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Posts posted by Cadbury

  1. It was not long back that Madame TAT made the big announcement that she would be promoting Thailand as a hub for medical tourism. 

    Foreigners visiting Thailand  for medical reasons should be made aware that hospitals are now being targeted by terrorists (co-incidentily on the anniversary of the military coupe).

    Would it not be unreasonable for Mdme TAT to issue a travel warning to those planning to come for medical reasons. Or might that have a harmful effect on tourism? Which is the most important for TAT? Safety of foreign visitors or tourism statistics? 

    Rhetorical question only.

  2. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

    Intangible, yet sustainable.


    Maybe this makes more sense in Thai, if projected with an air of unquestionable, yet patronizing authority?


    Gotta give him credit for keeping up with the Friday evening broadcast. 

    Your final comment makes me wonder if he and his parliamentary colleagues and civil servants are still keeping up their daily exercise programme. Haven't seen a media release about it for quite a while so I guess it has fallen by the wayside for lack of numbers.

  3. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    Think he's looking at a stiff sentence,maybe 100 hours community service.IF found guilty.

    regards worgeordie

    Community service at a timing of his convenience. Just like the little charmer who sent nine people to their death by ramming their minibus on the overpass and sending it crashing to the ground below.

    Three months voluntary service in a hospital at a time which is convenient to her social engagements.

  4. 19 minutes ago, ezzra said:


    And I'm still puzzled as to why a Toyota Camry made in Thailand cost 30% less

    in Australia including shipping, import duties and better equipment that

    what it cost here where the car was made 100km from my home......

    Might have something to do with the cost of production in Australia, particularly energy costs and the AMWU.

  5. So TAT has invented another doozy. Special rice to sell and promote as street food on all the street food outlets that are to be shut  and removed to improve walkway access for pedestrians.


    Just to remind everyone of some of Madame TAT's brilliant insightful plans here is a list of their more recent loopy ideas to attract tourists.


    ·        Durian Kit Kat tourists

    ·        Pokemon Go tourists

    ·        Rusting naval base tourists

    ·        Jetski tourists hub

    ·        Eliminate prostitution

    ·        Sports tourists hub

    ·        Medical tourists hub

    ·        Jewellery tourists hub

    ·        Pattaya, family fun tourists.

    ·        Target wealthy Chinese who normally go to Japan

    ·        Target wealthy Japanese who normally go to Taiwan

    ·        Promote 400B National Parks for tourists

    ·        Promote off-season tourism

    ·        Attract Chinese couples for marriage in Thailand.



    Have I missed any?


  6. 10 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    i expected an early start to the rainy season after the super heated dry hell caused by El nino last year,looks like it has started,  "strong south west monsoon" said the Thai gov weather web site.

    That rotten El Nino!

    Always causing problems. PM Prayut should have issued an Article 44 on El Nino to obey his instructions and follow his weather predictions.

  7. So what is Thailand going to do if Laos want to build a dam on the Mekong? Declare war? 

    China builds dams on the Mekong but that's not the same and there is no squawking about that. After all, China is big and Laos is little. 

    Does anyone think a meeting of 100 Thai locals is going to make any difference to what happens.

    Thailand might ultimately be pleased to import hydro power from Laos when the sun goes down on their solar panels and the gentle breezes stop blowing on their wind turbines.


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