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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. 4 hours ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    It's a  dump and full of slappers who just want to rip you off. Avoid it is my advise. Not a nice place.

    In all my time in LOS the best girl I ever met was an FL in the Beergarden . I stayed with her for 3 happy years , she ran a hair salon all day and was in Soi 7 every possible night paying for a good education for her daughter and of course sending money north to a do little family. It’s sad to hear you say that. Now the kip up the road Themae, with it’s japanese clientele, is another story . So many happy memories of the Beergarden.  

  2. 18 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    No one will ever enter the top 5 or even 6. Three marriages to Thais have taught me that all non Thais are never going to get into the list . While I have accepted it- it is definitely something to consider when contemplating marriage or even a relationship with a Thai girl.

    If you watch the movie “Only God Forgives “ there is a terrific scene where the Cop explains it like it is to the bad Farang. You think you can become one if us but no chance ! Great movie.

  3. This is so funny ! Editor please note this can be a daily occurance if you walk around long enough. And a foreigner too , of course you immediately think western,   But he is not . When you are scammed ...(not) anymore ..so many  times by ... let’s say non foreigners to be careful... it is indeed good to hear that ”  “ a foreigner” hath done this ! BTW anyone recall the foreigner in the airport always around hitting on everyone , not enough money to get home etc. I got fed up having seen him 3 trips in a-row and told him off good and proper  

  4. I have met thousands of people who drink alcohol, during my lifetime. I would go as far as to say that NONE of the drinkers I have known have ever done, or experienced ANY of your above examples.I would also add that, 99.99% of the ones I have met are nice, friendly, sociable people, a[l of whom do more good than bad.
    Yes, there are a very small minority that can be a problem after consuming alcohol to excess, but just because you, personally, are against it, does not make it wrong to take part.
    There is nothing worse than the 'holier than thou' anti drinking brigade.

    I am a recovering alcoholic and haven’t drank in a very long time but I respect and enjoy people having a few drinks. However, I noticed over the years that most ladies I have been with seem to get very drunk very quickly even though they don’t have that many drinks. I honestly don’t know if this is a Thai metabolism issue but they seem to get “locked” as we say very fast .

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  5. It has turned into an unhappy shitehole... There really is very little reason to hang around here.  My last visits to Malaysia and Vietnam have yielded so much more fun, intellectually engaging conversation and most importantly happy smiling people able to say, "hello", "good morning"... here is unhappy people with no smile, no sense of anything... just empty.  


    Very sad to read your comment. LOS disappearing and those who participate in the disappearance are the very people who are supposed to be in charge of improving the lot of the people. Such a pity but I fear the ways of the people are very set and they only see the instant return, not the long term result. Sleepwalking into a mess that the country is turning into year by year. Gravy boat is almost empty.

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  6. Don't mean to argue jonclark, but you are preaching to the choir.
    Things get STUPID though, when you try to streamline any agency set in their ways. In Thailand, you get the pouty look at best. On the street, you get your head stomped in.
    I have tried to....well tell a few that worked for me they were idiots and showed them the proper way to do their jobs.....Ways that would make their work WAY FASTER and EASIER. They just huffed & puffed & pouted for a few days.
    I never actually told them they were idiots, I'd just demonstrate something simple, like how to use an air ratchet instead of a manual ratchet, and how keeping my tools organized made me be able to do in one day what took them a week.
    They could CARE LESS about efficiency, production, quality etc.
    It was all about "Let's milk this job for as long as we can, & if we screw it up, then it might last longer".

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  7. I can't drink anymore ... yeah, usual story... so I tell them that I only want a coke, buy one drink for whatever lady I sit beside, not the other way round, and then ask the usual and tell her I'm nit hanging around , so , as they themselves say, " Up to You " . Most are quite happy to go after the one. 

  8. I dropped a 1000bht note and a street vendor came after me and handed me the note and gave me a lecture about being more careful. I tried... really tried... to give her 200 bht but she absolutely refused, so all I could do was go into the 7/11 and buy her some upmarket ice cream and sweets. Restored my faith in the traditional Thai way ! If that story is true the doctor will suffered bad luck for that miserable response . 

  9. The more I read on Thai Visa the more I remember my son's advice the first time... a good few years ago now... I ever decided to visit Thailand. " Remember whatever it appears to be or seems it is really a Transaction at the end of the day Dad ! Never forget that ! You will always , always be payng for whatever you get. "  

  10. At the moment we have a tribunal in Ireland concerning a whistleblower policeman.  False reports of sexual abuse against him, transferred to different station etc. difference is that in Ireland he is gonna win win win. He will get a huge settlement and his whistleblowing has resulted in a wide ranging exposure of police malpractice with one Commissioner already gone and the new  Commissioner under pressure to resign ! 

  11. 7 hours ago, baboon said:

    An airport is an airport is an airport to me. I don't look forward to using Suvarnabhumi nor do I dread it, immigration queues aside.


    I suppose I preferred Don Muang, but only for sentimental reasons.

    Don Muang can be bad if the departures areas are busy, also if you are coming from outside Thailand Immigration can be very slow ! 

  12. I'm curious, don't you think that the powerful families who rule over most of the island, owe a large part of their financial power to the revenues of tourism?

    I don't know enough about who is involved to be able to decide why this is all happening but I am merely commenting on the obvious detrimental effect these stories are having on Tourism for Koh Tai , my story is just an example.

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