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Everything posted by terryofcrete

  1. The beach patrols are well heralded and the ladies either stay away or cross the road ...to the city side of the beach road ... the patrols tend to stay water side ... now that's a huge inconvenience and a mighty task for the girls ...to actually cross beach road ....have you tried it ?.... By the way ... a friend told me all this ....of course ! How do you sign up to become a "Volunteer" for these patrols , as mentioned in the article ? If they give you a notebook and an RTP pen you could get a lot of contact details from the suspects ! Again, I'm asking for a friend .... lol !
  2. They weren't always paid obscene amounts of money ya know.
  3. My family are Hi So... They have all visited Thailand ...once ...they don't understand my frequent visits , or they are too polite to tell me what they think... lol. My son commented on the upcoming new 300:baht entry tax ... " they charged 600 baht to get out of that third world ***hole , now they wanna charge you to get in , and you will pay it... Jesus Da !
  4. Or Anutin ! ..lol... why did Thailand not offer her asylum .... no need to answer I suppose ... but it's something to do with friends that have rows of medals on yer chest Sir !
  5. Here we go.....today's news...It's 'necessary' to ban anyone of military age from travelling abroad, Russian senator says.
  6. Yes... the whole world ... that's why we are paying exorbitant prices for energy supplies and eejits are paying up to €50:a day for a sunbed in Mykonos in Greece in high season. Still better for everyone to regulate the price , especially in Thailand where tourists are screwed so much already... as regards energy supply , someone needs to eliminate the source of the problem, lovely man !
  7. Shirley McLane to Jack Nicholson in Terms of Endearment springs to mind ..."There's something wrong with you "
  8. All travel tickets out of Russia sold out and airlines have been instructed to stop selling any more flights out for men aged 18/65.. I'm surprised they aren't actively intercepting conscription aged men at the airport check in desks. Maybe they are .
  9. Yeah...thought dat...Everyone knows it Shudda been wudda turned.
  10. At least the over 65's can travel to Pattaya for "Destry's Last Ride"...
  11. Well, if you talk to the ladies they will tell you about the bargaining they have to do to get guys of that nationality to part with their rupees...and talk to the girls who refuse any guy from that nationality as it's not worth the hassle... I doubt if any of these guys would support sick buffalos or the ladies themselves.
  12. If Putin decides to conscript no male between 18 and 65 will be allowed to travel outside Russia.
  13. UP DOWN THE BUS STOPS ! ...favourite baht bus sign for tourists. figured it out ?
  14. Do it now because the 15 minute simmer could cost you 100 baht soon enough .... lol...
  15. So there's no Thai Friendly or other so called "dating" apps in North Bangkok ?
  16. Morris Dancing In Thailand ! Never thought I'd see the day.
  17. Think you are the first one to actually say that... may I add my sympathies to your kind words.
  18. Is this a news platform or a comic ? That piece is absolute rubbish ... doesn't make sense and would make a 4 yr. old laugh.
  19. I use a tuk tuk if I'm constipated. It shakes the bejaysus outta you .
  20. Haven't met a woman in Thailand yet that didn't think a farang husband or "boyfriend" would be better than most Thai men. Mind you most of them have been there with Thai men and paid a price.
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