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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. This is the most important question for those of us living here. For years now, things have been on a slow boil making life increasingly more dangerous for Americans and Europeans in SE Asia. Had Xi managed to cancel Pelosi's trip indirectly through appealing to the Pentagon generals or Biden or directly through threats, our position would have been degraded. It may not have been a tipping point, but it would have been a landmark leading to one. I just hope that Pelosi has in fact united a bipartisan position against Xi in the US. BTW, let me hasten to add, that I like China and the Chinese. You could even say I'm smitten with their history. But their leader is a totalitarian dictator who wants to turn the world into a mirror image of his surveillance state. I don't want that.
  2. Trump seemed to be doing something, but he caved into Xi because he didn't want "his" stock market to go down. I supported Trump's early China stances and actions (btw, remember the export agreements that China signed and never delivered on?), including sanctions and tariffs. But it was all empty air when it came time to act and Trump ended up almost begging Xi to buy American soybeans. That said, Biden's failure to delist Chinese PLA stocks from American exchanges, ban things like Tik Tok, and let Meng Wanzhou go free from extradition show weakness. Biden is a weak and corrupt man. Trump is a corrupt bully with a huge yellow streak. Members of congress are on the PRC payroll too. There simply needs to be an accounting. As far as Pelosi, she did the right thing and has showed up China for what it is, a country going into hysterics over a 24 hour visit by an 83 year old woman. Pelosi comes out strong and Xi looks weak. Frankly, she boxed him in. Had xi done nothing, he loses. But doing what he has done with a blockade of Taiwan makes him look like an impulsive nutcase. I don't side much with Pelosi on domestic matters, but she was masterful in this case.
  3. Yes. Could well be. I have no political party preference in any of this. Speculators and profiteers on both sides are guilty, including Mitch McConnell, btw. As long as people defend "their" party and "their" favorite politicians for the roles they've taken on China, the more the US loses the war that is going on right now.
  4. China has aided Russia against Ukraine. When asked, China also refused to use its influence to keep Myanmar from executing pro democracy activists. There is no need any longer to maintain the fiction that China can be a partner in anything. Flood Taiwan with weapons, kick Chinese companies from listing on Wall Street, indict Americans who have in the past and who are now serving PRC interests.
  5. Ought to try the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat hospital near Central Pinklao.
  6. It is amazing to see people cheer for China just because it's Pelosi who has belled the cat.
  7. Might want to get a professional opinion, instead of one from Dr. Google.
  8. Then, I assume Thailand will be issuing a condemnation of China's "live fire" exercises surrounding Taiwan, beginning today. Essentially, it amounts to a blockade. Perhaps the US should set a submarine or two off the waters of Singapore and announce a "live fire" exercise for any cargo, container, or tankers going to China.
  9. The author, I believe, is a well known mouthpiece for authoritarian dictators and is hostile to anything American. Pelosi did the right thing, here. I hope China-US relations have been upset permanently, because China is an enemy. If so, Pelosi will have been instrumental in turning policy away from American surrender to the dictator, Xi. There needs to be an accounting in the US for all those alive and dead who were responsible for this disastrous policy. I don't care how old and feeble he is, Kissinger should be in prison, along with the Bushes, especially George W., and the Clintons, especially Bill.
  10. Unfortunately, Trump was all hot air when it came to China. As soon as it hurt "his" stock market, he backed down. Finally, he ended up begging Xi to buy American soybeans. And now today China is still raising capital for its state owned enterprises tied to the Chinese army on Wall Street. The real culprits in all this are the Bushes and the Clintons. They, along with Nixon and Kissinger, gave away the store. And the US businesses that followed lemming-like. Put them all in chains and behind bars.
  11. There is this, but I think there was another larger outbreak more recently, too. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30164990
  12. Wasn't there video a few years ago of some bank's employees breaking into safety deposit boxes?
  13. For the past 30 years, "good relations" with China has made that country the economic and military equal of the US. It's resulted in the destruction of US industry and the American middle class. And you want relations back where they were so China can kick the US out of the Pacific and East Asia? I don't know if you're in Thailand, but if the US is humiliated or defeated by China because of the naysayers back in the Us, our lives here are going to take a hit, too.
  14. It was just 12 years ago when I first got here. You could walk into the embassy any time, without an appointment. Make a mistake and you could dash outside to get whatever you needed and come back a bit later. Also preferred to submit documents for a new passport in person and pick up the passport in person. Won't go into the income letter for retirement and how we were contemptuously discarded.
  15. Both parties have backed themselves into a corner. Pelosi/Biden looks weak if she doesn't go. And, now, Xi looks even weaker if he doesn't significantly respond.
  16. When I taught at Mahidol, I met a taxi driver who had two daughters graduate from MU. One was a teacher and the other an engineer. Right now, my housekeeper is working three jobs to help prepare and put her grandson through college.
  17. Only two of the original bridge crew left (Chekov came a season into the show) and they both hate each other.
  18. Taking Taiwan off the public itinerary is a bad enough sign of weakness. To then turn around and try to sneak in and sneak out, because you're afraid of China, would be even worse. And of course to cancel Taiwan entirely would be surrender.
  19. Biden numbers could crater even more if this press release from Pelosi is reflective of canceling the trip to Taiwan, which is now not mentioned as part of the itinerary. It would be perceived as a Suez moment, where China told the US to get out of Asia and Biden, Pelosi, and the congress tipped their cap and said, "yes, sir," to Xi.
  20. People are complaining everywhere about foreigners buying property or moving in and driving up prices, while destroying the existing communities. Here, in this story, funny enough, are Mexicans complaining about Americans moving into Mexico City. Thailand will be no different at all. Same forces at work. Personally, I don't want Thailand to turn into some freak version of millennial hipsters' doing their digital nomad thing with their view of an American paradise transplanted to Asia. Do not allow foreigners to own property.
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