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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. 18 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Yeah, right, that’s what you’re doing...

    Thai Authorities just making a disgrace of themselves, as usual. it’s like going to a 3rd world corrupt country in Africa where you are always afraid of being accused in the wrong by the police / army/ authorities in general. Thailand does not deserve the number of visitors it gets. Need to show respect for those funding this “ do very little” country.

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  2. 13 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    Why are there so many  whities pedophiles in Thailand? Thai authorities should double check farangs entering Thailand. 

    Double check ? 35 million tourists a year ? how ? at the airport... lol... imagine .. guess you mean if they are on a list .. If the computer system were/ are up to date the police system could automatically alert them to anyone wanted for any crime anywhere ... that’s the theory...  but ..hey.. are they up to date ? any views on this . It’s a serious matter . 

  3. 1 hour ago, Thian said:

    No it wasn't satin how they called it, it was in between matt and gloss and new. I had never heard of it before though, not even in the West.


    In one huge TOA specialised paintshop around the corner i went in to buy paint and new the colorname. She looked in that pc and said :no hab....i told her to scroll down the list of paintcolors but she didn't understand me..so i took her mouse and scrolled the list down, 1000 more colornames were there. She had never seen that before...amazing thailand.

    Eggshell.... we call it 

  4. 9 hours ago, CGW said:

    "Spatial awareness" does not translate into Thai, most of us stay aware of our surroundings, if we see something that could pose a danger we become more aware!

    Nor here, they live in a dreamworld where they believe they are indestructible! Someone remarked recently that they are a "primitive" people, they really are, they haven't the sense to realise just how easily they can get hurt!

    I think it is all in Buddha’s hands. that is the belief I am told. 

  5.  Not worth the hassle and worry . will it be alright etc. some folk do not know what a holiday actually means as they are so used to stressing themselves over everything from the flights to the rooms . I read every day on Trip advisor the questions and queries and you can feel the stress in the questions ! You are supposed to relax, leave the stress behind but it becomes a major worrying exercise for some. Like Golf... did you ever see the state of some people after a round of golf... fuming with self criticism or the shot that got away has them demented . 

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  6. 6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    The Swiss father paying some maintenance for his children might have meant she didn't have to be at work and this tragedy might never have happened.

    I hope the three injured recover fully and quickly. RIP to the little boy. Too young to die.

    Jesus ... that’s some mega assumption to come to , unless of course you are well informed already on this case. Be at peace little one, and may your siblings recover fully . 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Proboscis said:

    Lets name and shame the real sharks in this story, which is the insurance company. Tell us the name of the company so that no one will ever be suckered into ever buying insurance from them ever again. That will stop them from hiding their time restrictions in the "small print." Come one, Thai Visa - do us a public service! Name and shame the company!

    And get sued , rightly so if the insurance wasn’t valid at the time of the accident. Surely people uunderstand  that if you overstay the number of days for which the insurance policy is taken out  you are not covered. They are not in business to be a charitable foundation. Golden rule, make sure you are covered BEFORE you go. Also most policies exclude existing illnesses , anyone waiting on a medical procedure , and as for cash being stolen... check the policy very carefully for the limit... usually only around €300. The total value of any personal items lost or stolen... same thing... might only be €500,  so if you had your laptop, ipad, phone , and automatic sub machine gun stolen... They could be worth a fortune but the insurers will only pay whatever the amount that is stated in the policy. i think that is obvious as having the correct ticket to board a flight. check it.  Viva James Last ! 

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Bless me Father for I have sinned . I walked out into the Soi WITHOUT my passort or copy thereof... They will come for me soon. But Hark , Am I not an Irishman ? Do we not thrive on NOT doing what we are told ? I will arise and go now, to the Go Go by the Sea, and a Small Lady find there and a barfine that suits me ... 

    God Bless Father Stack ! 

  9. 16 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    And you hit the nail on the head.  They used to not care about the number of exempts.  Unfortunately some bad apples got the issue raised and now those with plenty of finances, time on their hands, ability and desire to travel and hop around the world, now sometimes have to deal with officials asking questions about exempts or even having issues with them, despite probably being tourists that are spending decent amounts of money in a country that has easy entry rules.  When I first chose Thailand to visit, the availablity of a visa exempt on arrival was crucial and a huge draw for me.  I never knew when my contracting jobs would end, or where I was traveling from.  I could be in Los Angeles or I could be in Florida or anyplace in between.  The ability to make a last minute travel reservation and not have to coordinate a Tourist visa with an airline reservation was and is a thing of beauty.  There were several times when I traveled to Thailand on less than 48 hour notice!  From Seattle one year, I got a phone call Friday at 8 PM and was told I was not needed at work on Monday!  I booked a flight for Sunday 1 AM, which  basically meant I had to be at SEATAC by 10 PM Saturday night!   one is not going to get Tourist visas in that short a time frame!

    I’m over 65, go to Thailand 4 times every year for 30 days or just under. I haven’t been stopped , but it sat in my head and worries me a bit but I am not stressed about it . Life is too short now . If it happens I will argue my case . That’s all I can do. I spend a lot of money in the Kingdom every year... . 

  10. 9 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Looks like a fake.  But regardless....I posted my concerns about being in a vulnerable position and basically not many agreed with me.  I was right!


    8 hours ago, Justfine said:

    Pay for what?


    8 hours ago, Justfine said:

    Pay for what?


    8 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    That would be the Thai way and I see nothing good about it as it just encourages more scams.

    Full marks to Mr MacKee for wanting to expose all these fraudsters and scammers rather than just keep quiet and pretend that it doesnt happen. He will have plenty of them to go for.


    8 hours ago, stud858 said:

    So, offer 100,000 and if that's accepted pay,  learn from the experience and move on. 

    Peace to all.


    Jeez I nearly choked when I read your comment... why da <deleted> would he do that... 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Re money 'disappearing'. A very similar thing happened with my best friend, and he ended up dead. He noticed money vanishing from an account he held and suspected that his wife was making secret withdrawals, using his card when he was sleeping. He told her that he was going to his bank, which required a trip from Roi Et to Bangkok, to check through things with them, and a day or two later he mysteriously got food poisoning.

    He was hospitalised, but was eventually allowed home - where he soon mysteriously 'fell' down the stairs. Back to the hospital where he developed complications and died soon after. Before he died I asked if they could check for any poisons in his system and they lied and said they already had (not routine procedure I'm sure, so I'm sure they lied). His wife rarely visited him in hospital, and soon after he died she linked up with a 'former' boyfriend.

    OMG. Really ? 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 36 minutes ago, poanoi said:

    yes, this is the only plausible 'crime',

    but is that law really applicable in private ?

    or is it gathering in public places ?

    for instance: a family with 4 kids would be conducting a crime

    if they eat dinner altogether in the dining room/ on the floor in their home

    Sex Toys in Thailand .. heard they are banned .... prostitution in Thailand , heard it was illegal, ..maybe someone was using E-cigarettes ! 

  13. 17 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    I hope I die with a smile on my face, (OK, and a trouser tent pole too),before I know it, rather than hang around senile and incontinent.

    When my time comes, if it happens like this I will not be too disappointed.

    RIP to him. I do wish to exit in similar fashion. I don’t want to “ fall off” a lady because it might cause  her some distress , so yeah, watching in a go go is fine . Can I order that up from Above or should I ring down below  ? 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. On 8/4/2018 at 10:28 AM, cyberfarang said:

    To westerners they consider homes as their castles, but the reality is, that in most owned western homes the buyers are mortgaged up to their necks and therefore have to keep their properties up to certain standards otherwise they won`t be able to sell and the banks/mortgage lenders won`t give loans on properties that are in dilapidated conditions. In other words, property owners in western countries become trapped in a system where they have to live and work for many years for the upkeep of their properties.


    In Thailand whereas they place more emphasis on land values and properties can be cheaply built, they consider their homes as just roofs over their heads not as assets of investment value.


    Now you know.

    I’ve heard it all now... 

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