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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. 21 hours ago, CH1961 said:

    1000+ tax for plenty of crime: https://crime-statistics.co.uk/postcode/po11 9ad

    Horrible weather: https://www.bbc.com/weather/8299619

    At place 26 (of 50) in Crap Towns, Pan Macmillan ?


    No, thanks .. will stay in Pattaya ?

    he said it was for health reasons ... Bad and all as the UK NHS is , I’m Irish and ours is not as good as NHS, it is better than having to rely on public health system in Thailand ... no thanks... Only reason I only go back and forth to Thailand instead of living there is health issues... we get older we get more problems ... At leastI can chat to the bugger in the next bed here in Dublin !  

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    • Haha 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Moti24 said:

    He shouldn't be in custody!  Six feet under is where he should be!


    The only downside of living in Thailand; surrounded by guys like this.  Before anybody posts that there are guys like this in every corner of the world - Yes! That is so.  But, here in Thailand, it's in your face 24/7; makes me want to puke!

    I am not being smart here, but I come 5 months a year, so I do not live here but I stay in Pattaya sometimes for a month , but I have never “seen” anything to do with child pornography , and I am assured that adult porn is illegal and you will be denied access on a computer ? i wouldn’t even attempt it, not that I am a prude or. a saint ! I understood that the reputation Thailand had for underage sexual activity had been stamped out to a large degree. Your comment is obviously well informed if you live here, so I  am saddened to read it. 

  3. 2 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

    Perhaps this documentary will fill in some of the gaps in reporting that was first reported here:



    This cave incident has been blown way out of proportion IMO.  It's like nothing else mattered or took any precedence.  


    Hope I'm not being too negative. 

    yes, you are . all around the world people were so interested. I spend almost half the year in Thailand , so I could be forgiven for taking a keen interest but in Ireland and in the UK the interest , and indeed concern , was obvious , growing every day from scant coverage to almost live coverage , and I was asked by family and neighbours if I had any additional information from my friends in Thailand. Human nature, being what it is, many thought it would end with a mixture of tragedy and celebration, and indeed, one brave diver lost his life for his efforts. It felt like a miracle when the kids and their coach were rescue and were safe. I, for one , cried, as did my Thai friends. It was, as is quoted over and over, an incredible operation which highlighted what international cooperation, rather than war mongering , can achieve . A documentary will soon be followed by a movie I have no doubt and that is fitting given that most of the world celebrated  the success of one of the most difficult underground rescue operations ever out carried out.

    • Like 2
  4. I have 5 visa on entry trips a year , 30 days with return flight evidence and lots of €’s in my bag to show if questioned. I have been doing this for 4 years now. I was never questioned, but I have read so many reports on this that I always get slightly nervous on arrival.

    This year I emailed the Thai consulate in my own country, Ireland, and received an assurance that I was doing nothin wrong. On my last trip, having completed the departure procedure I went to the Immigration desk and specifically asked if I would have a problem continuing this practice . They inspected my passport and assured me that would be fine. How come I’m still nervous... because it’s Thailand. 

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  5. On 7/2/2018 at 4:59 AM, KhunBENQ said:

    Avoid the booths within the AOT (airport) premises. Identical rip off rates at all booths.

    You loose 4% or more (I sometimes compare when have time at the airport).


    Either change only a small amount or:

    (if it's not too much with your baggage) proceed down to the lowest floor where the connection to the airport rail link is.

    Right next to the escalator to the platform there is number of booths with top rates that are only beaten by 0.05/0.10 Baht in Bangkok city (Chinatown).

    For a rough idea about rates:


    select USD/THB/Notes.

    Big face value, crispy notes preferred as usual.

    Super Rich ... basement of the airport  . best rate, Also have a big branch in Silom in Bangkok, but can be slow ... so popular .. obviously .

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, shaurene said:

    I went into this few years back. You need to find a Spanish lawyer who can deal with immigration. You should have no problem finding one in Tenerife  that speaks good English. I found a couple on the Internet and they claimed no problems with it. I am Uk passport and was considering going back to Spain to live with my Thai wife. I lived in Malloca for 4 years in the mid 70's.


    maybe I am over simplyfing this but surely there’s a huge difference in th status of a wife as agaianst a girlfriend, which is what the OP’s lady is ? 

  7. 1 hour ago, happydays said:

    Twice in the last 6 months I’ve left my ATM card in a machine outside 7-11 & both times nobody had handed the card in. Disappointed at the lack of honesty in this country. My solution is to have 2 bank accounts, 1 with an ATM card in which I keep a maximum of B10k & the balance in the other account with no card. Easy to transfer money between accounts on my phone. Also, I see some ATM machines allow you to withdraw money without a card, the bank sends a code to your phone.

    do you not worry about yourself ? Reading your comment I do worry about your safety . 

  8. I imagine that there is someone “ up there” in the hierarchy of this lovely country who thinks native. Wine is not important , tax it big time. They would have no idea of the number of people who would not touch Thailand for holidays as they are quality wine drinkers in their own countries. I personally know of family members who refuse to include Thailand on their list because of the exorbitant price of an ordinary bottle of plonk. I am Irish, not a cheap country to live in or visit,  but the price of a bottle of Australian wine, not particularly remarkable, such as Jacobs Creek, is twice the price in Thailand than Ireland, and I shudder to think how cheap it is in Australia. But this particular penny has never dropped. 


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  9. 12 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

    I am shipping out! I'm on a tourist visa the whole point of being on a tourist visa it to visit and leave. So who really needs to shape up here?

    The “ who in the world does this guy... “ made me smile in the context of your citizenship. Of all the nationalities on this planet your Homeland has more questions than any other to ask of anyone entering the US,and for good reason, I agree,  but it should be more obvious to you as a US citizen that the guys asking the questions are in charge. I would not argue with an immigration official in the US, No Siree ! 

  10. How difficult is it to understand me when I say NO in the 7/11 to the straws, and spoons that are automatically loaded into your main plastic bag if you buy milk, yougurt, ready meals ? no matter if I say no thanks, point and say no, make a gesture to indicate No, they will not believe me that I do not want these precious additives to my shopping. Surely by now the message must be being passed on about plastic. 7/11 should change their policy to NOT automatically giving straws and spoons and let the customer ask for them if they want/need them... better still changed a couple of baht levy  for the bags like in the west , east , south, north of the planet in responsible society. But that would be a bridge too far methinks ... 

  11. 5 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    The UK post office staff don't know for sure.

    I bought a stamp for a letter to Thailand. The assistant, weighed it, checked the price, then crossed out 'Thailand' replacing it with 'Taiwan', telling me I'd spelt it incorrectly. When I told her it was going to Thailand, she said she'd never heard of it before.


    Ah no... I don’t believe that... everyone knows about Thailand... you go there to get cheap sex with women half your age if you are old .... says so on the documentary’s on TV... “Bloody ‘Ell... it’s Disneyland for aul fellas “ ... said the British man interviewed. 

    • Haha 1
  12. 17 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    Perhaps rather than say "not hotel prices" it would be better to say exactly how much you want to spend per person? I know good places at prices from 140B to 500B+.

    Also is there anything in particular you do or dont want to see on your plate?

    Also do you want a plated meal or a carvery/buffet style?

    One course or several?

    also you could be making suggestions anyway instead of giving a running commentary on the defects of the readers simple query without so much as a hint of a suggestion as to where they might eat. 

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