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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. I don’t think you should got out unaccompanied; if your nurse isn’t available, ask a friend to go with you.
  2. How, and by whom, has it been explained that the targeted bombing with pre-warnings by the IDF is indiscriminate bombing ? Or are you another one of these Hamas apologists that just like to use incorrect, sensationalist, student protest slogans, thinking that people will be fooled by your fraudulent narrative ?
  3. So, you proudly declare yourself to be a supporter of the most vile, barbaric terrorist organisation in the history of mankind …. and then expect to be responded to in a courteous manner ….. duh
  4. Well, if you think the world would be a better place if more people supported the murderous, barbaric, proscribed Terrorist group, Hamas, it might be time for some introspection; if, of course, that firstly, you know what that means, and secondly that you have the prerequisite conscience that doing so would require … I have my doubts on both counts . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. This is exactly the kind of carefully considered, intelligent comment that has made your contributions so well respected on this forum ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. It is not my fault if you do not know the correct meaning of certain English words; assuming that your first language is English, that responsibility lies with the authority responsible for your English language education ….. I guess the irony of calling me ignorant is somewhat lost on you.
  7. Says the man that has just asked for a link to the remarkably well documented explosion at the al-Ahli Hospital ….
  8. Well, maybe ask the Hamas affiliated Palestinian Islamic Jihad, who fired a rocket that blew up the al-Ahli Hospital; a tragedy that was then immediately, and completely incorrectly blamed on Israel by the BBC’s vile, antisemitic racist Jon Donnison.
  9. Balderdash; you incorrectly used the word ‘genocide’ in two consecutive comments, and I was merely pointing out your erroneous use of the word. It is a word that is often incorrectly thrown at Israel by Hamas apologists because of its emotive, and sensationalist effect. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, and assuming that you didn’t know the meaning of the word, rather than that you were simply being an apologist for terrorists.
  10. Have you ever read the founding charter of Hamas ? ..... English translation is available, I suggest you acquaint yourself with it before making such puerile comments
  11. Difficult to believe that anyone could have so little grasp on reality that they could actually write those words
  12. I suggest you try to find out the meaning of the word ‘genocide’ … because this is the second consecutive post in which you have used the word, without obviously having the faintest idea of its meaning
  13. Still Rainin'
  14. Do Korat only require 4 photos for marriage extension. In Hua Hin it has to be 6 photos, two each on three pages, and have to be colour
  15. Stevie Ray Vaughan
  16. I would have thought that having your blood pressure checked and monitored would be a good first step; if only to eliminate it as an issue.
  17. I’ve met the King of China And a working Yorkshire miner But I’ve never met a nice South African …… 😆 ......... It was written and broadcast at the time of the UK coal miners strikes, and the 4 day week.
  18. Why have you altered my comment ? Nowhere did I say "Wrong post. Sorry"
  19. I bought this model from Banana IT in Hua Hin; and despite their assurances, it does not recognise Apple AirPrint. I use an iMac and MacBook air, and they subsequently accepted that it didn’t work with AirPrint and let me pay the difference and exchange for the DCP-T520W I’m sure this is a good choice if you don’t need AirPrint connection.
  20. After multiple issues with both Canon and HP printers, I bought a Brother DCP-T520W Tank fill - all in one - print and scan. Had it 10 months now and its had lots of use, and no issues so far. Banana IT about 5,400 Baht …. think it would be more than sufficient for your usage, and very good quality printing.
  21. Having read many of your comments, it is staggeringly obvious that these are not your own words; so kindly state where you copied and pasted them from ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks ....
  22. Not dissimilar in terms of futility, to my attempts at winning the lottery; the fact that Arafat embraced the initiative immediately, is rather telling.
  23. Come along now, don’t start telling porkies; you didn’t know, until I told you, that Ali Bahraini had been elected to chair the UNHRC. Even then you didn’t believe me and demanded a link for verification. And you obviously didn’t know that Clinton had convened the Camp David Summit in 2000, or you wouldn’t have made your comment about him. Happy to oblige.
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