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Posts posted by terryofcrete

  1. 8 hours ago, seajae said:

    they need to teach them that when crossing the centre line on any road they must make sure that there are no cars on the other side, the amount of times these idiots simply cross to the other side of the road into oncoming traffic so they do not have to slow down or to avoid a puddle of water is unbelievable. Add to that that most dont even indicate and just swerve in front of you causing you to either have to swerve sharply to avoid them, hit the brake very hard or even have your side mirror smashed as they continue on ignorant of what they have done. These drivers need to learn what centre lines as well as other lines on the roads mean and obey them, its part of what causes many accidents, ignorance and their impatience are no excuse


    Please... does anybody expect anything to be orderly or disciplined in LOS ? Every tourist, and Thais , take there life in their hands crossing a street or road  in Thailand. There is no reason for thinking the cars will not hit me ! Even if there IS a traffic light on red. Look at 2nd Road in Pattaya.... just to watch people dashing between cars is mind boggling. 

    No, the only thing properly regulated in Thailand is the collection of fines, sadly.  

  2. Many tourists ignore the warnings.... and may I ask a simple question... how in the name of whoever are the people who rent these kites or whatever allowed to do so if there is adverse weather ? Will they be prosecuted for irresponsible trading ? Not a chance of course. The dangers that are acceptable , with no need at all for them to be, scares me every time I visit... and I visit quite a lot. The children on motorbikes with no helmets standing , ready to be the first to be smashed to smithereens in an accident. It makes me want to scream at the authorities, sort the obvious before you create controversy with stupid laws about beach smoking ! 

  3. 2 hours ago, Franko666 said:

    I have just gone from iPhone 6 to a Vivo5S and its the best move ever and third of the price at just under 9000 THB. I wanted dual sim and got a great phone. It looks and operated much like an iPhone but much better camera at 20 mp and great software.



    I switched from iphone to Android and never looked back . One drawback for me, and there may be a workaround but I don’t it, is that My family, who live abroad, use iMessage and at home I have an iPad so no problem but out and about the Android doesn't have it as it an Apple thing.   Apart from that everything is better now. 

  4. 48 minutes ago, hocuspocus said:

    My wife's family let her go to work in Bangkok at 15 years old (to support their idle lifestyle) and she wonders why I have problems respecting them. One can only imagine what could have happened to her. She still wants to support them now but with the little money I give her now after the birth of our child six months ago, she has hardly any money to give them. Now they are supported by their only son and I expect their 12 year old daughter will be next inline to support them.

    Nail on the head !  I know a lady who is seriously struggling to make ends meet and took her daughter out of college to go to work and now sends some of the daughter’s wages to her family up north. This practice is everywhere, the duty to family causes immense hardship in it’s own right. But one dare not criticise, as I quickly learned !

  5. Hi . I am Irish and I have come for a 30 day stay 4 or 5 times a year for 4 years now. I have never been questioned or asked to produce my return flight ticket, which I always have in my bag. Am I lucky or what .? There is no rule to say how many times you can come on this free visa as far as I am aware and the Thai Embassy in Dublin confirmed that I should not have a problem once I am self sufficient..  a decent amount of money in my wallet and at least one hotel booking. Surely even in LOS they know a good thing when they see it .... not me, my wallet !! But one never takes anything for granted in Thailand. I would argue my case though quite vigourously , but calmly.  

  6. What about eCigs . They do not pollute and they are a lot healthier than tobacco cigarettes with or without butts ! ... oh ... I forgot that they are already banned everywhere because the Government would lose revenue if sales of Tobacco went down. Except that tobacco smoking costs the government a fortune in health related issues but that... well it’s a bit complicated to understand... isn’t it.

  7. 13 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    Your family are all alcoholics?

    No, But I am , in recovery 20 years. Do not drink a day at a time and that’s why I can afford to fly back and forth from Ireland to Thailand when the mood suits me.  Om the other hand anyone who thinks that enjoying a good wine makes them an alcoholic is an incivilised moron. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Thechook said:

    So predicting sky rocketing tourist numbers  35+ million and large amount of those spend big on bars and booze and thats why so many come, cheap booze.  The government makes billions on sales to tourists so they had better be careful they dont price themselves out of tourism revenue.  

    I know of countless Irish people who came to Thailand and could not believe how expensive wine is and that’s BEFORE this latest increase. A bottle of australian cheap wine like Jacob’s Creek is a real supermarket bargain wine in Ireland ( a longway from Australia)  but it is TWICE the price in 7/11 in Thailand. And it is not a good wine. Members of my own family have said they so much enjoy their glass of good wine that they could not contemplate coming back here on holiday. Add to that the ban on e-cigarettes.... well you get the picture. 

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