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Posts posted by Cadbury

  1. Dear oh dear! Things are looking very bleak.

    Everything going downhill since Khun Prayut Chan-o-cha usurped the duties of Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak as head of the government's economic team.

    Somkid now has been relegated to the equivalent of a used car salesman by trying to drum up foreign investment for the EEC .

    I thought before he did a reasonable job and presented well. But maybe economically wet behind the ears inexperienced military generals can do better?

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  2. This is very good timing for the car show with the new government stimulus package coming out and containing easy access low interest loans. A remarkable coincidence given  car business has been flagging for the year. It should give car and bike sales and household debt a bit of a kick along.

    BTW, don't get too excited lads. The PM will be keeping his usual watchful and moralistic eye in this car show. I think it was the 2016 car show where he took exception to the hot, steamy and scantily clad coyote girls and their performances and stepped in to have them removed along with a stern lecture to the organisers. 



    1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Thais need to drink more milk


    Someone has apparently already seen the potential increased demand for milk in Thailand. One Thai milk producer made a substantial purchase/investment nearly two years ago in a milk factory in Tasmania, Australia. 

    The Dutch Mill group of Thailand made the purchase of the UHT factory in the lush dairy country in the North West of Tasmania. 

    The story says that the Dutch Mill Group has a daily reach of 30 million customers across Asia.


  4. 6 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Strange, I read yesterday that there will be no delay.


    It's almost like they don't know what they're doing and eventually any decision made by the underlings come to the attention of the person who's actually in charge of the country (presumably the Prime Minister), he then makes his decision which may or may not override any and all previous decisions and that's the end of the matter.


    I've noticed this pattern of indecision many times over the last few years.

    Indecision is like a national sport In Thailand; no single person alone makes any decision and takes responsibility. Sometimes the PM thinks he makes decisions all by himself but those he delegates to do their best to make sure nothing happens. We all know in our mind instances of those occasions.

    Thailand is run by committee which are deliberately formed so as not to reach a decision, but to avoid it.

    Similarly those puffed up twits who sit on Thai committees are the ones who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a committee.


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  5. 1 hour ago, snoop1130 said:

    Citizens’ confidence is strengthening in the Thai economy’s six-month outlook, according to a Regional Confidence Index compiled with data from 76 provincial treasury offices.

    The Regional Confidence Index is boosted by the helicopter stimulus money that flows into the pockets of those charged with the responsibility for infrastructure village development.

    • Haha 1
  6. 18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    New measures out to boost economic growth

    They will need to get serious..........if that's possible? 

    Figures just released show an unprecedented drop in manufacturing output with a decline of 8.45% YoY. Primarily due to decreased production of cars, petroleum products and steel.

    Just about every financial indicator is in decline, except of course TAT tourist numbers. 

    Never ending Mickey Mouse "eat, drink, spend, shop" stimulus campaigns and cheap loans for the punters are not going to cut it. 

    The full impact of the high baht is yet to come as existing export contracts progressively expire.

    Heaven knows what's going to happen to rice exports now that international competitors prices are so much cheaper with their production costs dropping and their quality is improving. Vietnam wins the 2019 famous jasmine rice, Thai Hom Mali award.

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    1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Thai economy: Thais staying home and not going out to eat

    This is not what the government wants. It wants the punters to go out and spend, spend, spend to stimulate the economy. 

    The new stimulus package is based on domestic tourism and commonly known as the “Eat, Shop, Spend” campaign. 

    New easy access mortgage loans are being made available in case people need more money.

    Staying at home and eating in is bad news for the economy and the country and could be regarded as unpatriotic.



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  8. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    ......his ministry is protecting people from the health threat posed by the three toxic substances, adding that the responsibility of finding appropriate alternatives rests with other agencies.

    Health Minister imposes the ban and then passes the buck to someone else to find alternative solutions for the farmers. 

    Typical Prayut government policy implementation. Announce the policy and let someone else worry about the consequences.

    There seems to be a distinct lack of leadership in the coordination of these policy decisions. Media grandstanding seems to take priority over anything else.


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