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Everything posted by terryofcrete

  1. Very sad .... that he didn't lose his d*ck as well.
  2. Ask the Finnish Prime Minister for a hand... She could run Thailand in her spare time and still find time to dance !
  3. Drop of blackcurrant cordial in a glass of Guinness was a favourite of many an old dear in Dublin.
  4. O'Shea's Irish Pub, Sports Bar & Hotel (Herrity's) Sukhumvit 33
  5. These goons are not too concerned about such minor matters .they are primarily busy making their fortunes, or adding to the fortunes they already have made from the Covid scams.
  6. If he isn't sentenced to death by law he will be by popular demand .
  7. My late sister attended a special school in Dublin . She had Cerebral Palsy. When my Mother died I was clearing out her house and found a photo of my sister with Saville posing for the press on a publicity visit to the school. I felt chilled to the bone. His arm around her smiling at the camera. i destroyed the photo but afterwards I felt maybe I shouldn't have . i will never forget the feeling of anxiety when I found that photo.
  8. And a criminal waiting in the wings to replace him.
  9. That's a terrible generalisation . Almost as bad as what this medical genius is saying...
  10. All Thai Ladies advised not to take money from Foreigners .,,,Well if they follow this advice they won't be !
  11. I would bet my house on it that if I fell off a lady in Pattaya they would say it wasn't an accident !
  12. I read the column twice and pinched myself ...Either Rooster got a job in TAT or a brown Envelope from Cha Cha I thought at first ... but I actually think he's genuinely happy to promote the country. Interesting reading , As one who never stopped being a tourist in Thailand during the covid restrictions and jumped through the maze of must do's to enter and caught covid while in Thailand, I'm genuinely very happy with the current situation. I do, however, worry about the lack of clarity in relation to the availability of cannabis and the promotion thereof , especially with regard to younger Thais.
  13. All of us Irish went there chasing the dream job as advertised ...Drink Canada Dry !
  14. After I get high on Anutin's Finest I see hundreds of them running around in packs everywhere too.... rabbits ! ... oh sorry...I read that wrong ....
  15. Next Port of Embarkation ? What do most people put in that box ?
  16. And she wouldn't settle for a typical boring Ex Pat in LOS.
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