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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Yes, I got completely confused trying to find information. It kept looping back to the original passport page on the embassy website. And I see they officially made the exchange rate for services 38 baht to $1. They're just stealing money, now.
  2. And maybe things are changing there, now that Heath has left and there is a new chief of mission.
  3. France Nuyen, who guest starred on lots of things, including I Spy and Star Trek TOS
  4. Just noticed the excuse was social distancing. What is it now, more than 14 months later, when they still don't allow in person renewals. The embassy seems reluctant to have anything to do with us in person. They don't even provide personalized email responses any more. Their reply is just a FAQ page.
  5. FWIW, when I login to Amazon, I get an OTP number through my Thailand AIS sim.
  6. It's a copy of the F16. https://eurasiantimes.com/no-buyers-for-f-16s-why-does-j-10-jets-aka-chinese-version-of-f-16s-have-no-customers/
  7. Ought to target Germans who otherwise this winter are going to be desperately looking for firewood to keep warm.
  8. Why doesn't he go to China? That is who he sold out his country to.
  9. What do monkeys have to do with F 35s? . . . Never mind.
  10. No foreigner (and I think you mean Westerner) is a threat to Thailand. It isn't as if planeloads of Aristotles, John Lockes and Thomas Jeffersons are pouring in. And, besides, no Thai would take notice if there were.
  11. Aside from Tiger Balm Gardens, which isn't even on that list, there is nothing there I would want to make a special journey for. The Botanical Gardens are like a ship in a bottle. Everything else is overly antiseptic, like being in a hospital.
  12. BTW, looks like there is a new bruiser at the embassy. Heath is leaving.
  13. Thought they made it a 5000 baht fine about 5 or 6 years ago. There were signs draped over the seats in taxis.
  14. Populations don't just have to suck it up. They can tear it all down. See Sri Lanka. That is why controlling electricity prices is important and the right thing to do.
  15. Don't care who is responsible. I'm always happy to see my electricity rates restrained. And this will help a lot of Thai people who live on the edge.
  16. And perhaps a failure to spot the big winner in all this. Perhaps. That would be Ron DeSantis who just might get Trump cleared out of his path to the nomination by this investigation and/or any resulting indictment. He gets Trump moved out of the way and simultaneously inherits a super energized base. All this goes to show, btw, just what a lazy incompetent man Trump really was. Too lazy to supervise these 15 boxes and their remnants, which apparently were not returned. Too lazy in his appointments of Wray, Milley, and even some unsteady Supreme Court justices. Trump is just a bad executive. DeSantis does not seem to share any of his weaknesses.
  17. The interesting thing politically is that this cancels out the supreme court abortion ruling as far as energizing voter bases. The abortion ruling was set to bring Democrats out of the woodwork, although the Kansas vote may have mollified some. Now, with the Mar a Lago raid, I would imagine Trump supporters would crawl over broken glass to get to the polls. I'm really interested to see which of these two motivations wins out.
  18. He tried to overthrow the government by doing nothing, you say?
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