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Everything posted by terryofcrete

  1. It's because of this fact that I now enjoy so much time in Thailand, but wary of ever getting seriously involved . While it was devastating for me when my wife left me for a friend of ours after after 25 years of marriage , it left me in a position where I was free to travel solo to SE Asia and spend 4/5 months a year in Thailand now . im gonna make a collection to get her a Thank You card ... Defo wouldn't pay for one out of my own pocket though. Lol.
  2. Me too and I checked out of it early because they were disruptive in the breakfast room and around the pool... not to mention swimming in their jocks instead of bathing togs. Impossible to get attention at reception as there was always a gang (of them) waiting to be seen to. ..
  3. It's almost 8 months now since my bout of Covid and I'm still suffering from some of the recognised symptoms . Breathing , fatigue, higher glucose levels. Long Covid ? So they say .
  4. Joke ... I expected to get Covid . I'm 75 , diabetic, on too many heart and BP etc. medications to list and go to Pattaya for 4 months every year for ...to quote Basil Fawlty..." the Bleedin' obvious". , including during the height of the pandemic , but as I understood it , being vaccinated and boosted would ,or might , perhaps lessen the seriousness of the infection.... will that help explain ... if there was anything to explain ,my comment .
  5. But ... but... why did the WHO give Thailand a prize the other day for their handling of the Panasonic .... sorry ...Pandemic ... Surely it had to be more than another photo opportunity for lord Anutin ?
  6. Hard to pay your credit card in lots of places and some try to charge extra to cover the fees they must pay. that has to change if they are serious.
  7. And I'm 75 now and can get any sports event free . I tried to show my neighbour ... not a chance ...
  8. I recently arrived back in Ireland from Thailand and there was an urgent message to contact my GP... When I did he said he was concerned that I didn't get the new booster. More or less demanded I go to the surgery there and then. That's 5 shots now I've had but it didn't stop me getting Covid... and where did I get it in February .... Yep...Thailand.
  9. Especially after the recent tragedy with fire in an entertainment venue. Actually the first thing they should look at. And sex toys of course ... they need to search everyone for those !
  10. Yes... Gave her money for a facial and suggested the name of the salon in Mikes ... Japanese style therapy ... I needed some personal space to say my prayers .... lol...
  11. I took a non bar lady , a hairdressing salon owner, from Bangkok to Pattaya , she had never been, and while there I sent her for a facial to a beauty therapist in Mike's SC. She said she would have no problem getting back to he hotel. Hours later she arrived back in the room all sweaty and bothered . She ended up on 3 different Baht Buses getting lost and confused . It is a 10 minute walk from the hotel to Mike's. I should have known better as she could not negotiate the BTS in Bangkok and would regularly go in the wrong direction !
  12. It's the Dick and <deleted> Show ....
  13. You can say that again .... my occasional Thai lady refuses to go to an indian restaurant ... only once , it was my birthday , she actually suggested we go ... the look on her face as she struggled to pretend she liked it.... eventually I sent for a pizza across the road ... with the permission of the restaurant owner ...
  14. My doctor said the same as he was admonishing me over my weight and diet.....that's exactly what he said ...Indian food is the best ....if you want to die early ....
  15. Ah... the train from Bangkok !
  16. Coup De Jour
  17. Yes... perfect opportunity ! Form a queue to volunteer.... lol....
  18. Not a man ... subhuman monster,
  19. If you read the piece you will know the story. A concerned citizen, praise be, informed the authorities .
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