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Everything posted by terryofcrete

  1. Thailand's jails are not barbaric ... unlike the US
  2. Yummy... fish and chips.... love an English takeaway !
  3. "Welcome"...the only welcome now is the money they spend...
  4. Round them up and send them to Rwanda ! ..
  5. Sybil Fawlty ... Mastermind... Specialist Subject .... the Bleedin' obvious ....
  6. I'm very upset that my beloved Ireland wasn't included in this carefully researched list of offending countries... I can confirm at least a few Irish who regularly visit Thailand to engage in dodgy practices whilst there ...after all remember there is no prostitution in Thailand.
  7. Already sorted on Thai Friendly ....
  8. Had a call from a ladyfriend in Bangkok yesterday . She was in tears ...."I hate them so much" was all she could really manage .
  9. Nice to see you practicing your ABCs... soon you can move on to the other 22... good boy !
  10. And you haven't gone blind ! Couldn't handle movies or whatever on a phone ... unless it's one like the girls buy that's the size of a mini iPad ...
  11. All "shifty looking " foreigners should be refused admission ..ya know the type ... seen the movies ...especially if they say "Buddy"...
  12. He was probably looking for nightlife but realised he was on the wrong island ... I know , I was there and the highlight of my trip was watching monkeys doing trapeze antics on the telegraph wires... very frustrating .
  13. They won't let me rob any bank ! I'm really cheesed off !
  14. There will be a new law making it a criminal offence for a foreigner to wear a "wife beater" singlet...especially the Chang ones !
  15. Much cheaper price in beach road... and no barfine or lady drinks ...my friend told me...of course.
  16. Now if they banned swimming at that beach they would be be doing something positive ... I shudder to think of even dipping a toe in that sewer .
  17. HISO's short of pocket money tax
  18. I tried the 45 days once but I ran out of good looking women .
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