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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. I knew it was him before I even clicked on the article. Now, what is "outgoings?"
  2. What sort of man wears another man's name and number on his shirt?
  3. AN cares. Without the old white guys, this forum would fold up and close. All the younger white girls and guys in Thailand are on Twitter.
  4. Three is enough. Not going to do four within a year, unless they require it for immigration. Then, I would opt for AZ. No mRNA at all.
  5. Hard to say, really. Again, as I said earlier, walking around my village this morning somewhere just below a third of everybody I saw out and about had no mask, including vendors on their carts. I went without a mask until I crossed the street and hit the 7 Eleven parking lot. But even as I was putting it on, maybe 10 - 15 Thais around me weren't wearing, not even on their chin. I'll bet there are a good number of Thais that will welcome not needing a mask while walking around in the open air.
  6. It still seems difficult to say he is imposing anything, as long as he follows the established directives. Herd mentality? No. But would it be accurate to say "communal society?" Certainly most all of Asia is more communal in its orientation than is Western Europe or North America. And I don't see why a person needs to deny his origins in order to live in SE Asia. Adapt and follow Asian rules, customs, and laws, yes. But attempts at being just as Thai as the Thais seems destined to fail. And Thais will not accept it anyway. At any rate, I don't live in an expat enclave. I'm the only Westerner in my village and hardly ever see another one. Maybe places like Pattaya are where something of a culture war takes place. I don't know. I haven't even been into central Bangkok in two years.
  7. How is he trying to impose his will on Thailand? He's following the directive that allows people to go without a mask outside. He took off his mask after emerging from a 7 Eleven. Looks like a fluid, coherent report to me.
  8. Walking around my suburban Bangkok village and across the highway to 7 Eleven and the market that is also there, I wasn't alone this morning in going maskless. Probably less than a third of the crowd. But definitely a difference from last week
  9. I hope one of the lasting results of Covid and high fuel prices is the death of cheap flights/rides crammed to the gills. I'd be happy to see ticket prices rise to the equivalent of what they were in the 60s and 70s, all the while making air travel the luxurious alternative it used to be. Just junk the entire concept of economy seating that forces people to travel like pigs in a factory farm. Of course, it would be nice if people maintained their weight and controlled their size back to 60s and 70s standards, too. Whales should pay extra for their tonnage.
  10. There are no Christian fundamentalists on the Supreme Court. Roman Catholics on the bench did this. It's an importation of Vatican doctrine into the US. My guess is the other side will be happier when Vatican backed decisions on immigration come before them. Personally, I favor abortion on demand up to 14 weeks, with exceptions made thereafter for the health of the mother. In fact, I think it should be encouraged in many, many instances. I'd bet that my view is a solid majority among most Americans. I do wish there was a push for a Constitutional amendment to settle this once and for all. That would really put politicians on the hot seat and those hawking the idea that life begins at conception would find themselves thrown out on their ear.
  11. A good portion of that 330,000 likely are no longer drawing social security and medicare/medicaid. Lots of money saved. Lots of congressmen happy.
  12. Nothing gets elderly potheads out of joint like questioning the wisdom of their weed habit.
  13. Old men and their money. In a short time, they want care either way.
  14. Neeranam must be the happiest person on AN right at this moment. Bet he's buying hand over fist.
  15. Well, I can see it if it's humid. I suppose London is that, humid that is. But the key to me is always how much you are able to cool off at night. You can ride out some very warm temperatures during the day. But if you don't get relief at night, that's the killer.
  16. Sounds like perfect weather to me. Between 27 and 30 is my comfort zone. Anything up to 35 is okay, as long as the humidity drops in the 40s or lower 50s percent. Wonder what would happen to these people if they had to deal with 40 or 41 or even 42.
  17. Just got back from Lotus. Sought out and bought two large cartons of Chaokoh Coconut milk, because that is who Peta is targeting.
  18. Ever seen the inside of a Walmart? The monkeys are already there. They're the customers.
  19. Question: do the PETA fanatics behind this also think your pet dog or pet cat is being held in slavery and must be given emancipation?
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