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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. I can't drink anymore ... yeah, usual story... so I tell them that I only want a coke, buy one drink for whatever lady I sit beside, not the other way round, and then ask the usual and tell her I'm nit hanging around , so , as they themselves say, " Up to You " . Most are quite happy to go after the one. 

  2. I dropped a 1000bht note and a street vendor came after me and handed me the note and gave me a lecture about being more careful. I tried... really tried... to give her 200 bht but she absolutely refused, so all I could do was go into the 7/11 and buy her some upmarket ice cream and sweets. Restored my faith in the traditional Thai way ! If that story is true the doctor will suffered bad luck for that miserable response . 

  3. The more I read on Thai Visa the more I remember my son's advice the first time... a good few years ago now... I ever decided to visit Thailand. " Remember whatever it appears to be or seems it is really a Transaction at the end of the day Dad ! Never forget that ! You will always , always be payng for whatever you get. "  

  4. At the moment we have a tribunal in Ireland concerning a whistleblower policeman.  False reports of sexual abuse against him, transferred to different station etc. difference is that in Ireland he is gonna win win win. He will get a huge settlement and his whistleblowing has resulted in a wide ranging exposure of police malpractice with one Commissioner already gone and the new  Commissioner under pressure to resign ! 

  5. 7 hours ago, baboon said:

    An airport is an airport is an airport to me. I don't look forward to using Suvarnabhumi nor do I dread it, immigration queues aside.


    I suppose I preferred Don Muang, but only for sentimental reasons.

    Don Muang can be bad if the departures areas are busy, also if you are coming from outside Thailand Immigration can be very slow ! 

  6. I'm curious, don't you think that the powerful families who rule over most of the island, owe a large part of their financial power to the revenues of tourism?

    I don't know enough about who is involved to be able to decide why this is all happening but I am merely commenting on the obvious detrimental effect these stories are having on Tourism for Koh Tai , my story is just an example.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  7. We were in Samui last month and planning to visit Koh Tao but were put off by these mysterious deaths and other rumours. In the end we stayed on for an extra week in Samui. Just a simple example of how this affects the island's economy. I of course tell anyone else that might be planning to visit and on it goes. I am sure the powerful person that is controlling all this does not give a damn about tourists but those depending on Tourism for a living should !  

  8. If you are having problems at the airports you are doing something wrong.
    Last 40+ journeys not a problem using domestic and international ranks at both Bangkok airports. Quick, efficient and every one without fail has used the meter. One tried it on asking for a flat fare and I told him meter and that was that. 
    The only time I encountered a rip-off was when a colleague (30+ year veteran and still clueless) took us up to DMK departures instead of using the rank. The driver then said he would use the meter and then when we were loaded up and on the way it was the 'meter broken' scam. We ended up giving him 300thb to Mor Chit.

    That's because you are a priest and they are terrified of you ! ( Ha! )

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  9. It's a special problem @ Siam Park - small Taxi mafia gang is waiting outside all day for the customers

    Assuming there is revenue from Taxis to Government and meters can be checked surely inspectors to ensure legal taxi metering would be an investment as cash only no meter money goes straight to the pocket ? I suppose I will be told that that couldn't happen in Thailand ! Well in Ireland they were a law unto themselves for decades and all " tough men" to boot . All over now ! Totally transparent now and no hassle ever ! People power can change these things , but there doesn't seem to be an appetite to tackle problems in Thailand. Not my country so who am I.... etc.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  10. My Thai lady usually "gets" me a taxi off the street to go the airport. The last guy waited until we were of of sight of her waving goodbye and then "told" me the price would be whatever. I just "told" him to stop the cab, remove my bag , and at the same time took a photo of his number. Then he went into the " how much you pay " I did a Michael Corleone on him ! " Nothing ! I pay nothing !" Let me out or drive to police. No, I wasn't beaten up , we shook hands, I told him I spend half the year in Thailand, and the meter went on. He did not get the tip Of 100 bht I usually give.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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