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Posts posted by 0815

  1. So 10 year old kids have to repair a road at school.
    Wonder if this is part of their school education ...
    Director is pissing off instead of showing responsibility. Why I am not surprised about ?
    The family is asking for compensation of which the poor young boy will not see a single bath anyway.

    NICE !
    I hope young man, you will recover quite well without being handicapped and in pain for the rest of your life.

  2. On 9/29/2019 at 10:43 AM, Tayaout said:

    My first Thai gf kept going where we met: Thaifriendly. I asked her why and she said that she had friends on the site. I asked her how she would feel if I kept using the site and she then deleted her account. Met my wife on the same website and did not even have to ask for her to delete her account. 

    ... and then they opened a new account under a different name as they usually do ?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Samuel Smith said:

    Coz they squash up on the bench seats, just like me & mates did back in the UK in the 70s in family cars.

    Not only you.
    What I wanted to say is that a "professional" van driver who carries so (too) many passengers doesn't seem to be very responsibly from the beginning of his trip.
    Same as the one who organized the trip.
    This wasn't a fun trip of some mates ...

  4. 5 hours ago, elektrified said:

    What I don't understand is why students are being transported places at 1:00 A.M. or even later? This is the 2nd or possibly 3rd serious accident I have read about in the last 2-3 weeks where students were killed or severely injured while being transported to/from school related trips in the middle of the night. It does not make any sense. Clearly it is much more dangerous to be on the roads in the middle of the night.

    What I don't understand is why are 17 passengers + 1 driver in a Commuter as the max. number of seats is 15.

  5. On 9/29/2019 at 12:28 AM, unamazedloso said:

    Pm2.5 is 133 in kanchanaburi this morning. Thai government dont care about the health of people clearly. They just want more stupid tanks, submarines and helicopter's. 

    I should add that if you buy and consume fattening things its your own fault. How much help does the government really assist with that calls for a tax increase?

    Its all bs...

    My guess: The real reason is ???? ???? ????

  6. 8 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

    During the late Vietnam War (1972-73) all prostitutes were registered and regulated since gonorrhea and syphilis was rampant here back then.  Pleasure girls carried a 'VD book' with their photo, registration number, and, stamped pages revealing a history of required periodic medical exams (every 2 weeks IIRC).  A prospective customer could ask to see the book and verify the date of her last 'VD check'.  He could also report her registration number to police if she gave him more than he bargained for. ????????


    Back to the future, I was actually shocked when I returned to LOS in 2004 to find the government had abandoned this not perfect, but better than nothing, 'VD' regulation and monitoring system.  Go figure.

    Now only ALIENS get checked for syphilis every year to extend their work permits. ????

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