when AN overrule my media players. It is one of the things that make you considering quit this page beacause they do not care how the experience being here really is.
  24. It was a nice stop on our bike trip.
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