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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Indeed, I posted that clip yesterday on page 127. The BBC are institutionally antisemitic, anti-US, and even anti-British. Notice how Victoria Derbyshire starts talking over Naftali Bennett when he talks about the Hamas vermin pulling a foetus from a pregnant Israeli woman and beheading it, before beheading her. I watched the whole program as it was broadcast, and just after the end of this clip, the screen went blank and she apologised for loosing the connection … the BBC later blamed a technical fault, yeah right, my @rse Worse still was the report from the antisemite reporter Jon Donnison, at the time of the hospital explosion (see link) His biased and completely incorrect report fuelled protests all over the Arab world, countries that unlike most people in the UK, still believe what the BBC report. It was also instrumental in causing the abandonment of a proposed conference involving Joe Biden and leaders of the Arab world. Joe Donnison should not just be sacked from the BBC, he should be investigated, and possibly prosecuted for inciting violence. The BBC - once a bastion of impartiality and objectivity. Now a politicised left wing media outlet no longer delivering on the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7T9ZnT-gC4
  2. I think it was only one that they did this to, but it has been confirmed
  3. https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/SsV1XGl2 Just happened an hour or so ago. The BBC’s obnoxious, left wing, anti-Israel Victoria Derbyshire gets called out by Israeli ex-Prime minister Naftali Bennett …. listen to how she continues to talk over him when he launches into her and the BBC. It’s the polar opposite of how she sits like a nodding dog when interviewing any pro Palestinian interviewees, letting them say whatever they want …. revealing or what ?
  4. There you go again, but this time not just threatening to report someone, but trying to encourage other posters to do so. you are a very, very naughty boy, and a disingenuous hypocrite
  5. You can go into denial mode as often as you choose, but I have seen enough of your comments to know that you have an anti-Israeli prejudice ….. other posters can form their own opinion, but your agenda on here is transparent to me
  6. Whatever comments you make, your anti-Israeli prejudice pervades your narrative
  7. Least anyone forget the utter barbarity and inhumanity of the vile scumbags from the Palestinian government of Gaza … how could any human abduct this helpless young girl. The sister and remaining family of Rut Hodaya Perez are still desperately waiting for news of her. Rut who is 17 and suffers from myotonic dystrophy, cannot walk or talk and has to be fed through a tube. Her father who was with her when she was abducted from the music festival, is also missing. Her sister, Yamit, says she prays that their father is still alive and with her to take care of her.
  8. So you now think that if more than one or two posters disagree with you, that it is some kind of conspiracy against you. I don’t suppose that you have paused to think that it might just be that many posters disagree with your relentless anti-Israel comments. When you cannot get the upper hand in an exchange with any individual poster, you often threaten to put them on ignore, or actually do so; or you threaten to report them, or do so; this does not help your cause, and I am sure it is the reason that your comments invite so many laughing emojis. This is an adult forum, you need to accept that many people might disagree with what I consider to be your extremely biased opinions, rather than becoming paranoid about a conspiracy against you.
  9. Oh, no, a Final warning …. he must be paralysed with fear.
  10. Really ?? so what should the IDF do, tell them to stay in their homes, or not tell them anything …… astonishing comment, even by your standards
  11. if true ...... says the man that takes everything he reads on Al Jazeera as gospel (indisputably true)
  12. Ha ha, lacking the simple understanding to realise that the reason you haven’t noticed any BBC bias in regard to jews, is because you “rarely” watch it ……. classic
  13. Absolutely .... he suffers from SCS (selective comprehension syndrome)
  14. Thanks, I didn’t know that because I have never put anyone on ignore; but then of course, I don’t get traumatised and have to hide behind the sofa if someone says something that I disagree with.
  15. Sometimes the truth can be expressed so simply yet so poignantly …. Thanks
  16. Of course he didn’t ….. he was only looking for those that he wanted to criticise that were missing from the list
  17. Stop feeding this troll with responses
  18. You talk as if you didn’t know that it is in the founding charter of Hamas, and every manifesto they have published, to eradicate every jew in the world, and not just those in Israel. Given the interest you are showing in this war, you must have know that, but conveniently just ignored it. Once you fully understand that, or admit you know it, you will realise that this war for Israel is not about retribution, despite your cynical question mark after your use of the word, and your other loaded questions. It is about their right to exist and not be wiped from the face of the earth. It is also about trying to rescue 200 odd hostages, or their dead bodies, another thing you failed to mention. It is a sad reflection of how little you seem to understand about this war, that you use a ratio of dead bodies on either side as your reasoning for Israel to stop pursuing the terrorists that invaded their country and slaughtered more than a thousand innocent civilians, including babies, women, children, the old, pregnant women, and the disabled. That notwithstanding, and fully acknowledging the human tragedy of innocent Palestinians being killed, the blood of every one of them is on the hands of their elected government, Hamas. If Israel do not eradicate Hamas, they will, before long, suffer another massacre like the 7th October as Hamas will continue to pursue its dictum to eradicate all jews. Telling that you are only demanding that Israel stop. Maybe try telling Hamas to return all hostages, stop firing rockets indiscriminately at civilians in Israel (something else you forgot to mention) lay down all armaments, surrender themselves unconditionally to stand trial at a war crimes tribunal in the Hague, and Israel will not need to pursue this war any further.
  19. Did you see Hamas mentioned in the list ?? Nah, didn’t think so, which can only mean one thing; you were just looking for exclusions from the list of those that you want to be critical of, or attach blame to. You’ve only made a few comments on this thread, yet everyone can already see exactly where you are coming from …. outed
  20. I didn’t think anyone could ever alter my opposition to Scottish independence ….. I never, of course, counted on Humza Yousaf
  21. Why the - - - - does that matter, only someone with a twisted agenda would ask such a question; they are citizens of the free world, abducted during the worst massacre the world has seen since WW2 I rejoice with them and their family and friends; hopefully they have not been physically harmed, probably not, otherwise the butchers of Hamas would not have released them. However, they will be mentally and emotionally scarred for life
  22. Is that the same Aljazzera new site(sic) (Al Jazeera news site) That is based in, and controlled by, Qatar; where the Qatari funded political leader of Hamas and his entourage are cocooned. You might want to look elsewhere for any impartial reporting on this particular war. As for the summit, why would the USA or Israel send representatives; there will not be any representative from Hamas, and even if there were, the USA and Israel do not negotiate with designated terrorist organisations. Although Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority will be there, he holds no power whatsoever, he is just a relic, an attempted facade of respectability for the Palestinian people. The P.A. lost all power in Gaza 16 years ago when the Palestinians in Gaza voted for Hamas as their government. Still, Russia are sending their deputy foreign minister and China are sending an envoy, so the summit will at least have an abundance of irony when peace is being discussed.
  23. I'm ashamed that you've got one
  24. No animosity in his comment whatsoever; but you trying to play the victim is very sad but not surprising.
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