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Posts posted by Cadbury

  1. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    MoU on collaboration with Korean agency in EEC approved

    I am guessing MoU's are treated with about as little respect and are as worthless as bilateral trade agreements as Australia found out when PM Prayut dispossessed Kingsgate Mining of Thailand's only gold mine for alleged ulterior motives using his Article 44. 

    As for the EEC, this Prayut dream seems to be withering on the vine as the baht grows stronger, the global economy grows weaker and court cases against foreign investors gather momentum (Kingsgate/Hopewell).

  2. On 11/17/2019 at 1:29 PM, kevinmartyn said:

    I went to an all boys RC school from age of 5 to 18! It came to my attention at the age of 9 that many RC parish priests were abusing young children and the "Pope" burried his head in the sand! Bottom line i am now left with zero trust for the pope and the catholic church!

    The most public case of the turning of the blind eye was when Pope Francis appointed Australian Cardinal George Pell to take up the duty of care of the finances of the Vatican. This was despite the Church being aware of complaints about Pell’s character dating back more than 20 years.

    George Pell is now on record as the most senior priest to have been jailed for child abuse in the 2000 year history of the Catholic Church.

    I hope this is lesson learned and is now behind Pope Francis and the Catholic Church and that Thailand gives him a warm and rousing welcome.


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  3. 5 minutes ago, canopy said:

    Simple. Don't compete with them in the dredges of the world. Sell to affluent nations that require and test for clean food that fetches higher profits and where cheap, poison drenched crops are prohibited. Scary thing is it might just work so well that all Thai rice gets exported and we get to eat the chemical stuff imported from surrounding countries.


    Congratulations! Easy-peasy.......you alone have solved the problem. Well done.

    BTW are you referring to the certification for "clean food" that can be purchased under the counter at the relevant authority. Everything has it's price in Thailand.

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  4. 54 minutes ago, canopy said:

    The purpose of a business is to make a profit, not become a burden to the taxpayer. Just let the cost of the product rise to reflect how much it actually costs to provide. If it costs more to make, the consumer pays more to buy it. Free market, no subsidies.


    I agree with you in principle and your theory is fine for the domestic market but to let the new high cost of production (without chemicals) dictate the price of exports it will spell doom for exporters.......unless of course the export prises are subsidised.

    Exports of farm produce now is difficult enough with the high baht already and some have to be subsided otherwise these exports will just diminish (rice?). 

    All other surrounding countries use these agricultural products to save costs. How can Thailand possibly compete against them on the export market. 

    These government experts have created the law, let them come up with the solutions to keep export prices competitive.

    But so typically the Thailand government makes rash knee decisions first and worries about the consequences later. Growers cannot change their farming methods overnight; that might take decades. 

    Pity help these export growers next year, their fate has been sealed.


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  5. 19 hours ago, webfact said:

    SRT must unveil contract details to the public in a simple form within 30 days to ensure the transparency of this public-private partnership,”

    If history is anything to go by "transparency" is a dirty and meaningless word to the SRT. 

    In 2017 PM Prayut used Article 44 to sack the Governor and the entire Board of the SRT for what was described as "lack of transparency" which is also a loose term to imply corruption.

    The Minister said at the time "....we want the (new) board and the SRT governor to supervise projects more closely and ensure there are no irregularities,” 

    Does anyone really believe the SRT has reformed itself?

    I doubt it is in the nature of the beast to do so; old greed habits die hard.


  6. 2 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    So that's Cambodian Independence Day. How does our esteemed leader know that it's going to be political and not just social?

    Did he do some frog-kissing to discover what might be happening?


    I can't follow the logic in 'non-interference in the domestic affairs of member countries' and then 'will not allow opponents of the Cambodian government to use Thai territory for political activities'.


    As Cadbury said about the two bleaders looking after each other's political interests.

    Without referring to any particular Asian leader it is safe to assume that democratic opposition leaders generally are the arch enemy of dictators.

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