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Everything posted by Agusts

  1. Only buy items that are sold a lot and have a lot of positive reviews from Lazada and Shopee, also LazMall sellers always send good quality and genuine goods with warranty...
  2. I had a puncture plug in the rear tire when I got the Forza last year. It was losing air slowly, but last week I noticed it let even more air out than normal, so I thought let's replace the plug, maybe it will fix it. The usual corner shop happily had a go, but as usual a messy job. Couldn't get the fabric material out, so he just pushed it in, and put another one. Was even going without the glue until I asked him to put some on it. He really had a go at scrubbing the hole a lot though, and I think he made it even a bigger hole now...! Anyway, a week on and I still lose about 1psi a day, so pretty waste of time, though only cost 100 baht..., I was thinking is it worth trying those patches from the inside..., Are they any better...? Or is the hole just too big now and not worth the effort..., and have to get a new tire... (it's a few years old but still good, about 12k on it). It's the rear, so not as critical as the front...
  3. Good info from everyone, I'm guessing we can use the Wise swift facility too, they also can send using swift the money that's there on Wise account in original currency and let receiving bank do the exchange..., I think they charge the same as banks for swift transfer... I'm saying this because some of us have already money there on Wise, in GBP, USD etc. - theg pay good interest on their accounts... I say use swift, so it's less hassle getting that FCT certificate this way...
  4. Does this TT apply when GBP is sent via SWIFT or Wise into a baht account at Bangkok Bank...? I also have GBP account at BB, can send GBP into that, and then at a later time transfer that to baht account, I guess that does not use TT...!?
  5. As an example I just checked today Bangkok Bank exchange GBP to THB at 41.58. And Wise does it 42.49 - and on say about £47300 charges £250, to deliver about 2 mill baht - max allowed. So using bank exchange will cost about £800 more, give it take, say about 1.5%, it's not the end of the world, but that's what I was investigating (I think dollar is bit better) , I guess they have rigged the system for Thai banks to benefit..., nothing new...! I'm also told they put certain amount as official selling price, to take care of this FCT certificate at lower amount , and the rest is paid in cash, is that the norm.....?
  6. If you're talking about Thai tax, if less than 180 days here, not applies...
  7. That's good to know if selecting that option it does not deliver baht... As for limits, surely can send multiple transfer and get certificate for each....?
  8. I'm doing a bit of research for myself and friends, they tell me for buying property a farang buyer must get a FCT (foreign currency transfer) certificate from the bank for the money that he's paying for the condo..., and for this it's best to transfer dollar or euro to a same currency account here and let the bank exchange that to baht...! But this means bank using terrible exchange rate..., I've seen on Wise.com when transferring money it has an option "buying property", wouldn't that be enough for Bangkok Bank for example to certify that this transfer was from abroad etc. for this particular purpose...?
  9. I see most foreigners try to buy a condo with freehold title, so they can fully own it. But there are many good offers for leasehold too, I'm not too concerned about financial outlook of it in 30 years - won't last that long and not worry about it..., but I want to know what are the pitfalls of this scenario until then, either leasing directly from condo management or private Thai owner...!? I'm told they can demand more common fees, or other fees while can not from freeholder - odd to me, as if increase for this is approved it applies to all condos...!? Otherwise what right might not have, like if I want to replace toilet, or the sink or kitchen top, could they refuse permission....? While not if it was freeholder... Could they cancel the contract altogether...? After all it's like a long term rent..., would there be any compensation that worth it... (say in 10 years the rental or value could double, and they prefer to kick me out and sell or tent etc..)...? Anything else come to mind...
  10. Well, for us there is usually 2 options, dealer or FB marketplace. I think auction is too complicated unless you have a Thai assistant - that still may need he or she to register and buy it...! Dealers usually 10% to 20% more expensive, but at least there is a shop to go back to. Normally they don't mess around with dodgy bike and paperwork, at least you sure it's not a con in that way, though I know they play with the mileage sometimes..., lower it. FB is not that bad, of course need to make sure you know about the model you are after, do a bit of research. Never pay in advance for anything, let someone else check the paperwork, only pay once at DLT after they checked and accepted the green book etc., dealing with foreigners always easier of course...! Many people buy this way...
  11. Very useful and precise tips, in practice hard to do all that, but must try..., The Google Translate has on camera translation that can help to get simple things quickly understood, of course no replacement for official translator... Also when you mention the government insurance pays for injuries, I assume this is when going to hospital, at that time , is it enough to show "my" compulsory insurance right there and get the treatment for free...? (up to 30k if not established whose fault). Do they need opposite side insurance too... 🤔 Or do you mean they pay us afterwards by presenting receipts...? I am not sure about this one...! I guess this is the same question with any extra insurance..., generally it's easier/better to get it before and not pay anything, but it would be good to know...
  12. I think RR is the cheapest can get here, 900b for Forza model. I bought one and it was okay, disconnected it when away for like 6 or 7 months, worked well after coming back. Had it for a couple of years before selling the bike and no problem...
  13. Yes, I checked them out, they look good, not cheap but as it's Thai made I guess the warranty works, and could get some support... They even have one with front and rear cemeras in one...! Looks descent with 7 hours of recording on battery... But I got Roojai 3rd party insurance now, and I hope they are as good when coming to claim as when buying their insurance - that's when a company really shine, taking money is easy...! So I thought I don't care much about incidents/accidents, insurance should pay, my fault or not, I leave the camera hassle for now, maybe another time... By the way, my friend got 3rd party from the girls sitting at kiosk outside Phuket DLT and got 200,000 baht bailbond, but Roojai has only 50,000, I was surprised..., but with insurance paying for any damage/injury would this become important, no need to lock us up in this case to need to pay bailbond...!? 🤔
  14. Yes, it's a bit tricky, always have a contract of sale signed by both parties and a witness..., hopefully that's enough to prove bike is sold and no longer in your possession... Many people specially dealers don't transfer the bike, so a real hassle later. Specially foreigner's visa page expires and DLT won't accept it. Thais are okay... I went to DLT after selling my bike and asked them to check if bike is no longer in my name, fortunately it wasn't...! If no date on the forms you signed then they are okay, it's probably just visa page issue. Just tell him he has to wait until your passport is back, that's all is needed..., and sign any other form required later... (if have a Thai wife or friend, best to write bike details on the forms...).
  15. So did your buddy Walter figured out where all US lube spending went, or that part was just using great imagination...? And by the way I totally agree that if those condoms were used locally, for local population, it could have prevented the huge teenage pregnancy problem that is now becoming a serious issue considering no abortion permits..., oh, wait a minute, condoms are not allowed either , right...!?
  16. That 1.3b plan of Canada was designed a year or so ago, and it was on the card to be implemented, just mentioned here as a feel good factor for you know who...! Many sources have reported that only 1.5% of the drug mentioned is coming through the northern borders...! Shouldn't they be more concerned about other 98.5%, than raising hell with their closest ally and start an economic war with them...? The drug and border are just excuses for executive orders, without it any of this has to be approved by lower/upper houses that never would , the real reason is somewhere else of course, and they know it well, can no longer compete with Canada, Mexico, China, etc. etc. ..., yes, it's tough now...!
  17. This is one of those made up rules that try to circumvent the Thai law, which is very strict about 30 years lease (a bit like creating company to buy land/house). But we never know until the time comes... I've seen those girls selling condo projects in shopping malls keep going on about 90 year lease, and unsuspecting tourists nod with approval and say that's great...!
  18. The latest national security emergency executive order is released: Canada and China are banned from 2028 Olympics, because they might win more medals than the host...!!!! 😜 It's getting hard to compete... lol P. S. Fake alert... 😉
  19. It will be chaos as usual..., nothing new...!
  20. To be honest, now that you mention it, I've never seen a Honda Wave for rent in any shop in all of Phuket all these years....!!!? I have seen normal geared bikes with clutch, but not a semi-auto..., although half of Thais riding Wave all over Thailand. ..! I guess rentals cater for tourists and they prefer auto scooters, also their underseat space..., but don't give up. Years ago I privately rented a scooter from a guy who worked in the restaurant across the street. Very old one so not worry about damaging it. Maybe just ask around from Thais and make an offer to rent their Wave, or maybe they know someone...
  21. I'm thinking of getting one of those small mini cameras to put in front of my Forza, in case of any incident, I think even if it doesn't work that well, just showing it to a culprit might help him to back off and negotiate, if at fault...! On normal bikes it's easy to mount one on handlebar and probably just take some wire around for power, but it's hard on scooters like Forza with nowhere to mount, and I don't like to make holes on the panels...! So I was thinking about those small car dashcams using battery with no screen that they stick to windscreen...! They even stick them to helmets, so I thought it might stand some vibration or rain - although not a lot of it I guess...!? Can take it off when parked - I've seen a few on Internet... Has anybody used these, specially on scooters...?
  22. Just disconnect the battery when you leave, most of the time when back it still has a little to start the bike. Otherwise take the battery to any corner shop nearby, or with your own charger, let it charge for 30min, it will have enough to start the bike, and then go for an hour ride and all be okay..., we have been doing it for over 15 years, and so far so good...!
  23. This is also safer option, but heard some horror stories about leasing houses / condos; A falange guy down in the south leased a house, went back home for a couple of months. Back and saw a boat parked in the garden...!? The owner said it's still my land, I can park my boat, go get a lawyer and complain to the court..., which he knows probably takes years and lots of money...! Another one, not sure of a condo or house, wanted to refurbish the bathroom, but was told not allowed at all..., it says so in the lease agreement...! , so stuck with old bathroom and the rest for the next 30 years...!!!!? What rights and dos and don'ts included in the lease, sounds pretty restrictive and almost a trap...! 🤔 My own personal experience was 3 Swedish guys leased a whole 3 floor, 6 condo building for 10 years, after was newly built, I was renting a condo from them there.... , right after lease ended the Thai owner asked ten times the previous rent and throw them all out, basically having to give back at the end of any term is a sure thing..., I always laugh when they mention 90 years lease, based on 3 x 30 years..., it never happens..., will be kicked out after tge first one... 😅
  24. You would think that, although I never had an issue, my friend put some blue bulbs for his low dim lights and change a side panel on the sides to solid black, and the guy failed him on both...! 🙄
  25. I think the bike is needed irrespective of the age, they need to check chasis number and colour etc. for name transfer in the green book. Bikes over 5 years old must go to inspection center for checkup to renew tax every year, that's another story...
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