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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. You don't seem very appreciative of the PM's work these days. So my questions are: who are you? And what have you done with steven100's body?
  2. And why is Bera wearing tennis shoes and the world's ugliest socks?
  3. Did anybody ask where the 1 million Pfizer doses went that Tammy Duckworth arranged for?
  4. How many? What's the breakdown by country, treatment, hospital, procedure?
  5. What I think happens is these guys sit around in government with nothing to do, so they go into some conference room with microphones, overheads, and projectors and start to feel important and think they've got to do something. Doing something, here, is almost always worse than doing nothing. So we get somebody who says, "Hey, I've got an idea. Let's call it Thailand Pass. We can cram a lot of requirements and costs onto it and make some money. It will be like giving out passes at the military base where we normally live." Everybody else: "Yea, let's do it!" No study. No questions. No testing. Problem solved until the real world intervenes.
  6. So people in the middle of the US would need to travel 2000 miles to one of the coasts to turn in their documents in person?
  7. They would rather get 50,000 per month with the insurance scam enriching a handful of people than 1 million tourists the open way.
  8. Yes, just upload the policy, after you figure out if you have enough or you need to change or buy more. Then come all the other justs. Just download the app Just navigate and fill in the buggy app Just change your email address to one that will work with TP Just pay for your 1 or 2 night quarantine hotel and provide the info Just get clearance on your plane ticket and enter the info Just pay for your covid test and enter the info Just wait and hope your application is received Just wait on pins and needles for your QR code and approval for your flight that leaves tomorrow Just provide separate proof of your covid vaccinations Just convert everything into jpeg format Just hope you're not sitting next to someone on the plane who tests Covid positive and puts you in quarantine at a hospital for two weeks and costs you 100,000 baht OR!!! If you're in the US, just get on a plane and go to a Mexican resort. Which option would anybody in their right mind choose?
  9. 1) I'm already here and don't need the 50K coverage yet 2) My response had as much to do with the idea that the insurance mandate would soon be applied to Non-Os. If so, I would think they would be treated just like the Non O-A, with a list of Thai approved companies only for those renewing in Thailand.
  10. You take it wrong. I don't know why you tried to personalize your disagreement with me and inject some fantasy red herring. It's an abomination to force people to buy policies so riddled with exclusions as to make them useless. The older you get, the more that will happen. As for Thai insurance companies finding ways to not pay out, just read some of these comments where people have explained exactly that scenario. Your answer of having everybody "read the fine print" is something I expect from loan sharks, con men, and used car salesmen--and insurance salesmen, too, naturally.
  11. They have just done this recently by adding a 500 baht entry fee at the airports. But they want the insurance money in addition to that.
  12. You can have insurance and still not be insured. That is precisely what happens to someone who pays a sky high premium for health insurance that contains so many required exclusions and deductibles as to make it almost worthless. And that doesn't solve any problem for hospitals either. If someone comes in for treatment of a condition excluded by the insurance policy, then the situation is exactly the same as it was before this insurance mandate. The only difference is that the money someone might have had to pay down their hospital bill was directed to an insurance company, instead, for worthless insurance. The patient and the hospital both lose, while the insurance company just rakes in more cash.
  13. He gets special treatment. I believe he was returning from a TAT junket in London. Treatment for some influencer getting payola is probably different from the rest of us.
  14. Can't wait to see Thai Pass and the insurance requirement used with mass tourism from China.
  15. I thought they just added another 500 baht fee to air arrivals to take care of this "problem." But they want the scam insurance piled on top of it for Thailand Pass? Worthless insurance with numerous exclusions and high premiums that will go to the ends of the earth to prevent paying out.
  16. Things will go easy for Payola Barrow. He has his benefactors running interference for him.
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