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Posts posted by Cadbury

  1. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Talk talk talk but no action... until Trumps says enough is enough.

    Exactly! And this is the message Trump is trying to get through. 

    "Slavery in the Thai Fishing Industry"

    The world is a wake up to what cruelty goes on in the Thai fishing industry. This petty military underling is just rattling on with the usual Prayut style lip homage to this serious human rights issue. Thai military men have no heart or soul.

    These bozos just don't seem to be getting the message. The sooner Trump hits them with some heavy duty penalties on their shrimp exports then they might start to listen.

  2. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    National airline’s catering department enters into agreement with farmer’s representative body

    What a blessing this is. Management's prayers have been answered. Thai Airways has been saved by the farmers. 

    All it means is the approved farmers will have to buy their "organic" certification from under the counter of the authorised certification establishments.

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  3. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    An ad-hoc committee to tackle the upcoming US suspension of Generalised System of Preferences

    A common old garden variety Thai committee is usually formed so an important decision can be avoided.

    A special Thai ad-hoc committee chaired by PM Prayut will make it absolutely certain nothing will be decided and nothing will be done to solve the problem. 

    These people who sit on Thai government committees are the ones who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a committee.

    • Like 2
  4. This is good news. It is about 12.6 kms from Mo Chit to Ku Khot and it has taken about 5 years construction to get that far. About a rate of 2.5 kms per year. It was originally intended to open in 2017. So in Thai time they haven't done too bad really.

    I wonder how this rate will compare with the HS train line between Don Mueang and U Tapao which is 220 km. The Chinese will need to do better than this otherwise PM Prayut and the rest of us will long be dead before that line ever opens.

    • Haha 1

    1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Thailand, Bhutan firm up cooperation in trade, investment and tourism

    One minor handicap. Bhutan has a much better corruption perception ranking when compared with Thailand. This should make the negotiation of deals and the exchange of envelopes somewhat more complicated and less rewarding for Thailand "connections" than it might with other S.E. countries and agencies.

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  6. I seem to recall the Japanese, when looking into investment opportunities in the EEC, concluded there was a shortfall of 30,000 skilled workers. 

    So now the Thai government suddenly just realise there is a problem in getting the EEC off the ground and go into a panic to try and educate new skilled workers; something they should have been doing years ago.

    But you can't expect too much creative and forward planning from the military wallies now governing the country. Replenishing the trough and taking care of the rich and elite occupies much of their time.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Decent, honest and properly trained parliamentarians are in desperate shortage. Army generals are not trained for and perform poorly at tasks they have no idea about, such as listening and sharing opinions. 

    and glowing titles do not necessarily improve their performance.

    But it sure improves their take home pay and other fringe and tax free benefits.

  8. 19 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    Makes it sound as if they'll be handing out 'ageing cream' to potential crumblies.

    The lovely, well paid, fresh faced and youthful looking Ratchada Thanadirek (below) observes that “most of those aged between 60 and 64 are still in good health and capable of working” 

    So I wouldn't be surprised if they bring in conscription for the over 60's. Women could work in the fishing industry, washing monk's underwear or household duties for the elite. Men could be rubbish collectors and do sewage maintenance.

    They should be contributing to the economy, not sitting around unemployed. They should be ashamed of themselves.


    old lady.jpg

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  9. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    Next step. US officials should refuse to meet with him.

    A snub would do his ego the world of good for sure.

    But it would be reported by the government false media office that being the big boss and the mega star of the show he was too busy to see him. And that he had passed on to that Trump fellow he could stick his GSP penalties where the sun doesn't shine because they only affect 0.01% of Thai exports to the US.

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