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Posts posted by Cadbury

  1. 1 hour ago, fruitman said:

    Ohh i see, no worries then...just some exploding lighting equipment....i've also seen huge transformers explode infront of malls so i guess it's the same family of incidents.

    I am sure this is a disappointment to the RTP. Now they won't be able to offer up a bounteous taxpayer funded reward for the capture of some hapless individual and then collect the reward themselves in front of a huge media audience. 

  2. The Wold Bank is a part of that ineffective global gravy train called the United Nations. The World Bank's primary object is to reduce poverty so their visit to Thailand might be with some merit. 

    I doubt much will come out of this meeting which looks like being an overindulgence of backslapping, gladhanding and mutual admiration. 

    Mr. Zachau says the government should continue to create a better understanding with foreign investors regarding its economic policy and services.

    I am sure that Australian gold mining company that had their gold mine stolen from them now has a better understanding of the junta's economic policy for foreign investors.

  3. 9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    How nice that you joined the site last Friday. Just in time to make a statement like this.


    Perhaps you have some similar observations about career politicians too?

    Yes I do might do old timer. While I tug my forelock to your respected position in this forum I do not see what career politicians anywhere have to do with the subject of military juntas in Thailand. So any such observations by me about elected politicians would be irrelevant; much like your smartass comments.

    And what has the date I joined got to do with my qualifications to comment about this unelected present government. Are you suggesting I only arrived in Thailand on Thursday afternoon?

    Hard night last night Baerboxer, up late boxing with the shadows?

  4. 3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to declare its achievements

    This will be a selective report if ever there was one. You can bet there will be no mention of certain under-achievements. Like improvements to the education system, catching Dhammajayo, reducing road fatalities and accidents, maintenance of public utilities such as sewage works, cleaning up the thousands of tonnes of garbage at tourist resorts, lottery ticket controls. The list goes on.

    This government seems to operate by the 50-50-90 rule invented by Murphy.


    Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

  5. 28 minutes ago, WhizBang said:

    Oh good grief.  Why am I not surprised?  Can the girls not pick him out of a lineup?  The depth and breath of corruption in this country is mind boggling.


    Reform anyone?  Prayut?...Prayut?   Prayut?


    Perhaps Prayut is trying to do something. At least he is saying he is going to do something......which is not quite the same as actually doing it as we know from previous experience.




    From the above report:

    "Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has pledged to take action against every culprit in the latest teenage-prostitution scandal....."


    "I will spare no one. I have already ordered relevant authorities to bring all wrongdoers to justice," Prayut said....."



  6. The Vietnamese fishermen are lucky to be alive. Thai maritime police/RTN usually shoot first and ask questions later.




    I read constantly where fishermen from all these neighbouring countries including China and Thailand itself are always poaching fish from each other. A practice that has been going on ever since territorial waters became recognised.




    I also read where international protocol says that apprehended illegal fishermen/fishing boats should have their catch and gear confiscated and then released. Instead some countries seem to prefer to sink such invasive vessels.





  7. To more correctly describe itself the National Council for Peace and Order should be re-named National Council for Disunity and Civil Regulation. 

    I know little of the man (Chaturon) who is making these comments about the governance of the military junta but regardless of who or what he is he seems to be reasonably accurate in what he says.

    Most military people, particularly officers, have one character trait in which they excel and that is discipline. The fact that they like to practice their discipline skills on the plebeians is therefore not surprising. 

    I suspect the Officer's Mess is a factory for their poorly thought through policies; particularly in the later hours prior to closing.

  8. A few years back Africans came to Vietnam under the guise of playing football. In no time they had set up prostitution and drug rackets and predictably drawn attention to themselves. The Vietnamese didn't mess around. They rounded them up and sent them packing to the nearest border; never to return.

    That seems to have fixed the problem. They have completely disappeared from the scene. 

    Message there for Thailand. The problem can be fixed. A little application is all that is needed.

    Faint hope for that when the there are so many on the inside on the take.

  9. This investigation seems to be driven personally by PM Prayut.

    If it is another of his micro-management "specials" it is a good one and I hope it works out better for him than the lottery tickets and footpaths.




    From the above report:

    "Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has pledged to take action against every culprit in the latest teenage-prostitution scandal....."


    "I will spare no one. I have already ordered relevant authorities to bring all wrongdoers to justice," Prayut said....."


    Tough words. Let's see tough action.




  10. 1 minute ago, cardinalblue said:

    What a great example to demonstrate the importance of confined space entry permit and proper procedures.... Wonder if it even exists here?


    if I was still in EH&S, it would make for great training materiel on what not to do....


    i would credit thailand for making it safer in other countries....



    Seems like the foreman is keeping up the Thai tradition of fleeing the scene of an accident.

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