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Posts posted by PattayaJames

  1. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    Also, the Trump administration has refused to release most of the Mueller report by asserting executive privilege. Mueller has specifically stated the the report does not absolve Trump of  committing obstruction of justice. But since it's Justice Dept policy that a sitting President can't be indicted, there wasn't much he could do on that score except gather as much evidence as he could to preserve it for possible future legal action. One of the possible grounds for obstruction charges was that Trump encouraged Manafort not to cooperate with the investigation.

    Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index - The New York Times (nytimes.com)


    Hang on I thought we had collusion proof now you are talking obstruction of justice? 

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Actually it's the fifth report of the Senate Intelligence committee that gets into collusion. Specifically Paul Manafort. Here's a link:

    report_volume5.pdf (senate.gov)


    Well thanks for that, glad I did not waste my time reading the 85 pages.


    That's a 966 page document, I am sure you won't mind pointing specifically to where it proves your assertion.


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  3. 8 hours ago, J Town said:

    And, right on cue, a 45 supporter brings up the "Russia collusion" bs with conviction, though months ago a bipartisan investigation revealed the Russians DID collude with Manafort et al to help get 45 elected. My keyboard is worn out for looking up and posting the facts, but I'll do it one more time. Hey, it's a new year, maybe at least ONE supporter will wake up and smell the new year/new coffee. PLEASE NOTE this is a "dot gov" web site and it includes BOTH PARTIES!

    Report_Volume2.pdf (senate.gov)



    That's an 85 page document, I am sure you won't mind pointing specifically to where it proves your assertion. 


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  4. On 12/30/2020 at 4:55 AM, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Had this been a Moslem, this thread would have 30 pages already. Good he’s just a white Christian man. 


    Had it been a Moslem, there would be no warning, a busy location and time selected and the bomb packed with shrapnel to kill and maim as many as possible.


    Whatever the reason behind this it seems that killing and maiming innocent people was not the objective. 

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  5. 8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    2020 was a rough year for alot of people around the world. It is likely the best thing to happen during this year, was the sound defeat of Trump. He still cannot handle it. It is surprising with 17 major business failures and 19 lost merchandising deals, one would presume he is accustomed to being a loser. 


    Contrary to the self created myth, Trump can barely negotiate his way out of a paper bag. Just think of how many have gotten over on him, and taken advantage of his lack of skill and prowess, in the past few years. Putin, Xi, Kim, MBS, and countless others. Now, the leaked tax returns paint the rest of the sorry picture. And financial losses for decades. Unless he is lying to the IRS too. Very possible. 


    1. Few like a loser. If they did not know Trump was a loser before, they sure will know it once he leaves the White House, and returns to his failing business.

    2. I believe he will soon be forgotten. Just a terribly bad memory.

    3. There is virtually no chance of him winning in 2024. I have been wrong before. But, as time goes on, he will become more and more irrelevant. Hopefully.

    4. If he keeps up his nonsense, there is always a chance Jack Dorsey will come to his senses, and ban his twitter account. Without twitter, he is a 300 lb. zero.

    5. Many are assuming his physical and mental health keeps up. It appears over the past 6 months or so, both are on a serious decline. He will be 78 or 79 in 2024. And he is NOT healthy.

    6. Lastly, many are assuming the GOP sticks with him, after he is gone. That is not a given. At least, if they are sane and have some reason.

    It is likely that the only ones with more skeletons in their closets, are Papuan Highlander cannibals.
    We can only dream of a long prison sentence for Trump, once he is unceremoniously ushered out of the very white house come January. He is a man of deceit, foul play, a traitor to his nation, and a man so lacking in compassion, character, allegiance, loyalty, kindness, generosity, fidelity, heart and soul. He is morally bankrupt. His ex associates know that. The thousands of small contractors who have sued him for money owed know that. Tillerson, Sessions, Barr, General Kelly, and countless other know. 


    You do tell a good story, however I don't believe that your skewed vision of Trump is as widely shared as you think.


    President Donald Trump has come out on top as Americans’ most-admired man for 2020, according to Gallup’s annual survey, ending former President Barack Obama’s 12-year run with the title.


    This year’s results mark the 10th time Trump has finished among the 10 most admired men



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  6. 20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Very very soon how much golf Mr trump plays or doesn't play will be of no political significance whatsoever!




    It never was.

    Anyways I doubt old Joe will be out on the course too much, kiddies mini golf maybe?

    Reign of terror LOL.

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Once again invoking motivations in order to deflect from the facts.


    According to "facts" on the world renowned news website trumpgolfcount.com 

    In the 200 weeks since inauguration Trump has played 150 times compared to Obama's 111. Which means Trump has played less than once a month more than Obama did.

    Possibly interesting to some? Seemingly small minded and petty to others.


  8. 3 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Of course they have. In the same way that Trump could have used other golf courses in rotation.


    Of course he could have skipped playing golf for nearly one year in four and actually done some real work for the country and its citizens instead. Just think of all the millions of dollars the tax payer would have saved.


    BTW, wasn't Trump the president who said that he would spend less time on the golf course than President Obama did?




    Fun Stats

    Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:


    Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (31 so far):*


    Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:


    Cost of flights to Bedminster (27 so far):*


    Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:


    Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:



    There is more if you follow the link including a graph showing the amount of time Trump v Obama spent playing golf.


    I expect that you will condemn it as fake news like a true blinkered Trump believer.


    There are many other links that you can look at as well.  


    Fake news LOL. It's not news at all.

    Normal people who are not totally consumed by a psychological hatred of Trump could care less when or where he chooses to play golf or spend his weekends. 



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  9. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Who owns Mar a Lago, and who benefits from every person staying there. Such as SS Agents, the flight crew of Air Force One and all of the other people employed by the US government who actually pay the bills. That cost will be covered by the taxpayer, if there are any left in the USA.


    So Trump owns Mar a Largo and they make money from paying guests, amazing. Who would have thought it.

    I bet occupancy rates in this property are right at top of Trumps agenda. 





    • Sad 3
  10. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    The 2017 tax bill especially favored 2 classes of business. Real estate and limited partnerships. Those 2 categories apply to most of Trump's businesses. And keep in mind that Trump could have put his businesses in a blind trust. He chose not to.

    And it's always a tell that someone doesn't have much in the way of refutation, when they make it personal. I have no idea what makes you happy and could care less.


    OK, if you say so, the whole Trump presidency was a ruse.

    His only motivation tax cuts for his business empire and a reduction in service staff costs.

    un refutable.


  11. 30 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    The latest example of Trump's war on the working class: the Dept. of Labor just passed a rule allowing doing away with the time limit timmped employees, such as waiters could be compelled to do the kind of work for which they wouldn't be tipped. In other words, Mar y Lago's dining facilities just got workers to work for sub-minimum wages..

    And how about the time during the pandemic when the Trump administration got it passed that employers, such as slaughterhouses, couldn't be held liable if their employees got sick. Of course, that meant that employees couldn't get unemployment if they chose not to put themselves in danger. They were just dying to work.


    Why bring Mar a largo into it?

    You think Trump is making decisions for the country based on his service staff costs. 

    Try thinking of the bigger picture.

    Anyways, so long as you are bashing Trump you are happy at least.








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  12. 10 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Because people need it, and more. Why wasnt trump involved and say he agreed with the dems?


    Will you be disappointed when he approves it?


    I would be disappointed if he approves it yes. Not so much about the amount of the stimulus checks.

    The bigger problem is all the other foreign aid and special interests that has nothing to do with COVID relief for Americans.

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