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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Making racist generalisations on here is not a good look, and really doesn't enhance your standing.
  2. I agree, this was a very serious collision, leaving the lad with potentially life changing injuries; difficult to believe the police would not attend the scene, if there was another vehicle involved. The only reports we have are from the family, who in their first report said he had been ploughed into by a speeding pick up truck. However, on their GoFundMe page, they report him as being hit by a drunk driver; the only way they can know that is from a police report of testing the alleged other driver. There doesn’t seem to be any verifiable information about the circumstances of this tragedy at all.
  3. I’ve just been reading your thread with interest because my best buddy in the UK has been suffering from Parkinsons for the last 8 years. I obviously can’t offer any advice, but just wanted to wish you the best of luck …. keep fighting buddy ????????
  4. I find it extremely odd that there does not appear to be any police report, not even a preliminary statement. Unless there has been one recently, we have no information about this tragedy whatsoever, other than what the family, who are thousands of miles away, have reported. Did the police even attend the scene. What was the other vehicle involved. Who was the driver. Which direction were they both travelling in. Was the other vehicle speeding, or even stationary. Are there any witnesses. Have the lads he was drinking with been questioned. There is something very odd in my opinion, about the lack of information regarding this tragedy; it must be terrible for the family, and I hope he makes a full recovery.
  5. Did you really not understand that my question was not serious ? It was simply an implication that you cannot divorce yourself from the responsibility of 5 kids; if, that is, you have a conscience.
  6. What is their stance? I cannot see anywhere in any of the reports anything about the other vehicle involved, or anything about their insurance
  7. I have read 4 reports and none of them indicate any witness statements or police reports. The only report, which has been repeated in all of the articles is from the family, saying a pick up ploughed into him while he was riding a motorcycle while not wearing a helmet. So not stationary according to the family.
  8. I cannot find any info as to whether or not he had insurance; but even if he did, it would be invalidated by him riding what I assume was a rented motorcycle, under the influence of alcohol, and not wearing a brain bucket.
  9. This is an awful tragedy for the kid and his family, but we are only getting a second, or more likely, third hand account of what happened. No mention in either article of so much as even a preliminary statement from the police; they would surely be investigating if what we have been told so far is factual. Drinking and riding, not wearing a helmet, and possibly using his phone; he certainly pushed his risk factor up about as far as he could. Hope the lad recovers.
  10. I’m very surprised by this, seeing as Lineker is the BBC’s favourite, smug, inanely grinning virtue signaller; when he’s not promoting junk food to kids. The bedwetters at the BBC must be going into meltdown. The corporation is overrun with left wing, gender indeterminate luvvies, who can somehow conjure a photo of a woman with two small children from a queue of five thousand young male economic migrants; and will, just like the crisp salesman, continually mislabel them as refugees
  11. Very sad, but if the Bank say nothing can be done, and the Thai police are unable to proceed (although you don’t say why) I don’t know why you think anyone on this forum can help. I suggest he engages the services of a lawyer that specialises in fraud.
  12. Mazda .... 3 or CX3 if you find one within budget. Excellent cars, I've owned both from new; great aesthetics, lively performance, nimble handling, very well made; best quality for your money in Thailand
  13. Did you get a re-entry permit for your Non-Imm O before you left Thailand ? If so you need to re-enter on your valid visa to maintain it; and you will need to re-new it by 23rd April If not, I believe that visa will be cancelled on arrival, and you will have to start again. There are some visa experts on here that will correct me if I am wrong
  14. Apparently all the rooms at this hotel are equipped with a puncture repair kit, in case of any mishaps ????
  15. Having received a head injury, the hospital decided to give Mr Robert a brain scan; last report indicates that they are still trying to locate it, in order to carry out the procedure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. “Just as it is impossible to know when a swimming fish is drinking water, so it is impossible to find out when a government servant is stealing money.” :: Kautilya
  17. Interesting, because I believe the ABC, like the BBC, is government owned, publicly funded, and under a charter of political impartiality. The UK charter has little effect on the BBC; the corporation is overrun with left wing, gender indeterminate luvvies, who can conjure a photo of a woman with two small children from a queue of five thousand young male economic migrants …… and will, of course, mislabel them refugees ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Indeed Mike I think it’s the same in the US as the UK; a small minority shouting their narrative loudly, and demanding to be prioritised. The problem is that in the UK, we have many corporations and organisations willing to prioritise this minority for fear of offending; this wokeness obviously marginalises the majority. The BBC being the numero uno culprits in the UK.
  19. Wrong, it is the perpetually offended bedwetters on the left of politics that are rightly mocked in the UK.
  20. So, a ladyboy is now a Transgender person eh !! I’m a bit overweight, but I identify as skinny …… I think I might be Translender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. Well this one wasn’t contributing much to Thailands economy was he ??
  22. Well David Armitage, I bet you thought that after more than 18 years this was well and truly forgotten. However, if you are in any way responsible, remember, there is no statute of limitation in UK law with regards to murder or manslaughter …. and plod does like a cold case.
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