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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Terrible event; condolences to all the friends and families of the victims. The Republicans will ban abortions, books, and drag artists, to protect children, but will continue to allow massacres like this to happen. They will probably say this could have been avoided if the 9 year olds were armed.
  2. Try somewhere else then buddy; how about the UK, it’s a bundle of laughs there at the moment. Or maybe France, while you can still retire at 62 and have a two hour lunch with a bottle of wine ????
  3. Don’t post links expecting me to open them and read them if you cannot articulate your argument yourself. I never open any third party links on any forum. The birth statistics of every country in the world will show gender at birth recorded as either male or female; no other gender is recorded, meaning that gender is binary at birth. I have no idea why you cannot understand this unless you are being deliberately obtuse
  4. You have posted this as a stand alone comment, yet it appears to be aimed at a specific person, so it doesn’t make much sense. I will, however, argue with your statement that “Gender is not binary” Gender is determined at birth in human beings, and as such, is binary. Humans are born classified as either masculine or feminine, this is binary. They can chose to identify as another gender later if they wish, or try to transition their gender, which I personally have no problem with, but gender remains binary at birth.
  5. Is there some information missing from your post. You say that you bought the car new, and it is now only 3 months old. As far as I know, all Mazda cars come with a 3 year warranty from new, so I don’t understand why you have problem.
  6. Posting comments in all bold font, all capital letter font, or oversize font, is the online equivalent of shouting, and is consequently rude. We can all hear you clearly, no need to shout. I politely suggest that you read the rules regarding the “Standards of Conduct” for this forum.
  7. Well, the ones holding up anti-trans signs are probably just protesting about men in frocks using women’s toilets, the women’s changing rooms in department stores, and taking part in women’s sporting events. I’m absolutely with them on that one; still it was good to learn that Sydney is in Australia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Firstly, very sorry to hear about the woman’s diagnosis, I can only start to imagine how traumatic it must be. However, OP, you really haven’t given enough information for anyone to be able to offer any sensible advice. The really obvious thing that anyone needs to know in order to offer advice is, what reason have the insurance company give for refusing to cover the surgery. Without knowing that, you will get plenty of sympathy but not much credible advice.
  9. HUNTER & THE HUNTED ... SIMPLE MINDS ... DREAMTIME MIX .... FAB https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiAuJablfL9AhUZVmwGHUi2AoAQwqsBegQIDBAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DnuDVD3_LrKs&usg=AOvVaw02KQC6gubkYAamV-TqdpqI
  10. Is there really any need to be so rude to chang1, he only posted a harmless throwaway comment. And you haven’t made yourself look very smart in the process; IQ points cannot be taken, or used, they are simply a mode of measurement used to determine an individual’s Intelligence Quotient.
  11. Oh my giddy aunt, my apologies; I didn’t realise that you were such a tough dude; are you American perchance ?
  12. Maybe you have, but unlike the poster I was replying to, I have not seen you making comments to indicate that your attitude towards driving is incompatible with driving in Thailand. You have probably adjusted, and appreciate the art of defensive driving.
  13. This is where it becomes completely pointless; because although I could explain it to you, I cannot, unfortunately, understand it for you …… toodle pip
  14. Good to know that you have Google on your device ????
  15. Don’t believe you. With your ego driven, it’s all about me attitude to driving, you couldn't possibly have driven here for that long.
  16. Your whole attitude towards driving is completely incompatible with driving in Thailand. I hope you never come to stay here for any length of time, if you intend to drive here.
  17. Well, he could claim refugee status, but I doubt it would be approved. Russia is not a war zone, and according to his own Government, they are not even at war, just conducting a “special military operation” Very silly boy; should have sorted out his status here long before 24th February 2022, because he’ll soon have the Red Army blues.
  18. Stop obfuscating; are you being deliberately obtuse, or is it simply a character trait ? I replied to your comment in its entirety, not to one paragraph or another. Here it is again below in its entirety, so I ask you again, to point out where in that comment you said:: “I move over when it's safe and I don't have to slow down” ….. as you subsequently claimed to have said ***The road was wide open, no reason the moron with the gun could not go around, <deleted>. If I'm doing the speed limit+ and moving faster than the left lane traffic, why should I have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law? Let them go around when they get the chance***
  19. Below I have copied and pasted the full comment that you made that I replied to; please point out where in that comment that I replied to that you said: “I move over when it's safe and I don't have to slow down” ***The road was wide open, no reason the moron with the gun could not go around, <deleted>. If I'm doing the speed limit+ and moving faster than the left lane traffic, why should I have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law? Let them go around when they get the chance*** You seem to be having an inordinate amount of trouble understanding what you have actually written yourself.
  20. Nope, what you said in the comment you made that I replied to was, and I quote you directly: “If I'm doing the speed limit+ and moving faster than the left lane traffic, why should I have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law? Let them go around when they get the chance” Good, however, to see that you’ve changed your tune, although you seem to make more U-turns than there are on Highway 1 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. How to drive in Thailand perfectly put. I have been driving here continuously for 8 years, and it only took me a couple of months to embrace that dictum; as soon as I realised that “road rage” here usually involves a machete or a gun, I locked my ego in my safe, where it has remained ever since.
  22. Your attitude is exactly what encourages others to engage in the dangerous act of undertaking. You do not need to slow down to let someone behind you pass, all you need to do, is put your ego back in its box, wait until it is safe and move into the inside lane and allow them to pass. You can then move back to the outside lane if you wish, rinse and repeat. Why sit in the outside lane at the speed limit knowing full well that there are millions of drivers in Thailand that want to break the limit and go past you; sounds to me like you are doing so to be deliberately provocative, which will probably end in tears one day.
  23. The guy has obviously overreacted big time and needs to be arrested and charged; however, the woman is symbolic of the millions of Thai drivers that have created a culture of undertaking on 2 and 3 lane roads. This culture has ensured that quite often the inside (nearside) lane has the fastest moving traffic, causing countless collisions with vehicles emerging from side roads.
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