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Posts posted by africasiaeuro

  1. A prominent businessman does not ride a motorbike. Unless a Harley and then only on weekends.

    Ex at 21 years doesn't sound much logic either. 

    What I see regarding the shaving issue is classic Keegong.


    Free range fowl found another rooster.

    What was good before is not good now.

    Will they ever learn not to trust hen? No matter how excellent their carnal knowledge arts.

    And I don't give a hoot.


  2. Fish spas are some of the most unhygienic place you would put your feet into. Sitting in a row with 2 or more other visitors of questionable backpacking background will leave you vulnerable.

    Having a none healed wound on your feet will make it even more risky.

    I have seen such spas in Khaosan shooting up and lots of visitors dangling their sweaty Trotters in a collective 4x8 ft pool, swarms of fish ( and their feces ) floating around. 

    How can these conditions be called hygienic?

    If such contaminant water enters one's bloodstream one can imaging what will happen.

    Of course there are other factors (personal hygiene for example ) contributing, but dangling your feet in such waters isn't helping the problem, to say the least.

  3. 63 yrs young fool who has little clue of what he went into.

    As long as Farungs act the way the old German fool did, so long will some of these things occur? 

    What they do with 63, we did when we were in our 20's, acting foolish.

    That is tolerance, but only up to a certain level.

    Once overstepped it becomes a risk.

    Offensive behavior will draw wrath.

    Unless it is the act of a lunatic, Thais don't stab for no reason. 

    • Confused 6
  4. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...the crash of the e-banking system of Siam Commercial Bank, Thanachart Bank, Krung Thai Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Bank of Ayudhya was caused by human error..."


    Following standard operating procedure, the employee has now been promoted to senior management level.


    "His talents were being wasted" said one executive, "he comes from a 'good' family".






    Awesome response

  5. Gather that now.

    Same as sitting in Airconditioned train sleeper carriage Bkk-Hatyai? Night brings out hundreds of creepy crawlers which thrive on garb.

    Last flight on Thai 25 years ago when our cockpit window developed a crack, and we returned to Bkk after being airborne for one h.

    Though Thai hosted us at the Sheraton, the experience stayed unfortunately with us.

    The word in question: Overall cleanliness



  6. Not sure how to repin but one thing is for sure: Vietnamese have not much to add concerning McCain. 

    To leave the hellhole of their prisons, one must come up with more than just a warm handshake.

    Thus whether he was a hero or not could only be confirmed by Vietnamese archives, which by the way exist.

    First of all: The Vietnamese are a forgiving people.

    As one former Vietcong General who was on the verge of being executed by the Americans according to his account put it to me, said: 'That time was war.' He doesn't hold any grudges against them. A genuinely stoic statement from a real veteran. He was until his retirement head of a military-run company in Hanoi.

    A nice man I would not have liked to meet back in the 70's.

    The McCain we saw was a warmonger. He created conflicts.

    Sorry I can't see the hero here.

    I hope that he will finds peace in his afterlife, though I very much doubt it. 




  7. 8 hours ago, starky said:

    Well according to some "research"  I have read there are up to 13 varieties of Thai smile as part of their culture which means at any time there is only an 8% chance your getting the smile you think. However if you wish to walk around grinning like an idiot at every person you see. Well that's entirely up to you. Just as many fake smiles as genuine ones here.


  8. 8 hours ago, starky said:

    Well according to some "research"  I have read there are up to 13 varieties of Thai smile as part of their culture which means at any time there is only an 8% chance your getting the smile you think. However if you wish to walk around grinning like an idiot at every person you see. Well that's entirely up to you. Just as many fake smiles as genuine ones here.


  9. My first reaction is hold back. It may sound as if I have not much else to say but to continuously bash.

    Far from the truth. We have decades of experience in LOS, and most are positive. I spent hundreds of thousands of Dollars in this country and surely have contributed to the economy in a positive way, however, this is my own experience with Tourist van drivers:

    Location: Songhkla

    In Songkhla we were ( unknowingly .. ) taken to a Minibus.

    The driver went in racetrack mode en route to Padang Pesar. We sat in front, he wouldn't stop his race, even after ( politely ) asking in Thai to reduce his neck-breaking speed.

    Dozing off several times whilst driving we had to tell him repeatedly and politely. It didn't change his mode. Leadfoot on the gaspedal.

    However we made it to Padsng Pesar but it was a horrific experience.

    I asked myself what the criteria was for drivers of Minibuses, how are they being monitored. My answer: Very little, everyone can drive it, no additional checks are necessary. Papers are easily to come by by producing redbacks.

    I also know everything foreigners depict is a dart in the driver's eyes. This statement will cause controversy in some people I know, but you don't know much when you spend 3 weeks a year or even 6 weeks in LOS. It requires years to get to the bottom of this.

    Their pride is hurt quickly when a foreigner uses the wrong words, or uses the wrong gestures.

    It could end in a rage attack and the person in hospital or worse.

    Many such cases happened and were not reported in the past.

    Remember: If you happen to be on a Minibus ( large overland buses drivers are better monitored ), always be very polite when you complain. Use your words wisely. And smile while you tell him to slow down. This will help you to overcome many difficult situations while visiting.

    And remember: You are a guest, paying for the privilege, but nevertheless a guest. 

    To understand Thai culture, which you should, if you visit or live in the country, you should actually learn the language.

    It gives you real sense of what is required. 

    In brief, every sentence has a phrase of respect incorporated. This is the key of Thai culture. Live by it and you shall harvest the fruits.



  10. Yes Panthip has seen better days.

    My guess is they will raze it to the ground and build an apartment small units 35+ sqm there.

    The building is old and rat infested. Shopping centers are galore in Pratunam area so I don't think they would take the risk.

    Phayathai has seen lots of residential real estate development in recent years.

    Even Ratchathevi is having new apartment blocks. Small unit developments are now the choice of developers.

    23 hours ago, colinneil said:

    If police are now saying the girl made a complaint but only of theft, not rape, suggests to me that the police captain is a liar.

    In my few dealings here with the police never once has anyone of them told the truth.

    It is ok showing the police report, as the policeman taking the report could write anything on it get the girl to sign it, and she would have no idea of what she signed, as the report would only be in Thai.


    • Sad 1
  11. It happens too often. Arrogance shown by shop employees infuriate people with hot tempers. 

    They get enraged. 

    Some can some can't control themselves 

    The wrong guy will do what she thought can't ever happen.

    No approval of the action - no sadness.

    You reap what you sow.

    She as a Thai has forgotten what her traditions thought her.

    Being polite would not invoke such reaction for sure.

    Thais will show their second side if enraged and humiliated.

    And I  - don't give a hoot. Seen such attitude too often.

    Poot mug mai dee.





  12. Twenty-seven year olds don't die of heart attacks caused by snakes and ladders. Seen when people frequent one place too often and become predictable targets.

    Noone has checked his bank account yet?

    I 'd be damned if no money has been withdrawn since the guy ended up in his oldsmobile.

    Learn to be wise.

    First lession learnt in LOS : No money, no honey.

    Stick to that and you will be spared.

    I do give a hoot.

    • Confused 3
    • Haha 1
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