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Posts posted by 0815

  1. 4 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    I believe the UK is 125cc and has been for decades.

    But i could be wrong and i don't really care.

    My OP was just giving the gist of things, not being pedantic.

    I believe pretty much every housewife on the planet who can ride a bicycle, can ride an auto scooter.

    If you really believe what you tell in your last sentence, go to Pai sit down in a restaurant opposite the rental shops in Walking Street and watch how most foreigners (Western and Chinese) can handle an automatic scooter.
    Another good place to watch is the parking at the Pambok Waterfall.
    You will be surprised...

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, boonrawdcnx said:

    I think the real joke here is to call a Thai license a “proper” license!

    And why would a shop that rents out any bike - small or big - be able to rent it out to anybody who can not produce a license that allows the person to operate said vehicle?

    Ah I know why - in Chiang Mai for example there are several roadblocks manned by police around the old city who fine every tourist they catch without a license a 1000 baht! I reckon they make 10’s or even hundreds of thousands of baht on a good day.
    And then get this - they can then drive around without a license the entire day!
    Also the shops that rent out motorbikes to people who are not allowed to ride them because they have no license to do so are never fined anything!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    If you get caught in Chiang Mai without ANY licence, you pay 1000 THB. With the receipt you are allowed to drive 3 days !
    Backpacker forums seem to spread this online as the easiest way to ride a rental bike for a few days.
    No licence - find a checkpoint (plenty around nearly every day) - pay your fine = licence problem solved > ride to Pai.
    I asked a police officer about insurance coverage with their receipt ????. His cool answer was: Another problem but only if have accident.

  3. 7 hours ago, lujanit said:

    Check your travel insurance. Most policies are void if the person riding has an accident if the rider doesn’t have the appropriate license. Lots of visitors get caught out if they have an accident.

    Would be easy to avoid problems like this if:
    a) Tourists / Renters need to show the mandatory licences (valid national + international) at the rental shops.
    b) the shops would provide a Rental Bike Insurance (3rd. party, medical coverage, bailbond ... ) which is available online from 150THB p. day, instead of charging 100THB more for their fake insurances.
    But this would mean to stop to be that greedy.

  4. On 9/15/2019 at 12:33 PM, Matzzon said:

    Why do you choose to settle in a country where you feel so unsafe that you need to carry a gun? I am probably stupid, but I thought the whole idea with moving abroad was to get away from problems and get a better life.

    Maybe he was used to carry a weapon in his home country. No speculations where this could be ...
    I live here in this "dangerous country" since 9 years and never feeled i would need to protect me with a gun. Maybe because I don't come from the same country as he does...

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Western culture influence.

    Not unusual to see Thais spending 1/3 to 1/2 of their income on car payments.

    Add rent and food put the rest on credit cards which are handed out like candy to anyone.


    On this, a place like the US although higher incomes have major debt and most very little in savings.

    National debt 10's of trillion.


    All has to collapse at some point including here but they have been saying that for years.


    So the foreigners are to blame again !

  6. 4 hours ago, overherebc said:

    I'm 50/50 on this.

    I have insurance for here ( accident ) but even if we travel to other countries we always buy some kind of insurance.

    I really don't understand those that come here from UK USA for example, on holiday who don't buy any insurance in any way.

    Or buy it and don't read it re' falling off a rented bike etc when they don't even have a bike licence at home. Been a few stories on that on TV.

    Met a backpacking girlie on a rental scooter last week in a checkpoint in Chiang Mai.
    She was amused about the low fine of 1000b for a missing motorbike license.
    She:"Now I can ride around for 3 days without any problems"
    I: Where did you get your informations from?
    She: "Backpacker forum"
    I: No insurance will cover you.
    She: "I don't care, I know how to ride."
    That's how it works now...
    Wonder if she cares about ANY insurance. (No, she wasn't Chinese)

  7. 14 hours ago, riverhigh said:

    "Cambodia and other nearby countries allow establishments to make their own decisions as to opening hours.  Why is Thailand such a basket case?"


    Let money for profit establishments make their own decisions on public safety and well-being. Get real!! So a money for profit establishment opens a bar at the end of your street and decides to stay open late to serve all the loud drunks. Its okay because he is making a profit? If this was to happen you would be running to Thai Visa with your tail behind your back complaining.

    How old is the average TV poster and when does he jump in his pyjama ? ???? 8pm? ????

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