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Posts posted by Nienke

  1. (like poodles and stuff but Chi Chis are ok)

    I have never known a Chi' that didn't bark excessively.

    And if you trained it out of it? Well, it just wouldn;t be the same dog anyway.

    Good Luck


    I've met some. But once the barking got triggered, then it was hard to stop. That was when one Chi saw a cow for the first time in her life on only a metr or 5 away from her at the other side of the fence. And yeh, who wouldn't freak out. Man, THAT's a size difference! :o

  2. Ok,

    My Fiance wants a dog real bad. I say we should get a cat but she just doesn't like them and she says she will not live with them. We live in a one bedroom apartment that is quite large and has a nice little garden in the back.

    I have a few concerns about getting a pet. Number one this is Thailand and I dont feel it is the most secure place. The last coup was non violent but maybe the next won't be and we need to vacate quick? Number two is we do have nieghbors and I don't want barking of any kind to annoy them.

    What are the best small breeds that do not bark or are least prone to bark?

    I spoke to Nov.rain and may be a foster "parent".


    PS. I hate fem dogs(like poodles and stuff but Chi Chis are ok)

    Hi there,

    'What's the best K9' is question only you and your wife can answer. What's the best K9 for me? That's the boxer, since i'm hooked on this breed since my late boxer, Lucky (see avatar). Nevertheless, I also love my 2 GSD's and rottweiler to pieces, and my late Afghans, plus most of my boarding dogs (Husky's, Thai mixes and other mixes, Ban keaw, poodles, Shih Tsu's, terriers, etc. etc. Just today a Steffie went home, an adorable dog!)

    I think you should consider what you like? Long hair like Shih Tsu's, the more wooly type such as the pomeranian, smooth-haired, curly coat (curly coat, like the poodle's, normally don't give you the problem with hair everywhere). Do you like the flat nose, a long nose. Personally I love the pug. Nice temperament. Or a more sturdy dog, such as the Jack Russel Terrier?

    It can also be that when you go to the shelter you fall in love with a dog there, or as you said, foster a dog. That is a wonderful thing to do. And then end up keeping it :o

    Concerning the shaky shaky from some small breed dogs and the barking. That's a matter of how you raise your dog. Sure, there are breeds specially bred for there barking, such as most of the terrier breeds, but still you can educate your dog not to bark at everything and nothing when you start straight from the moment it enters your house.

    I suggest you do first some research before getting a dog.


  3. Started training him properly two weeks ago, up until then he was far too excitable to take it seriously, so I let him get a little older before demanding too much from him. Right now he is walking to heel quite well with a choke chain (hate that word, do we still call it choker in the UK or a check chain?), and sits when told 7 out of ten times, the other 3 times I have to ease him to sit, I have started the down command, but not progressing much with that, I always have ease him down, I am also working on Stay, but again not doing too well, but Down & Stay I have only introduced over the last few days, I think within the next 3 or 4 days I should be seeing much better results? This is my first dog, I have always had dogs in my family as a child, so I'm not new to them, just I have never had to train one before, that was always my dads department.

    I am aware though that even the most well trained young dog can revert to the wild, my dads last male GSD (he has had two bitches since then, and three or for males before that) turned from being obedient to a monster at the age of 1 and a half, he was well trained, and never showed any sign of being aggressive, then one day he flipped and went in on my dad (whilst they were playing tug), not just a quick snap, he repeatedly came in to attack, my dad had to hit him 4 or 5 times with a broom to stop him (the dog only stopped after my dad fearing serious injury struck the dog over the head, which broke the broom), my dad had to have medical attention. After this he spoke to the local constabulary whether they could work him and after a visit was told "no, too aggresive, try the forces", which he did and was also told no, unfortunately the dog had to be put to sleep.

    (Please don’t read this and think my father is an animal abuser, he has kept animals all his life, this is the only time I have ever seen him raise a hand to any animal, but I do think he was justified in doing so).

    Hi there,

    Was just reading this thread.

    I don't know how the situation is now, a month later, but we are talking here about a dog in his puberties who is very clearly looking where his boundaries are within his pack. He is clearly testing the authority of his human pack members. And so far he's on the winning end: Commands need to be repeated several times before he 'obeys', he is reluctant to go in the down, he mouthes and snaps, growls and he's 'hard-headed'. All symptoms of a dog who is establishing his rank ... above you.

    He's still fairly young, and isn't confident enough yet to take over and THAT'S why he will lick after the snap! This is NOT bite-inhibition in the sense that he'll know how hard to bite. A dog is extremely good in calculating (if I can describe it in this way) where to bite. A snap means that the dog bites AT you, but not yet IN you. The dog knows EXACTLY what he is doing. A snap means in dog language 'back off'.

    Once the dog grows into adulthood, there might very well come the time, that he will NOT accept being turned over onto his belly (sub-missive position), put in the down (sub-missive position), being groomed (where he needs to submit to the groomer), corrected (pushed physically with a choke chain into sub-mission) or being pushed in any other way into a sub-mission.

    This is most probably what happened with the 1 1/2 year old GSD as well. This dog was in the right age of feeling physically and mentally strong enough to challenge the owner. Most of the dominance-aggression occers around this age! Unless, there has been physically something very wrong with this dog, there must have been many signs before the dog 'snapped' (I'd rather would refer to that, as the dog said 'enough is enough, you don't have the right to challenge me and my position). A normal healthy dog will NOT growl, snap or bite just out of the blue.

    Then, the incident with the neighbors dogs: <quote but quick as a flash he jumped up, ears down, tail planted between his legs, eyes flashing and teeth bared like some thing from the film "Alien", he first bit the Bangkaeow which gave out an almighty yelp and made off for home, then promptly bit the Spaniels as they made off after their big brother, after giving chase for about 25m Chigo stopped, shock his fur and trotted back to my side ... unquote>

    Ears down, tail tucked are signs of fear. Teeth bared can be fear or confidence, that depends only the front teeth are visible or also teh premolars and molars. Nevertheless, this dog learned that by showing pure aggression other dogs will back off. This is something you really don't want your dog to learn. Why not? Because, you might very well end up with a dog that start showing aggression more often even before anything happens. It's a matter of having success or not. This time the dog had success and with it gained confidence.

    Shaking the fur after the chase, does not means something like "look what it did, i won". Dogs shake their furr when they are wet or when they are stressed!

    I really hope that things have changed for the better since your last post.


  4. "Thanks for the life that has given me so much ........"

    I feel the same, have lived a long and happy life and given a good head start by accident of birth.

    Today I am feeling especially thankful for my Thai adopted family, some inner peace, and letting go of material things.

    I am thankful I am in Thailand because I could not have grown as I have in the west.

    Amen! Absolutely feel the same about this!

  5. I don't mean to go hugely off-topic but, just in a nutshell, why the fuss or interest in neem trees? Just the possible medicinal benefit for dogs?

    If it has wider advantages - even aesthetic - is it something to consider planting around/by a new house that I may get around to building in the foreseeable future? Is it slow/fast growing?

    Neem is very fast growing to about 20 meters and is a very good shade tree as it generally keeps its leaves during the hot season. It contains a natural insecticide and an infusion can be used to treat problems such as headlice and scabies. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicine. Our favoured toothpaste at home is an Ayurvedic preparation containing Neem, sold under the name "Neem."

    Thanks p1p, for this info. Although I know Neem has lots of medicinal properties, I wouldn't recognize the tree as such when I saw one. Still loads to learn :o

    And that of being a good shade tree sounds like music. :D


  6. Neem in Northern dialect is Sariem, if that's any help. They do have the trees at Kamthieng market for sale. Coming in from road that comes out of back of Lotus . Turn left (second left ) into the larger section of the market. You are on the widest road and approx 4th shop down on the left has a range of fruit etc trees and they did have neem/sariem.

    As far I know can't get curry leaf trees. I brought back some trees from further south including garcinia (cha muang) and curry leaf but the curry leaf died. Both garcinia flourishing, you can use the young leaves to make a bitter tasting curry/soup.

    Absolutely a great help. Thanks cmsally!


  7. More updates on the petfood recall:


    BREAKING NEWS: Blue Buffalo Recalls All Canned Dog and Cat Food, As Well As


    Blue Buffalo just announced another expansion of the recall covering:

    * All Blue brand can dog foods

    * All Spa Select brand can cat foods

    * All Blue Health Bar treats.

    The release indicates that rice protein was added without their knowledge to

    these products. Blue Buffalo attributes this to ณtamperingฒ by their

    contract manufacturer American Nutrition, who was connected to several other

    recalls on Thursday.

    Blue Buffalo Recalls Can and Biscuit Products Due To Tampering By American

    Nutrition Inc.

    Contact:Consumer Inquiries: 1-800-919-2833

    Media Inquiries: David Petrie 1-203-762-9751

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWilton, Connecticut, April 26, 2007.

    We at the Blue Buffalo Company have just learned that American Nutrition

    Inc. (ANI), the manufacturer of all our cans and biscuits, has been adding

    rice protein concentrate to our can formulas without our knowledge and

    without our approval. This is product tampering, and it apparently has been

    going on for some time. The can formulas that we developed, and trusted them

    to produce, never contained any rice protein concentrate. It appears that

    only an FDA investigation of ANIนs rice protein concentrate supplies forced

    them to reveal this product tampering to us.

    While this activity by ANI is in itself unlawful, the situation is further

    clouded by the fact that ANI has been receiving rice protein concentrate

    from Wilber-Ellis, some of which the FDA has determined to be contaminated

    with melamine.

    So while no BLUE or Spa Select canned product has tested positive for the

    presence of melamine, and there has been no reported illness due to any of

    our canned products, we simply cannot be sure of what ANI has been including

    in our formulas. For this reason, we have decided to remove all of our

    canned and biscuit products from retail distribution. While this may seem to

    many to be a major over-reaction, as other ANI customers will probably only

    recall the products that tested positive for melamine, we see this as a

    matter of integrity.

    We founded Blue Buffalo on the principle of providing dogs and cats with the

    highest quality and most nutritious food, and we will not sell any product

    that doesnนt meet this standard. And under these circumstances, we cannot

    say that any products manufactured by ANI measure up.

    The obvious question is ณhow could Blue Buffalo not know that ANI was

    putting rice protein concentrate into our canned food?ฒ The answer is we

    trusted them. In business and in life, we all trust our partners to deal

    with us honestly. When we buy produce from our local grocery store, we are

    trusting growers, shippers and a series of handlers to have delivered a

    product that is safe and nutritious for our family. If any one of these

    parties betrays our trust, contaminated products can make their way to our

    dinner table.

    And while we test for known toxins and contaminants, we donนt test for

    protein sources, like rice protein concentrate, especially when we did not

    formulate our products to contain them.

    In the end, this all comes down to an issue of integrity, and ANI has not

    been honest with us and with the pet parents who buy our products. We will

    not put any product made by ANI on the shelf, and are temporarily

    withdrawing an important part of our business in order to be true to our pet


    We have already started the process of identifying a can and biscuit

    manufacturer with whom we can build a partnership based on trust. Once we

    have accomplished this, BLUE and Spa Select cans and BLUE Health Bars will

    be reintroduced with the high quality and superior nutrition that our brand

    stands for and that dogs and cats deserve.

    We have informed our retail partners and the FDA about this action and will

    be cooperating with them to complete this recall quickly. The specific

    product involved includes all ณBLUEฒ brand can dog foods, all ณSpa Selectฒ

    brand can cat foods and all ณBLUE Health Barฒ treats.

    Consumers who have unused or partially used packages of any of these

    products should return them to their place of purchase for a complete


    All ณBLUEฒ dry natural food for dogs and ณSpa Selectฒ dry natural foods for

    cats are not affected by this recall and are safe for consumption. Should

    consumers have a specific question, they can call the Company at

    1-800-919-2833, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT, to receive more


    HYPERLINK "http://www.itchmo com/go/tagged/safety/"

    Recall Update: Friday

    Friday, April 27th, 2007

    Yesterday, we saw several recalls that should have been announced more than

    a week ago. The FDA continued to be in the dark, and pets and people are

    left to fend for ourselves.

    We write this update with a heavy heart. Itchmo suggested avoiding rice

    protein what we didnนt know was that many ingredient lists were

    misleading. The ingredient labels did not list rice protein. In fact,

    ingredient lists can no longer be trusted leaving the consumer with little

    chance at avoiding high-risk ingredients.

    (NEW) ChemNutra says Menu Foods got wheat gluten from more than one source.

    Also, FDA says tainted food may have been imported by Wilbur-Ellis as early

    as 2006. Is the FDA testing food from last year? How long has this really

    been going on? (Edited)

    Recalls Within the Last 24 Hours:

    * Blue Buffalo recalls all canned dog and cat food, plus treats.

    * Natural Balance recalls more foods.

    * Chicken Soup For the Pet Loverนs Soul recalled.

    * Diamond pet food recalled. (See link above)

    * Costcoนs Kirkland brand canned food recalled.

    * Lick Your Chops brand recalled. (See link above)

    NEW RECALL: Mulligan Stew and Canine Caviar Dog Food Recalled

    Friday, April 27th, 2007

    Itchmo has learned that the list of foods recalled by American Nutrition has

    expanded to include the following 4 dog food items:

    * Mulligan Stew Chicken 13.2oz

    * Mulligan Stew Turkey 13.2oz

    * Canine Caviar Gourmet Beaver 13.2oz

    * Canine Caviar Gourmet Turkey 13.2oz

    In fact, American Nutrition has set up a separate Web site to track the

    expanding recall.

    NOTE: As of 10:50 am, American Nutrition and Breederนs Choice has both

    confirmed that Breederนs Choice products are not affected by the

    recall.(more )

    ------------ --------- --------- ----

    NEW RECALL: Harmony Farms Recalls Cans and Biscuits Friday, April 27th, 2007

    Harmony Farms food is made by American Nutrition. They are recalling cans

    and biscuits due to ณtamperingฒ by American Nutrition.

    The recall covers the following products:

    * All Harmony Farms canned dog foods

    * All Harmony Farms canned cat foods

    * All Harmony Farms Health Bar biscuits

    Full release after the jump. Visitors going to Harmony Farmนs Web site is

    unlikely to see this information since 1) itนs in a pop up window (likely

    blocked) and 2) the window is too small to see the full list of recalls and

    3) itนs buried in the text.

  8. does anyone have any good receipes for homemade dog food?

    Is it really nessassary to buy over priced US brands that may or may not be safe for them to eat?

    I would think a mixture of rice, veggies and chicken or other meat should be as healthy or more so than store bought dry food and probably cheaper as well.

    As for the raw feeding there's an article about it on my website (see profile).

    As for the cooked meals, don't know about cats. Have to look that up. I do know that they need much more animal protein than dogs.

    Dogs can eat rice, veggies, fruits mixed with meat. I would give not too much rice and preferable brown rice (say about 20%) and the rest is 50-50 meat and veggie-fruit-mix. As you can't give the cooked bones, you should add bonemeal or sometimes very finely crushed eggshells.

    As for recipes, you can search the net. However, be always aware for the variety in the meals. Always the same recipe with the same ingredients can also give problems.

    You can vary in the animal protein by giving for example 2 days chicken, a day beef, a day pork, a fish day (preferable oily seafish such as makerel or sardines) and again 2 days chicken, etc.. (you can also give lamb, duck, ostrich, salmon, crocodile, kangaroo or whatever. However, that's way above my budget :o Although I do know people who give these ingredients to their dogs on these days that they eat it themselves :D )

    Also vary in the veggies and fruits you give. Green leafy veggies are quite good, but also cucumber, tomato, brocoli, cauliflower, and al that you can find on the local market or in the supermarket. I would avoid onion and per week not more than one clove of garlic per medium size or large dog (1 for a small dog or pup). When you give pumpkin , give also the pits.

    All sorts of fruits are good to give.

    if you plan to cook, cook only briefly in order to break the cellwalls in the plant. if you cook too long, than there is a high chance the vitamins and minerals will be gone and/or the chemical composition can change and so become unavailable for the animal. Cooking does destroy the digestive enzyms in the ingredients.

    I think that you can follow more or less the guidelines as written in the article on my website, only you add some rice and the meat you cook. As for the vegies and fruit, I still prefer to give those raw and thus put them through the blender.

    You can make a whole load of meals in one time and then put them as mealtime protions in you freezer. However, it is not advisable to defrost it in a microwave or the like.

    Well, that's for now.

    Wish you good luck, and maybe others can add a lot more valuable info to this.


  9. As always, thanks Nienke. I think, based on previous postings, we can add to the fresh cooked meat no cooked bones, correct? Out of curiousity, what would be the premium grain free canned and grain free dry pet foods in Thailand (or at least some of them)? Right now, our golden gets Eukanuba which is her favorite.


    Hi there,

    Absolutely correct! Sorry about the confusion. NEVER EVER give cooked bones. Also pork bones become brittle and can do lots of harm. Long time ago I used to cook the marrow buffalo or cow bones lightly before giving it to my dogs, but they always vomitted pieces out. Now I give it raw and no problem since.

    As for premium grade grain free pet foods, I really don't know. I hardly ever go to the pet shops here. Don't feel good when I go, especially when I see those animals in their cages.

    The petfood I give to the guest dogs I buy directly from Bangkok.

  10. Nienke

    If you are having health problems including tumours in your pets, you need to examine the food you are giving them. There is a preservative in common use in pet food, Ethoxyquin, that is believed by many to be a major causal factor of chronic disease and cancers in dogs, (and many other pet species.) If you feed dried, pelleted food, there is a good chance that it may contain Ethoxyquin and might be responsible for your dogs' ill health.

    Hi p1p,

    Thank you for your concern.

    I already feed a raw food diet to my dogs for several years now and some of the guest dogs on request of their owners. Ethoxiquin, BHA and BHT are only a few of the reasons why I prefer raw. And especially with the enormous petfood recall I think it's much better to prepare the animal's food yourself, whether that's raw or cooked (still prefer raw above cooked as the heating process takes away and/or changes many of the goodies).

    Still, even when you feed raw it remains difficult as it's hard to know what they put in the prey animals, and many of this stuff (antibiotics, hormones, etc.) goes straight into your dog or cat (the heating process has no influence on this). Best, of course, is to feed the animal with free ranging chicken cow/buffalow meat, etc. and organic veggies etc. But that will become unaffordable for me.

    I've even written an article on why and how to feed raw to a dog. You can read it on my website (see profile).

    Tenbath (that was his name, and he was an Afghan) is, btw, back with his doggy friends (Lucky the boxer, Daika the GSD, Lady Jasmin Afghan and Joschka GSD) and most probably running and playing, and fooling everybody as he always loved to do, over the big greens fields now. He was a fantastic dog, especially during the most difficult time in his life.


  11. Nienke,

    Thanks for your concern.

    In fact my gf remembered me the tail chasing problem started after she had a problem with a long white flat worm coming out.

    The dog was in pain and she helped with the worm. We went to see 3 vets, the first obviously not happy when we requested de-worm meds but he had to oblige, the second diagnosing itching and providing meds, but metionning the possibility of cutting her tail of if problem persisted and a 3d vet also advising tail cutting and doing it fast before she grows adult....

    In fact one or 2 days after my previous post (18 or 19 this month) I acquired a second dog from a farang in the village who has 10 dogs!!!! I will refain from commenting on ths (!) A no brand name dog, also 4 months old. I have been warned that might be a bad idea, bangkaews being "extremely" possesive towards their boss. I did consider many times she might need company, a play partner. At the same time I found she had enough meds and het tail did not show any dammage from her biting any more, the biting having decreased considerably and limited thanks to the Elizabethian "lampadaire"

    The 2/3 first days did not show an improvement in regard with het tail chasing/biting, but it was not too bad neither and mainly late afternoon and when food was around. Our land is newly built and has lots of sand around, she enjoys playing in wet sand and getting dirty. We also are wondering if the sand (or vermine in the sand) could be a cause of the itching.

    Then after 3 days with the new dog that tail chasing almost ended, I took of the collar ans observed her behavior. At first she was mad sometimes at the new dog, but now they play a lot together, time for food also has improved a lot, teh agression is minimal. It seems they have a good time together. The gf decided to shampoo the dogs every 3 days, and the feel happy after a bath also. I gave them both Frontllne against ticks and flees also.

    What exactly caused this problem we will never discover, and what cured it neither. It seems having two dogs is better than one, for all of us. Sometimes at feeding time she shows her teeth looking at her tail (I do reprimand her then) but nothing more.

    We now hope to have good times with both dogs.

    Thanks again for trying to help us.

    Aha, now you have two shoe-garden-laundry-and-whatever-else destroyers to fully enjoy :D

    Thanks for your update. I appreciate that.

    I don't understand what these vet's reasoning is for suggesting to amputate the tail. A bit of a drastic decision.

    I'm not sure what you mean with the long flat worm; coming out of her bump? If that's the case that it's possible she went more after her bump than her tail.

    If it was a worm out of her bump, please, keep in mind that one time deworming will only kill the adult worms and not the eggs. It is then advisable to deworm after 10 to 14 days again, and sometimes even for a third time.

    Long flat worm sounds to me as a tapeworm. It is best to get some feces to the vet (a fourth one?) and have it checked under the microscoop, then they can give a specific deworm pill for that what shows up in the sample.

    It is also possible that your dog had a small wound on the tail itself and maggets came in it. These little buggers can do a lot of damaged if not treated in time. If this is the case, better to keep a good eye on the wound and on your dog's behavior. When she still keeps on being bothered by her tail, it is possible there are still maggets.

    Wish you a lot of joy with your two four-legged kids :o


  12. A friends two young labradors died of liver failure which was attributed to a bad batch of wellknown branded dog food.

    Following my friends loss there were a string of other reported cases. (Pattaya area)

    nothing was ever done about it as far as I know, as they were only dogs :o

    sounds like the same maybe happening again by the looks of the long recall list given above (Nienke)

    Personally I'd no longer take the chance !

    Really sorry and scry to hear that, Sinom

    Below diets in order of best to worst, as stated at an Oprah Winfry (winphry????) show, recently:

    They were listed as:

    1. Fresh Raw meat

    2. Fresh cooked meat

    3. Ultra Premium canned food--mostly meat and veg no grain

    4. Premium canned

    5. Super Premium grain free dry food

    6. Super Premium dry food with grain

    7. Inferior dry food


  13. In case you think it's only the petfood industry that can do what they want, there is much more going on. Petfood industry, btw, falls under other bigger companies.

    How many of you do (sometimes) use supplements for yourself of your animal? How many of you prefer natural treatment above the allopathic treatment (if you would know what and how?) or put it another way: how many of you avoid or postpone to go to a doctor or a vet afraid of going home stuffed with all sorts of med's?

    More and more people worlwide turn towards natual ways of healing. Something the pharmaceutical industry feels in their pockets. So, what's the answer to them? Get control over the natural stuff.

    Can you imagine what happens when they get their hands on this as well? More and more in and of our world under the control of only a few families (groups)? Where remains our freedom? Where remains our fundamental right to control our own health?

    With permission to crosspost to everyone you know and don't know:

    In case you are not aware, there is a movement afoot to introduce legislation that will place restrictions on your ability to purchase vitamins, herbs and other nutritional supplements. If the legislation passes, these products would be considered controlled substances ONLY available through a medical doctor. It would destroy our freedom to choose for ourselves and for our animal family members what we feel is in our own best health interests. It would change the face of self-empowered health care for good.

    Please take a moment to go onto this link, read about it and fill out the email section to protest about the proposed legislation. Please pass this link on to EVERYONE you know and ask for their support too.


    Thank you for supporting all of our rights to make our own choices for our

    health and well being.

  14. I do not feed my guest dogs any low grade food, unless provided by the owners. I do see the misery that low grade pet food gives to dogs, though On going ear infection, conjunctivitis, skin probems, urinary tract problems etc.

    My own dogs and some guest dogs eat raw. The others eat Hill's Science Diet.

    I know of three times a petfood, sold in Thailand, gave problems:

    Diamond was reacalled 1 or 2 years ago, due to contamination

    Pedigree and Alpo gave liver failure and kidney failure resp. Or just the other way around. Can't remember.

    Here another update on the petfood recall:



    As the pet food recall widened last week to include certain products containing rice protein concentrate, the ASPCA has issued new recommendations for pet parents looking for advice on what to feed their pets. “As new products are recalled, there is obviously great confusion in the public space about what is and is not safe to feed your pet,” says the ASPCA’s Dr. Louise Murray, Director of Medicine, Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital. “We’ve prepared some guidelines that we hope will be helpful to pet parents and veterinarians alike.”

    ASPCA experts suggest the following:

    - Based on information made public by the FDA last week, the ASPCA recommends that you should not feed your pet any foods containing wheat gluten or rice protein concentrate.

    - Given that the source of contamination has thus far been identified as coming from outside the U.S., you may wish to check with your pet food manufacturer as to the country of origin of any protein concentrate used in its products.

    - If you suspect at any time that your pet has ingested food that may be contaminated, call your veterinarian immediately.

    - Stay alert for early signs of a problem that may be recall-related, such as excessive thirst, decreased appetite or vomiting.

    - If you think your pet is critically ill and you cannot reach your regular veterinarian, please call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

    Please check the ASPCA Pet Food Recall Resource Center regularly for additional information, including updates about foods that were added to the list of recalled products yesterday.




    - The Blue Buffalo Company recalls all BLUE and Spa Select products

    - Sierra Pet Products recalls Harmony Farms canned dog and cat foods and dog biscuits.

    - Diamond Pet Foods recalls some canned dog and cat food.


    - Chenango Valley Pet Foods recalls food made by Doctors Foster & Smith, Lick Your Chops, and SmartPak.


    - SmartPak recalls LiveSmart Weight Management Chicken and Brown Rice Dog Food


    - ASPCA Press Release: ASPCA Issues New Recommendations On What To Feed Your Pet As Pet Food Recall Widens And Pet Parents Panic

    - Royal Canin recalls dry pet food containing rice protein concentrate


    - The Blue Buffalo Company has recalled Spa Select Kitten Dry Food

    - FDA Press Release: T.W. Enterprises Issues Nationwide Recall of Dog Chews Due to Salmonella Contamination


    A.B. Dog Chew Added: April 19, 2007 (note: due to Salmonella contamination)

    Alpo (Purina) Added: March 30, 2007

    American Bullie A.B. Bull Pizzle Added: April 5, 2007 (note: due to Salmonella contamination)

    Americas Choice, Preferred Pets


    Award Last Updated: April 5, 2007

    Berkley & Jensen (note: due to Salmonella contamination)

    Best Choice

    Big Bet

    Big Red


    BLUE (The Blue Buffalo Company) Added: April 27, 2007 NEW


    Champion Added: April 5, 2007

    Companion Last Updated: April 5, 2007

    Companion's Best Added: April 5, 2007

    Demoulas Market Basket

    Diamond Pet Foods Added: April 27, 2006 NEW

    Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Added: April 17, 2007

    Dollar General Added: April 6, 2007

    Drs. Foster & Smith Adult Lite Dry Added: April 26, 2007 NEW

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    Winn Dixie Last Updated: April 10, 2007

    Your Pet Last Updated: April 10, 2007


  15. I've been making a list of Thai names for plants as they crop up on the forum & doing a bit of searching around also.

    Here's the list so far.


    I'm particularly looking for Cumin, not the yellow stuff (Turmeric) that comes from a root like ginger, but the Indian spice seed that makes a brown powder.


    Avacado, Kaffir Lime, Jackfruit, Pear, Plum, Mandarin Orange,Peach ,Grapefruit.

    Please speak up if you know of any more.

    In my Ayurvedic herbal book, they mention Cumin as turmeric. I understand there are two versions of Cumin.

    Avocado = ??

    Kaffir lime = Makrut มะกรูด

    jackfruit = kanoon

    pear = ??

    Plum = dunno, but plum mango = Gandaria = Maprang มะปราง

    Mandarin Orange = Som Kieo Wan ส็มเขียวหวาน

    Peach = ?? (thought it was just Peach pronounced in the Thai way)

    grapefruit = never saw grapfruit here, but then I hardly ever go to rimping carrefour tops, etc. Did see Pomelo though = Som O ส้มโอ


  16. I've been making a list of Thai names for plants as they crop up on the forum & doing a bit of searching around also.

    Here's the list so far.


    I'm particularly looking for Cumin, not the yellow stuff (Turmeric) that comes from a root like ginger, but the Indian spice seed that makes a brown powder.


    Avacado, Kaffir Lime, Jackfruit, Pear, Plum, Mandarin Orange,Peach ,Grapefruit.

    Please speak up if you know of any more.


    A while ago i came across an interesting book: 'A Thai Herbal: Traditional Recipes for health and harmony' by C. Pierce Salguero (ISBN) 974 9575 74 1), which I bought at the Suriwong Bookcenter in Chiang Mai.

    The book gives the action, taste, part used, internal application and topical application of many medicinal plants and some minerals. it gives the scientific name, the Engish name, and the Thia name (in both Thai and English phonetics). A great book!

    There is also a website: www.Thai-herbs.com

    Hope this is helpfull,


    P.S. Neem is mentioned in this book, Andrographis was not, btw (referring to my question on the CM forum)

  17. Hey everyone, My wife and I are both lactose intolerant, while I would just put off my cereal cravings until I return to the states my wife and I recieved news she is pregnant.

    Soooo now she has to drink milk and it isn't going well, so I was wondering if there are any milks for lactose intolerant people.

    Thanks for any help!

    A big congratulations to you and your wife with the new-comer! :o


  18. As far as I know Sadao is Neem,

    If you take the Mae Rim rd north from the notsosuperhiway,

    Just before the new turn off to Pai there is a big nursery on the left,

    its rather expensive & run by a miserable old bag, but they have neem tree's.

    Thanks Pond life, I might have a look at the miserable old bag ... uhhh .. neem trees in that nursery :D and from where I live I can avoid the stillnotsosuperforalongtimethathighway :o


  19. Sadao, สะเดา, is indeed the name for the Neem tree, although I fear the Latin name is Azadirachta indica. You can find young Neem trees, sometimes, at Khamtieng Market. Failing that, the best place to go is Ban Huay Kaew out past Sankhampaeng hot springs on road number 1317.

    Andrographis paniculata, on the other hand is an extremely bitter annual herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. This is known as Creat in Englsh. I am afraid I do not know the Thai name for this herb and don't think I have ever seen it for sale anywhere here.

    Thanks, p1p, for your quick reply.

    I'll try Ban Huay Keaw first, as I don't live far from there, plus the drive to the hotsprings is great.

    I used both plants with some other herbal stuff on one of my dogs who had cancer and chemo didn't work at all. Although, there was a visible change in my dog he did not make it, unfortunately, as the cancer had spread far into his bones already (thanks to a vet who lacked to see that a non-healing wound could very well be a result of cancer, 1 1/2 years ago) :o The tumors in my other dog's mammal glands decreased considerable while using the herbs. :D


  20. Hi there,

    If I'm correct the Central Thai name for neem is 'sadao' (สะเดา), but when I asked for it in a local herb shop they did not know what I was talking about. Does anyone know the Northern Thai name, and where is the best place where I can buy this tree in Chiang Mai?

    What's the Thai name (Central and Northern Thai) for Andrographis paniculata, and where to buy?

    Thanks, Nienke

  21. And the misery goes on :o

    FDA Suspects Tainted Chicken, Human Food Finally Being Tested for Melamine Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

    FDA will begin testing for melamine in the human food supply after investigating chicken farms and the expansion of tainted pork. This is more than a month after the first pet food recall was announced.

    In addition, the FDA on Tuesday announced plans to expand testing of the animal food supply after hogs on farms in three states were quarantined after testing positive for the substance at the center of the recall, the

    toxic agent melamine.

    A poultry farm in Missouri is also being investigated, federal officials said.


  22. my little cat mini just had babies a few days ago. she really really surprised me...

    when i went into the cat run that day i found a dead 'mouse' first. i wondered how such a fat mouse can get through the dense fence. then a few meters away i found another one, but this one wasn't only grey, it also had white patches! i was completely confused and also these mice looked somewhat different... :D then i already saw two tiny kitten on the blanket in one of the cat's 'hollows'. what a shock!!! these two were alive and fit. i looked around and saw mini lying not far from there and here nipples could be seen under the fur. so it's her - the mother!! the other cats must have killed the two babies, maybe also thinking it was mice :D

    mini and her babies then moved into my bedroom and mini chose the armoir as her babycradle. they are very fine and she's taking care very well of her litter.

    the father must be her brother as all the other cats are neutered. i still waited with neutering as they are not even a year old and they were still very small, and when i got them as 4 week olds last year, had been also very sick. now what a surprise and how silly i was, i did not notice any heat or pregnancy or any other strange behaviour!!! am a bit worried that wendy, mini's sister, could be pregnant too, her nipples show already...

    here's the little family


    Congratulations with becoming a grandma! How does that feel? :o

    Although, I assume this not exactly what you had in mind, you certainly will enjoy the experience. :D I had guest cats, a mother with her 4 kittens. It was so wonderful to watch them and how the mother was so great, very tolerant, always nearby watching her kids, and teaching them everything they needed to know.

    Wish you lots of joy with your four-legged daughter and grand kids,


  23. There is a medication called Revolution which is applied to the skin at the back of the neck and is supposed to prevent ticks and fleas as well as treat roundworm. Most vets have it and you can also buy it at the tiny pet shop behind Villa Market on Soi 33 Sukhumvit.

    In Thailand you need to deworm your cats every 3 months.

    My bigger cat seems to have lost weight around his face, neck and chest area, his stomach is still as it was and his appetite is as usual very good, what could this be?

    I suggest to take your cat(s) to the vet and have him (them) tested for both leukemia and FIV, plus a full blood test. be aware that the test can give a false negative if there has been a transmission of the (a) virus only recently (or when the cat is in the final stages of the FIV disease, which I assume is not the case with your cats).

    Oh, and bring the feces (poop) as well for a check under the microscoop. Fleas can transmit tape worm.


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