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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 42 seconds  
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  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 43 seconds  
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 89 seconds  
  6. never underestimate the democrats ability to ruin things for themselves (their donors). from the party that gave you the Clintons and the 2016 election
  7. really, I've had neck pain for 6 months, is not enough to begin to say anything. so, as often happens in this channel, not sure the point
  8. I believe most Adult-onset DM2 is related to insulin resistance ; whereby the receptor cell for insulin are "worn-out" , I'm guessing this isn't "curable" . We were taught, DM2 is really a cardiovascular problem or lets say multi-system ; 7-11 doesn't help.
  9. Can't happen soon enough... NewsWire @NewsWire_US 5m Trump speaking in New Jersey: "You're all going to be thrown into a communist system. You will be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care."
  10. could always be worse, consider american hero, Billy Graham https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1823658089611980800/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/Y3DMdBdpoK0dN-Kr.mp4?tag=12 and what he wanted tricky dick to do to Vietnam , war is the real disgrace to humanity, bombing women and children for jewish supremacy etc
  11. yeaaa that and/or selfies for insta. at least it wasn't in the main terminals, so i don't have to worry about ghosts on arrival. maybe thailand needs more personal injury lawyers to prevent these "accidents" ,
  12. The expert on the donald was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Barrett and his village voice writings and books. Looking at his life on the whole, he has survived some near bankruptcy; he has had a succession of sexy wifes; he gets to play a lot of golf on his own golf courses; esp when he was younger, he was an icon to many of successful businessman, and still is a celebrity; I can also recommend Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, this pretty much explains the American Zeitgeist, of which donald embodies, esp for someone from Queens.
  13. Did you know Uzbekistan won the olympics? If adjusted by GDP (minimizing wealth gap impacting attaining Olympic medals) Uzbekistan scored the most medals, followed by Hungary, Kenya, New Zealand and Ukraine with China and the US in 20 and 21st place. sbnation.com/2024/8/8/242154… toxic nationalism anyway, especially with a genocide going on https://www.sbnation.com/2024/8/8/24215406/2024-olympic-medal-count-ranked-gdp-money
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 122 seconds  
  15. ok, and must the 1st entry be within a certain number of days? For example, using Sept 1 as it being issued, "enter by" Dec 1st or is it unlike other visas ?
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