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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. The bromance continues to blossom; bless
  2. Oh, no .... Al Jazeera
  3. Thanks; so the numbers on the chart for Palestine came from Hamas, via Gaza’s Health Ministry. I think most people already realised that, but good to have you confirm it, because it was noticeably unapparent in your original post.
  4. Still waiting to be informed as to who verified the Palestinian numbers on this chart ??
  5. Any idea who controls the Palestinian Ministry of Health ??
  6. Graph / diagram shows Ukraine numbers verified by OHCHR but Palestine numbers as simply verified, without saying by whom ??
  7. What a wonderful bromance 😬
  8. It takes a special kind of perverse sickness to write something like this Jeff ……. might be time for some serious introspection
  9. I have just made another complaint which I have pasted below, to the institutionally antisemitic BBC for the disgusting caption they displayed at the bottom of the screen during a news broadcast on Monday. **** I was watching the news on BBC News UK on Monday 6th November 2023 at approximately 12.22 when a presenter was interviewing someone in relation to the conflict. I noticed that displayed at the bottom of the screen the was the wording “Israel bombed Gaza after Hamas attack which killed 1,400 & 200 captured” Here we witness once again the extreme antisemitic racism which has shown itself to run through every fibre of the BBC since the start of this war ….. “captured” an 8 month old baby “captured” an 85 year old woman “captured” women, children and the disabled “captured” They were not captured, they were abducted, to be used as hostages, but the BBC just could not bring itself to use this word. This is a disgraceful misuse of the English language, fuelled by antisemitism, and whoever was responsible for writing this headline should hang their head in shame, as should whoever approved it to be shown on the news program ****
  10. All of them; most by repeated condemnation of Israel for responding to 7th October, and by making no condemnation of Hamas, and for taking and broadcasting Hamas press releases as fact to their populations …. and of course, financial and logistical support from Qatar and Iran … not really sure why you asked to be honest.
  11. Succinct summary; to take Hamas as the most recent example, they have never wanted peace, or a two state solution, and on the 7th October they announced to the world that they never, ever, under any circumstances, want peace for the people whose best interests they are supposed to represent. The people of Gaza will never have any chance of a peaceful existence while Hamas are their governing body, so Hamas must be removed from Gaza, and it looks as if Israel are the only ones prepared to remove them; because, looking at the wider view, despite every muslim / Islamic country in the world, and many non muslim countries, demanding that Israel instigate a cease fire, I can find few, well, none actually, of them demanding that Hamas cease fire and release the hostages they have taken. Even the fools, and those in denial, now understand that Hamas are not just prepared to sacrifice the civilians of Gaza for the propaganda value of their ideology (the eradication of all jews) but that they are being supported by a much, much wider faction of the Arab world that are also prepared to see the civilians of Gaza used as fodder for the incitement of a worldwide uprising of islamists against the western world …….. cynic moi ? ..... good that you haven't given up hope .....
  12. Indeed; the Bridge of Sighs
  13. Seriously, how many times are you going to tell everyone this; and you forgot to mention your Rabbit friend this time 😬
  14. A few posters on here made antisemitic comments previously but they were called out weeks ago. The only time I see the word being used now, is by posters using it as a disclaimer to say they are not; this you will often see posted by @Neeranam, calming that it is a sobriquet he does not deserve, because one of his best friends is a Rabbit
  15. Oh, no, not the pull a rabbit Rabbi out of the hat trick again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. We get a family of them in our garden regularly ….. pneumatic worm excavation
  17. Nor the Eurasian hoopoe bird, but he has denounced the terrorists¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. oh, no 😬
  19. Just passing that through my original comments software ...............................…. sorry, 0/10 Maybe give “jog on” a try
  20. toodle pip.
  21. With respect, I wouldn’t want to have you next to me in a trench; you seem unable to distinguish friend from foe ….
  22. Firstly, the insecurity you display in your first paragraph, by suggesting that if more than one person voices an opinion contrary to your own, that they must be in cahoots, is something I cannot help you with. Secondly, I did not say that Israel stops to allow hostage negotiations, so please only reply to something I have said, rather than pretending that I said something that fits the narrative that you want to reply to. I am unashamedly pro-Israel in this conflict, and I loathe and despise Hamas, Hezbollah, and every other terrorist organisation with my every fibre; they epitomise one of mankind’s most appalling traits, cowardice. That notwithstanding, if by some third party negotiation, the lives of the many hostages, of many different nationalities can be saved, then I support it. I trust the Israeli government and the IDF to make the best, but inevitably never perfect decisions, to continue their aim to eradicate Hamas while still doing everything in their power to secure the safety of the hostages; something your destruction of Gaza policy seems to give little consideration to.
  23. He hasn’t said that, and your comment is unfair; he has indicated that some negotiations might be happening that are not in the public domain, albeit through third parties like Qatar; you would do well to remember that they are trying to save the lives and secure the release of over 200 hostages. I hope you don’t need the alternative explained.
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