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Posts posted by africasiaeuro

  1. I wonder if there was a need for my comments.

    I decided to post anyway.

    Upon seeing the huge logistics required, alone to fill 415 tanks of oxygen, I ask myself the question: How the heck did the group enter into a cave of this deep.

    They didn't have 415 tanks, but they went in with what? With nothing?

    Then the next question: By whom were they led? Some freaking unqualified jacka..s?

    The whole system ist so loopholed, I repeat my earlier fears. There isn't a person with competency. I see a disaster unfolding.

    Reminds me of a project I did in Ayudhya area, where second hand trasnport damaged machinery ( again the fault of incompetent people ) was imported at a 10 times inflated price, financed by a loan. Nobody was competent, the project Director was the lover of the owner, he had no skills but his butt. The subcontractors they chose inflated the price the usual 10 x, when I brought in a knowledgable Thai who offered the same work for 10 percent of their submitted price, he was silenced.

    The last straw was when the owner ordered a 500 KV transformer to be installed right in the middle of the factory.

    Chaos everywhere, this was the conditions to work with.


    There is no relevance between the two cases. Somehow, with smiles, they achieve their targets. The Billions enter the country in form of Tourists rip offs who are magnetized by fake smiles.


    I just pray the lost guys can be found soon, since all the Navy Seals and foreign personel is on the scene - the only chance to get them out.


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  2. The report has only touched the iceberg which swallows consumers in Thailand and elsewhere on the globe.

    The extent to which these chemicals do harm to humans is known, but not widely published.

    Glyphosate or 'Roundup' is manufactured by Monsanto.

    Glyphosate destroys your gut bacteria, thereby eliminating its ability to fight back any intruder, as well as creating obesity.

    Long term results are endocrine cancer, a common disease nowadays, in Thailand as well as most other countries around the world.

    Wheat for example is sprayed with Roundup in the U.S. and elsewhere a few days before harvest.

    The plant perishes, thus makes it easier to harvest grains with machines. However, Roundup stays on the grains and ends up in ones stomach.

    There are studies which have been undertaking in Europe substantiating the risks with Glyphosate.

    As all pesticides and herbicides, they carry an oil base, so they don't wash off by normal rinsing with water.

    One has to either pour boiling water over vegetables before cooking, or submerse them in vinegar for 10 minutes, tgen rinse off.

    This brings us back to Sizzler, where after each salad bar one experiences tummy problems.

    The use of herbicides and pesticides is now so widely spread that one should only buy bio grown fruits and vegetables.

    The food chain has been contaminated with chemicals, the same goes for animal based.

    All contaminated foods end up in either humans or animals.

    The problem one might claim is, then noone can eat anything anymore.

    It comes very close to the truth.

    Thailand has a very active green food society which holds frequent exhibitions in Bangkok. The group is on facebook. These growers are the most conscious when it comes to healthy food.

    To get pesticides like Roundup banned ? Not with Monsanto being behind the product name. They know how to influence responsible Ministers and Politicians. After all Glyphosate is a close relative to Agent Orange, and has been used since the sixties. All know the results it has left after being used in the jungles of Vietnam.





  3. The real problem is described in a few words:

    Nobody has prepared for a disaster of this kind.

    Everything is left to chances.

    When something unusual happens, such as this unfortunate incident, all are left with their mouth wide gaping open.

    No demographic data, no emergency training, no facilities.

    No planning.

    And this is the problem not only with Chian Rai.

    The same thing will happen in Phuket, or Kanchanaburi, or elsewhere.

    The persons in charge are right when it comes to reaping benefits. When there is a problem - well? We leave others to take care of it.

    This scenario doesn't sound right.

    Maybe the caves should have been out of bounds in the first place.

    ( They will be now )

    Pray for the safe return of these fellows.

    Time is ticking away.

  4. Threeeyedraven blinded on two of them.

    Sad - for anyone who has to part in this way.

    Also for many Farungs who drop mysteriously from high rise buildings.

    Except their girlfriends / bf are always asleep when it happens, and are not held for questioning.

    Sleeze and booze and cash are to be blamed for disasters of this sort.

    This case is the first I read where roles have been exchanged.

    Let those who still haven't understood still learn from the mistakes of others.



  5. A friend of mine has been doing that for over 20 years. It started off with a 69 Baht tag, now it has reached 169 Baht. I am however of the opinion that sizzlers veggies are laden with pesticides, as I always feel very uncomfortable after consumption of their salads and greens.

    I am however close to 100 % sure that there is no control over the use of pesticides with their suppliers. ( Roundup ? ).

    ( When eating greens here in Italy there are no symptoms ).

    Sizzler s other options ( bread toasted with cheese ) can be missed. All other foods grilled and likewise aren't worth the money paid.

    (Though Thais mostly love Sizzler and and crowd its restaurants.)


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  6. I for one am of the opinion that Seehofer s tactics are nothing more than deception.

    He has been talking for years, and no action has been taken.

    He either is 1 a toothless papertiger ( theb why has he not been  replaced yet) or 2 a charlatan. Either way, further bundreds of thousands will end up in Germany.

    Germans are now thr laughing stock in other countries, for being unable or unwilling to stop their own social and cultural demise.

    A joke of their former selves, no ideology and no german future. 


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  7. I read some comments and they make me like ' wdf '. 

    This is a classic case. ' did you or did you not have a problem with the villagers '.

    English and other retired who came to LOS without a clue and since never learned a bit.

    This guy made the biggest mistake of his life.

    Vulnerable, he fell into a trap that's almost endemic.

    Wanna know how many sold their property at home and got themselves entangled without possibility of return? It doesn't matter which nationality, Brits, Germans, Swiss, Italians, etc. They all have one thing in common: They suffer the same fate. Money confiscated, House, apartment gone for good ( No chance to sell ), recluse in their own property, some more pathetic than others, depending on their physical ability to 'serve' their masters. ( I am told of 1 such case who has been moved to a niche under the staircase like a dog - in his own paid house - aiheeya nee bai !!! maah guan soon tin ). Everyone around is waiting till they transcend, then clear out all there is in a minute.

    Nging bai laeow .. mai mee tung.

    I hear more from a close friend in a certain foreign mission who deals w such cases on a daily base. One feels sick of this widespread phenomena. Yet they keep on coming - like the flies to the sugarmountain. Never learned this say? 'No money no horny'.


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  8. My condolence to the parents and family of the young girl.


    An infamous end for yet another Farung who went to paradise and thought life is without problems in LOS.

    He will pay for the rest of his life for his mistake.

    Apart from huge payments he will face the wrath of the Nation who will show their real affection for Farungs.

    Better he stayed at home in the U.K. and drank his pints there.

  9. Sorry, I don't get this. " They can run on Bio Diesel IF needed " ...

    What is needed to reduce pollution is not an " IF ". It needs a firm and clear committment. And Diesel fuel is the greatest pollutant we know of, so when why the " IF "?

    Hybrid alone will not cure the problem, Electro Buses will. Surely there are many more options than from " Hino ". LPG is one, French company Heuliez is one : http://www.heuliezbus.com/fr/ believ they know their trade. 

  10. 1 month ago .. How long ? Can't believe my eyes. A person with dementia - and now only they start looking ... female too.

    First trip to south 1976 - never forget those hollow dark eyes staring at us from all corners  upon reaching Surathani .. What has this got to do with the Russian person missing , Right - nothing except once you study the eyes staring at you, you either know how to interprete those or you always stay a fool . .

    Naah there is no love left for anything foreign there..

    Russian Tourist ... 1 month missing ..Samui ...be realistic.

    • Haha 1
  11. 17 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    Get the street vendors and food stalls off the streets. Clean up the trash. Round up the soi dogs. Close the wet markets.

    No more rats the lizards and snakes will go away.

    Now here someone has really hit the nail. Nobody else. Watch street food vendors dump their refuse into chipped off concrete slabs over gutters daily and perpetually - as far as I can remember over fourty years plus. When you see the rats crawling out at dark in the alleys in the hundreds then you know they have a problem. Neat on themselves, but all the rest is not important. Feeding the rats - main cause : food vendors. Get rid of food vendors is out of the question. Therefore the problem of a rat plague is increasing. Saw that also in Penang btw. Solution ? Noone has it. 

  12. It is from such witty individuals that Thailand gets it's infamous name from. People who have nowhere to go and choose Thailand as their playground - without having a clue where their steps take them. No prior experience to culture, people, custom, hearsay is all they got.

    This is the danger of mass tourism at large - many other destinations fare the same way, Gambia, Kenya. No matter what, everything goes, provided they pay up.

    Sad story really.

    People who choose Pattaya are so stigmatized they can't even know.  

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  13. The Lobby spoke .. Wondering how much changed hands .. At this mom stay in an Airbnb in Venice area in a 100 yr old building .  Wanna know at what cost ? 87 bucks a week. Never saw anything like that. Don't know what you fools are still doing there .. Italy has so much to offer - and yes at cheaper rates than LOS. Secure, civilized, culture, I won't change the false smile with a genuine one anymore. check our blog- africasiaeuro.com

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