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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Thailand has already decided to ally with China over the US. That's a given. But I have two questions: 1) why does Thailand continue to insult the US as in the treatment of the two donations in these two photos (as well as refusing the Tammy Duckworth 1 million Pfizer donation)? 2) why does the US continue to allow Thailand to insult them and kick sand in their face like this? Do the US government and the American ambassador have any pride? How about a spine? If anyone thinks these photo ops were a mistake, it's not. It's the second time it happened. When Sinovac's first donation arrived, the Thai prime minister met the plane on the runway with the government ministers in tow. When Pfizer's US donation arrived, the shipment was dumped out at the DHL terminal apparently.
  2. Compare the above photo for this news story to the photo of Thailand receiving the 1 million Moderna doses today. The US Embassy continues to allow itself to be made fools of and insulted repeatedly. And then still begs and crawls on their knees to the Thai government. Get insulted and then allow them to kick sand in their faces.
  3. Pictures worth a thousand words. Compare the photograph of the Prime Minister thanking the Chinese Ambassador for 1.5 million doses of vaccine in the Ivory Room at Government House on 12 November. Just 11 days ago. Compare to the picture from the US Embassy with the US acting ambassador being thanked at what looks like a custom shed by a customs officer for the delivery of the 1 million Moderna. No thanks from the PM, no reception at Government House. Just the memory of when the Thai government spat on the US' offer from Tammy Duckworth for 1 million Pfizer doses.
  4. Hotel scam Limo scam Covid Test scam Insurance scam Please check all the appropriate boxes to make sure your Thailand Pass is complete.
  5. People above are saying it's different, that the news is about a different category of mail. I hope they're right. I use EMS for 90 day reports all the time.
  6. Must you cool your entire house, instead of just room by room?
  7. I wonder how you send in your old passport to the embassy for renewal when you go to the post office and use EMS, because if you use EMS you need to show your passport, which presumably is already sealed in your package.
  8. If the insurance companies will do this to their fellow Thais, imagine what they'll do to foreigners with mandated insurance.
  9. Freedom is a right, not a reward. If it's a reward, then it's not freedom.
  10. You might want to tell that to immigration. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/90days-report/
  11. Actually, they stand up to being cheated and make their demands known. Remember this from two years ago? I still get a kick out of it.
  12. To answer my own question: https://www.amchamthailand.com/2021/11/19/amcham-meeting-with-prime-minister-h-e-general-prayut-chan-o-cha/ So, care to explain yourself, Greg Wong?
  13. Clueless. Drugs are imported and repackaged in Thailand. An acquaintance of mine does this. The company he owns is worth over $2 billion. Drugs imported are then taxed and repackaged. That is how things work.
  14. Just remember that this is a military government. And what do you need when you want to enter or leave a military base? A pass. So, yes, the Thailand Pass is "fit for purpose," its purpose being turning the country into one giant military base.
  15. For all those celebrating this news, note that as foreigners in Thailand, if and when you get this drug, it will be imported, taxed, and charged to you at a price higher than what it would sell for in the West. All to make Pfizer's stock price go higher.
  16. Apparently has started looking to this guy for inspiration.
  17. At least it makes for a bit of difference. AN usually tries to work the UK into topics and headlines about Thailand news. The only difference is it usually headlines the UK as being #3 or #4 in whatever particular achievement. Fitting.
  18. I do believe you. I have Meniere's. You can go to vestibular.org which is for people with inner ear and other problems and find several threads about damage done through the vaccines, especially Pfizer and Moderna. One thread alone is around 700 pages long. I have had three Covid shots since June. The last one was Astra Zeneca. And it took me a month to get over the dizziness and nausea, for the most part. That was on 30 September for the AZ. Frankly, I'm still a little off on days. My physician says it is due to the vaccine. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.
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