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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. Do not believe anything anyone says about crypto currency. Nobody knows what will happen. The mere fact that some people gambled and won in the early stages is proof that it was a gamble. Now everyone is at it and everyone knows a bit more so the element of surprise has disappeared. Tomorrow could be the day the powers that be attack . Too much conventional money invested in Power ! Too much to allow  them to let this new kid on the block get ahead of itself and above it’s station. My feelings anyway . 

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  2. It depends where you go as said above. I had fun in Samui. In Pattaya  it was so bad that I was chased  with ice water into the path on an oncoming car and got hurt. Farang and Thai , equally active. Lost my cool with another farang and grabbed him by the throat.. my lady pulled me off him. Packed up and moved over to Hua Hin. No problems there, toned down and just a dash of water here and there. Good fun. Pattaya was drunken and malicious in places. A lot of Low Life thinking. 

  3. 8 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    That area is flush with scammers period, the palace is closed line is just one of them. I was there a few years ago and was sat on a step having a rest when some motley looking unshaven Thai struck up a conversation using almost perfect English. After the usual blah blah he volunteers that he's a pilot with Thai Airways on his day off, flies 747's he says, what a coincidence says I, I'm a pilot also  but with British Airways and I fly 74's too. Searching desperately for a believable line I ask him almost seamlessly how he likes the new JS1-TARS navigation system Boeing introduced last year and did he have difficulty adjusting from MAPS? He simply got up and walked away, friends told me later it was probably the early stages of a jewellery store scam. Great fun if you've nothing better to do with your time, go bait the scammers and play with them.

    Good man ... I consider it a great source of entertainment to bait them. Mostly by going along with them and then out pops my thai lady to rescue me ... telling them where to go and the number of the bus to catch ! 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Thaijack2014 said:

    Seeing most replies and answers, I can understand that Thais are fed up with the stupidity of many Farang. Why do some foreigners have this exhibitional need to expose themselves naked on whatever they seem fit? Why do they need to show the world how "great" they are? Walking without decent clothing in a supermarket is already one of the least harmfull but unsightful behaviours. If I may recall: the nude exposure in temples, the two Americans with their butt pictures, flashing boobs during Songkran and some I can't recall.

    Why have to come here? Those idiots can stay in their own country and walk naked all day!

    Thais are offended yes, but not offended by the sheer commercialism of the entrance to any any site that is “a tourist attraction” . Never offended by the money flowing in. The reality as to why these offensive (to Thais) things happen is that if you have 35 million tourists visiting each year there will be some “misbehaviour “. Weigh it up and lose the sensitivity , fact is there is a high percentage of visitors coming to Thailand for sex... is that not more offensive ? Coming to Thailand is like entering a Huge Funfair ! 

    • Sad 1
  5. My kid is in good shape financially, no worries and loads of Dosh, but he still reminds me from time to time that all my relationships with Thai women are transactions. Keep going (to Thailand) until you drop is his constant advice , be happy, but for god’s sake do not get married ! I’m only 70, but I know I do not have the keen edge mentally that I once had, and I listen to my kid. 

  6. 2 hours ago, remorhaz said:

    Thais and business...  here's a hypothetical that illustrates a point that I have seen in one way or another in Thailand.  A Thai owns a block of 10 rental units.  He rents them for 1,000 Baht each.  Unexpectedly 5 of his renters leave within the same month.  The owner then goes to the remaining 5 and tells them that rent is now 2,000 Baht a month.  In response to this 4 out of the remaining 5 leave.  The owner than goes to his sole remaining renter and tells him that rent is now 10,000 Baht a month which immediately prompts his last renter to leave.  His entire complex stays empty for 2 months.  Finally a potential customer comes up and asks how much it is to rent one of his units - the owner answers "10,000 baht" - the owner is used to getting 10,000 baht after all.  The new customer immediately walks away.  At the temple the owner prays and lights an incense stick and dedicates a bottle of Red Fanta because obviously the Buddha is angry at him as he has no customers.  


    The absolute inability to connect cause with effect and understand that for a person to have something greater tomorrow they must not consume it or waste it today.  I blame the weather.  In Europe or North Asia if you didn't plant your crops properly and harvest them carefully you starved during the winter.  This has a tendency to shake out the lazy within a few generations.  In Thailand if you're lazy and wake up at 1pm every day and don't plant anything it doesn't matter.  When hungry you simply go tear a piece off any number of trees and eat, year round.  If you save something chances are someone will be along to take it or want to "borrow" it from you so why save anything?  Only today matters.  Ask a Thai this: would you rather get 60,000 Baht at the end of each month or 1,000 Baht each and every day.  They'll all take the 1,000 per day.  You could die today after all!  Future planning?  You think to mut.  I'll come back tomorrow?  A grave insult.  Running a business requires future thinking which is hard to do if none of your ancestors ever did this.

    You nailed it. While the rest of the world is trying to practice Mindfulness , to stay in the moment or the day , the Thai people do it instinctively. No worry about Prung ni . Only Wanee ! 

    • Like 2
  7. There are Farang doing stuff like this all over the place . They do not crave or desire publicity. They simply feel that they can contribute something to try and offset the imbalance that the poorer people of Thailand suffer in a country that does so little to take care of its’ people. If you tell a Thai about the level of social assistance available in your country they think you are a liar ! I know many Thai people being paid 315 baht a day as a shop assistant . In my country the rate is 470 baht an HOUR . “ Oh but the cost of living is higher in your country” .. yes , but I could list so many household items that are as expensive in Thailand. Basic living , without added “luxuries” is only a little more expensive. 

    This piece of news is akin to something worthy of Nazi Propaganda , no pun intended and respect to this particular German. No bitching involved on my part, except against the government that neglects it’s own. 

  8. 8 hours ago, seajae said:

    they need to teach them that when crossing the centre line on any road they must make sure that there are no cars on the other side, the amount of times these idiots simply cross to the other side of the road into oncoming traffic so they do not have to slow down or to avoid a puddle of water is unbelievable. Add to that that most dont even indicate and just swerve in front of you causing you to either have to swerve sharply to avoid them, hit the brake very hard or even have your side mirror smashed as they continue on ignorant of what they have done. These drivers need to learn what centre lines as well as other lines on the roads mean and obey them, its part of what causes many accidents, ignorance and their impatience are no excuse


    Please... does anybody expect anything to be orderly or disciplined in LOS ? Every tourist, and Thais , take there life in their hands crossing a street or road  in Thailand. There is no reason for thinking the cars will not hit me ! Even if there IS a traffic light on red. Look at 2nd Road in Pattaya.... just to watch people dashing between cars is mind boggling. 

    No, the only thing properly regulated in Thailand is the collection of fines, sadly.  

  9. Many tourists ignore the warnings.... and may I ask a simple question... how in the name of whoever are the people who rent these kites or whatever allowed to do so if there is adverse weather ? Will they be prosecuted for irresponsible trading ? Not a chance of course. The dangers that are acceptable , with no need at all for them to be, scares me every time I visit... and I visit quite a lot. The children on motorbikes with no helmets standing , ready to be the first to be smashed to smithereens in an accident. It makes me want to scream at the authorities, sort the obvious before you create controversy with stupid laws about beach smoking ! 

  10. 7 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    I very much doubt that!!!!!

    The refugee industry will prey on you and you ilk, bleeding you dry, until one day you or your children decide to leave your homeland as it is now unrecognisable.......but where will you go?

    I'm glad my homeland, Australia has taken a stand, although I fear it may be too late.

    Japan has the right idea.



  11. 2 hours ago, Franko666 said:

    I have just gone from iPhone 6 to a Vivo5S and its the best move ever and third of the price at just under 9000 THB. I wanted dual sim and got a great phone. It looks and operated much like an iPhone but much better camera at 20 mp and great software.



    I switched from iphone to Android and never looked back . One drawback for me, and there may be a workaround but I don’t it, is that My family, who live abroad, use iMessage and at home I have an iPad so no problem but out and about the Android doesn't have it as it an Apple thing.   Apart from that everything is better now. 

  12. 48 minutes ago, hocuspocus said:

    My wife's family let her go to work in Bangkok at 15 years old (to support their idle lifestyle) and she wonders why I have problems respecting them. One can only imagine what could have happened to her. She still wants to support them now but with the little money I give her now after the birth of our child six months ago, she has hardly any money to give them. Now they are supported by their only son and I expect their 12 year old daughter will be next inline to support them.

    Nail on the head !  I know a lady who is seriously struggling to make ends meet and took her daughter out of college to go to work and now sends some of the daughter’s wages to her family up north. This practice is everywhere, the duty to family causes immense hardship in it’s own right. But one dare not criticise, as I quickly learned !

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