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  • Birthday 05/06/1959

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  1. I clearly remember the days when businesses that handled large amounts of cash were forced at gunpoint to open their safes. Gas stations and 24 hour convenience stores were robbed multiple times a year. That doesn’t happen anymore due to the absence of cash.
  2. Looks like the perpetrators used that to cover his eyes. Or it is his, and he was about to go to bed.
  3. Why not crack down on police corruption, which facilitates both foreign and Thai criminal behavior?
  4. Why is this in Cryptocurrency News?
  5. It is called compensation or an out-of-court settlement. It is not illegal and is a common practice to avoid cases going to court. You don’t ‘bribe’ a victim; bribes are given to officials to make them turn a blind eye.
  6. You can look it up: For Android: Go to Settings > About phone > Status > IMEI information. For iPhone: Go to Settings > General > About, and scroll down to find the IMEI number. Then take a screen shot and upload the picture to your Google Drive.
  7. To deposit money through an ATM, you don't need to use a card; you can simply enter the account number. It seems that's what happened in this case. The machine counts the money and displays an overview: X times 100, X times 500, X times 1,000, along with the total deposit. You then have the option to Confirm or Cancel. The person didn't press Confirm, and the couple after him canceled the transaction. This allowed the money to be taken out again. I have no idea what 'sensor' they are referring to.
  8. I heard Benz dealers are also lobbying to implement this scheme.
  9. This is why most service staff take a photo of your phone showing the payment confirmation. It's likely not a requirement from the owner, but it serves as evidence in case the owner claims the payment was not received. Or, it might have been a requirement, which is why the waitress was held accountable. There was no picture because the guest pretended to be busy talking on the phone while walking out. A young waitress is most likely not going to physically stop a customer from leaving.
  10. So now these mules have to open a bank account AND buy a SIM-card! Smart. I really hope this doesn’t get implemented. Otherwise, I’ll probably be forced to confirm my identity with an app that, of course, won’t work. After struggling for a few days, I finally get through, only to find out it only accepts Thai ID card numbers. So, I head to the bank, where an employee has to consult their supervisor, who also has no clue what to do. They point me back to the app, and that’s when my wife has to step in to explain that foreigners can’t use it. The bank staff then call Customer Support in Bangkok, and after a 45-minute wait, they hand me their phone with a big smile, saying, "Speak Englit." You get the idea.
  11. "Good guys in, bad guys out" is just a propaganda slogan, not a real policy. And somehow I can imagine why certain people in power prefer a Russian 'businessman' in Phuket, who provides monthly envelops, over Hermann living in Roi Et with his 30.000 Baht German pension. So bad guys in, good guys whatever.
  12. Kudos. It's not a common occurrence to capture a misunderstanding in progress on video in its natural habitat.
  13. Thank you. When I search for them on Google, I can see that they are located in Bangkok, but unfortunately, their website is not functioning. Nonetheless, I would still prefer a local recommendation.
  14. I am aware that there are numerous art studios where one can commission paintings, such as portraits, landscapes, and abstract works. I am interested in having a landscape painting done. It doesn't need to precisely replicate a photograph but should not lean excessively towards expressionism either. Could anyone recommend an artist based on personal experience? Additionally, I would appreciate a rough estimate of the pricing. I have a painting in mind of 1 by 2 meters.
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