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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Hotel/Hospital/Hospitel scams, insurance scams, and testing scams are too lucrative for a well placed few to give up and go back to normal.
  2. And as somebody went on to say, "Well, do ya, punk?"
  3. Chinese also came to Thailand for academic and cultural exchanges. I worked with a large number of them, and they were fine people. They didn't act entitled and they were prompt, efficient, and prepared for the courses and work they undertook. The number one reason they were here? To gain credentialing for professional development and thus improve the quality of life for their family back in China. They weren't cheap. Neither were they violent or dishonest. I would much rather be in their company than that of several other nationalities, many of which seem to be prone to public drunkenness, aggressive behavior, and criminality.
  4. Thailand has a $25 billion trade surplus with the US. Thailand has a $16.1 trade deficit with China. Were the US ever to embargo trade with Thailand and drastically downgrade diplomatic and economic ties, as you seem to wish, then Thailand would be crushed.
  5. Has there been any good news about Thailand in the last 12-18 months (economic, political, health, environmental, crime, corruption, or social) that would make one million people wealthy enough to meet all these qualifications then do so in order to build a shack on one rai of land?
  6. If the guy has a job and has insurance, then begging for money on top of that smells really bad. Sounds like he's trying to cash in.
  7. Thai society tends to be much more formal than we outsiders acknowledge. Even in the small remote village in Chaiyaphum, where my wife is from, everyone tries to "dress up" at funerals. In a country where the immigration offices warn you to dress properly for your visit, and where access to temples requires adherence to a dress code, you would think visitors would realize this.
  8. Just planned on being a bum? You don't need to travel like you're Cosmo Topper, but you should be at least be able to put on trousers, a clean shirt, and a tie. At least the guy on the far right in the photo managed to put on his dress sneakers.
  9. Trousers, a shirt, and a tie too much to ask? How about putting down the cigarette while you're in the Wat? Or is this another case of flouting Thai cultural norms? Yea, you show'em alright. Isn't that how this entire episode started? The entire affair begins to look sordid.
  10. Judgmental? You bet it is. This picture tells me a lot. Middle aged men showing up for a funeral dressed like that and smoking a cigarette. The only thing they needed was a can of beer to top it off. And then to come out and beg for money. Incredible.
  11. Show up at your friend's funeral wearing shorts, flip flops, and a T shirt? And smoking a cigarette?
  12. Why are you so hostile in these topics? What difference does it make to you if someone can or cannot comfortably put away $12,000. I thought the immigration forum was to help people solve problems and get information about what is going on and what to expect at various immigration offices. Not jump down their throat.
  13. Not clear cut. Plastic wrapping prolongs the shelf life of some fruits and vegetables. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2019-03-25/fruit-and-vegetable-packaging-in-supermarkets-and-food-waste/10925374
  14. Buying online in Thailand means you are adding to the global plastic waste problem Signed, Central Retail Corp.
  15. I'll bet that when your fourth grade teacher asked for someone to volunteer to be the classroom monitor, your hand was the first one in the air, with you saying "me, me, me." What difference does it make to you or me what conditions someone else gets to remain in Thailand? Doesn't effect me whatsoever. Especially during a time when the tourist industry is going bust, the Covid extenders are bringing some money into the country.
  16. It often takes a high visibility person getting hurt for any action to be taken. I think it was about 12 or 13 years ago that someone "important" got killed turning across the traffic and into the main entrance at Mahidol. Within a few days, Mahidol fixed it. Just closed off the road permanently from any right hand turns across traffic.
  17. Does Thailand have a tiered level surcharge on electrical rates?
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