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Posts posted by Cadbury

  1. 24 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    Rubbish, not even remotely close. Do you have any idea how much Thailand has by way of foreign currency reserves? USD 186 billion, more than most western countries: https://www.bot.or.th/english/statistics/economicandfinancial/pages/statinternationalreserves.aspx


    At to days exchange rate when the Baht is very strong, those reserves total almost 5 trillion baht, imagine their value in THB if the baht were to weaken say to 36 or 38!

    Foreign currency reserves is one thing; not so easy suck that out of the system. Domestic currency reserves is another thing.

    The military have plundered the local baht reserves to satisfy their needs to stay in power and buy their war toys.

  2. No doubt he comes with order book, catalogue and gift vouchers in hand.

    Many specials on at the moment for Chinese military hardware. Easy yearly repayment terms at low interest rates, big discounts on obsolete equipment, special deals to reduce excess stock. Low mileage pre-owned tanks with free armour piercing shells on special this week only. 

    Every chance the budget is going to take a serious hit from this military bonding.

    3 minutes ago, JAG said:

    Where are they going to station their garrisons?


  3. Deep paranoia is setting in. Now we have a "Dob In Your Neighbour" app and all the information forthcoming (lies included) will of course be the absolute truth if is suits the government's purpose. 

    Expect the jokesters to find ways of using this app to lay trails of breadcrumbs everywhere for them. Now more then ever the RTP and armed forces will be running around in circles chasing their tails.


  4. 25 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    The Thai are absent.  Most never leave Thailand.   Thailand is too self obsessed with itself to work with its neighbors.  That and the Chinese and Vietnamese are just better business people.   

    Agreed, but then by the same token a lot of the Thai domestic smart money is going into investment in Myanmar and Vietnam where growth is happening (GDP'S about double that of Thailand). So I guess that there is a few smart non-government business people in Thailand. Private Investment in one's own country where there is such little growth is not much of an option theses days.

    Military "business people" are a different breed altogether and their judgement on business matters should be treated with caution.

  5. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    The laws could stop it in a heartbeat if they arrested the customers as well as the hookers.  Demand would dry up (or just move elsewhere) after a few name and shame articles back home, plus the added scrutiny of crossing back into the home country after an overseas arrest on prostitution charges shows up tied to the passport.

    "...they arrested the customers as well as the hookers". Surely you jest?


    And just who are "they"?  Presumably you mean the police, those same people who stand most to lose. The police and others in positions of power are not in the slightest bit interested in shutting down the sex industry as they have too much to lose in terms of income and free services. A simple case of too many fingers in the pie and no one wants to kill the Golden Goose....pardon the clichés.


    Apart from yourself the only other person I know who wants shut down prostitution is Thai Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul. 

    The sex industry is part of the Thai economy and there is nothing that can change that.

  6. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    Transfer to inactive post = turn up for work but you are OFF the gravy train.

    Exactly. Being removed or repositioned lower down the tea money distribution can be serious stuff. What is going happen when he has to tell the missus and any mia nois that their budget has been cut and there will need to be a readjustment to their life styles. That's when the real punishment kicks in.

  7. 1 hour ago, Matt96 said:

    cigarettes should be made illegal long time ago -same as other narcotics. but tobacco lobbyists do whatever it takes to keep their source of profit legal.

    The tobacco industry could extract the addictive nicotine from the tobacco if they wanted to or were forced to. But then the cigarette companies would not get the sales and the government would not get the taxes. Both are on a big winner. The more people smoke the more money they make. Death and illness for them is just an incidental consequence.

  8. 48 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    ".....maintaining the country’s traditions...."

    And some of these traditions would be?

    1. Having the second highest road toll in the world, much to the peril of tourists travelling on public and private transport.

    2. Charging tourists double or more than Thais to visit national parks and the like.

    3. Taxi rip-offs by varying methods right throughout the country. (Taxi industry needs to be told via Section 44 to move to "Thailand 4.0")

    4. Maintaining minimum immigration counters (entry and exit) at major tourist airports.

    5. Protection of organised tourist scam artists by the RTP.

    6. Random pavement urine drug testing for foreigners.

    7. Soldiers patrolling the streets with serious weaponry.

    8. Knowing where every tourist is from day to day and sometimes night to night.



  9. 19 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    So was he at Phramongkhutklao hospital at the time of the bombing?


    No idea why they are being so mysterious and wanting to keep people guessing?

     "He that would keep a secret must keep it a secret that he hath a secret to keep"


    No cigars for guessing where that came from.



    He that would keep a secret must keep it secret that he hath a secret to keep.

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