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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. Those who hastly voted for death, could consider the following situation.


    Remember the BBC journalist, booked for carrying a weapon of war in Thailand? (he had a flask vest in his luggage just to do his job safely)..


    By Thai law, weather you approve or disapprove, a bullet proof military grade vest is considered as a weapon of war.... ..


    Thus, under recommendations from the TV community, death penalty has been instaured for anybody convicted of terrorism, that naturally includes possession of a "weapon of war"....

    So the Brit journalist has his head seperated for the rest!!!...:post-4641-1156694572:


    So how'dya feel now? .... still "yes" for the supreme sentence of law?

  2. 4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    I recently saw a CCTV clip of the police in London who were responding to the

    " terrorists" who had been stabbing people

    The three officers each with an automatic weapon jumped out of the car and shot the three dead

    Seemed a good way to deal with the isssue 

    there is a difference in legal and fully justified  use of lethal force on red handed criminals and use of the death penalty in a court of law, sir, IMHO!


    as for the terror attacks we are used to in western nations, usually the perpetrators consider death as an entrance to paradise through martyrdom , which makes them naturally much more crazy and dangerous then your usual criminal of "common crimes"


  3. Some....I say some,  BBC documentalists/editorialists/producers seem to have certain colonialistic patterns still anchored deep within themselves....as well as having some issues with foreign countries, for reasons that sole the above mentioned would know!!!!

  4. The best drone in the world.....(like anything else)......is something that suits you, fits your needs and makes you feel at ease!!.....No matter what others say, get an idea for sure, but it's your and solely your own choice and how confortable you feel,  that is vital.


    Just one thing though, mail order purhase of a drone  if you live in Thailand??....Just forget it as customs will give you the usual hell multiplied by a value of 10!!!!:post-4641-1156693976:


    All major outlet stores now carry full lines of all toys,  a grown up boy would need for daily fun!!:cheesy:

  5. I agree with the issue of restaurants charging THB 2000,-- for a meal for 2!!....As a principle, would never set foot in such a place in Thailand that tries to play the get global crap scam that all the nations in the world play and raise prices!!....


    People are attracted to Thailand for the quality of the food at low prices...should these prices raise, tourist money will flock elsewhere, but there will always be fools who will pay such exorbitant costs that is not worth the money!!

  6. I would never never trust a penny to deposit in either a Spanish bank, an Italian bank, a Greek bank or a Portugese bank...despite the 100'000 € deposit guarantee by  the European Union in case of bankrupcy of the bank....neither will I ever trust any US bank .....no bank in the workd can beat the Swiss banks (or a few banks in France) for the big chunk of your cash....sorry...no offence here but reality overtakes fiction often, helas.


  7. Not aware of USA banks, but with most banks in Europe, during a long stay period in Thailand , why not make an online transfer from the homeland bank to the bank a/c  in Thailand? 


    Takes me around a week for funds to arrive and total costs are around the equivalent say of US$ 7,- -


    Naturally in the process the bank in Thailand will not give you the same fantastic exchange rate in your favour, as will be given by some of the fine money changing booths in town, no matter which city you are in.

  8. Kindly allow me to cite a ridiculous jurisprudence in my homeland here!...tiny weeny country not far from Europe...


    - a motorist  stops at a zebra crossing as everybody does here..fine!..

    - he gives a sign to the pedestrian to cross, fine!

    - the pedestrian crosses.

    - another car comming from the left (or right side) does not see the pedestrian as the vision is blocked by the angle of the first car that stopped.

    - thus the pedestrian is hit by the second car who obviously did not think (or care) that if the first car stopped,  it was for a reason.


    Court ruling obviously convicted the 2nd car.....but also the first car as the court ruled that the driver of the first car who stopped, let the pedestrian pass and waved him to do so, well...this driver should have taken all "necessary steps" to be sure the way was safe and, if not,  should have just stopped and not waived to the pedestrian to pass!!!!!....


    Welcome the the world of law in the 21st century...


    Nothing better then a trafic light, that stops cars if a pedestrian presses the buton and gives the pedestrian, right of way to on a zebra crossing.

  9. Surprised to read many westerners with homeland health insurance refusing to cover health expenses abroad....


    If you are well insured in your homeland anywhere in Europe, the UK or USA, with specific accident insurance and health insurance, why won't it cover when you are abroad on holiday for instance????...


    and if the "holiday" is to last say 6 to 8 months per year abroad!!...the insurance does not need to know that!!??....Am I missing something here or is it the insurance compagnies in your homelands that just refuse to insure you when you boys are abroad?....I'm curious to know...

  10. How did he break in?


    Any wireless or other form traceability on the computer? if not, looks worthy to set up such settings...same for the car or bike.


    Current technology enables GPS tracking of vehicles and other fitted objets like keys, phones etc.


    An alarm system could be worthy to install.


    Good idea for CCTV footage and taking pictures of the burglar.

  11. 2 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    We flew Thai only once, last new year BKK - Kathmandu - BKK.

    Poor food and poor service.

    My wife - Thai - asked me "have you seen the Thai smile yet?"....


    But Thai now has a promotion Brussels - BKK - Brussels for 525 euro.

    This Saturday I will find out what their long haul flights are like.


    As for Emirates,  as you say, it could have been bad luck - 4 times - but I now discovered Turkish, not bad, and next Saturday Thai.


    Best experience ever was Sri Lankan, but they fly to Frankfurt, not Brussels.

    (all this is in economy class, I do not want to pay 3 or 4 times that price for business)






    wish you a pleasant flight -  bon voyage and give feedback on your experience

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, TheLobster said:

    I used to think that as I wasn't flying from London and the trip was quite short, but now after trying many other airlines I'm pretty sure that they are in amongst the worst.


    Also flying on a big plane like an A380 is a nightmare unless you are in business or first class. There are so many economy passengers that they don't fit into the gate, the baggage comes off on 2 carousels and the queues for check in are horrendous.



    funny, never had such issues in either of the different plane types, but as I said above...depends on different factors.

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Don't know - it happened at both DUS - Dubai & Dubai -  BKK and VV.

    I think 2 years ago.

    Also the aisles were extremely narrow, waitresses bumping into the passengers.

    But great food and abundant drinks yes.




    well sorry for your bad experiences...on my side often had the full row of seats emply in the 777 and always had enough space in the A380 from DXB to BKK...last year and this year anyhow....


    but I do recall now that you mention it, 2 or 3 years ago, when the first A380's came out off the lines under Emirates pavillon, it was a bit cramped in ECY class!....looks that they changed the seating since, as I never had any seating issues last year or this year...or maybe I lost a bit of weight:cheesy:


    perhaps the planes are fitted differently depending on the port of embarkment, on which season you fly etc. etc. ....

    • Like 1
  14. On 09.09.2016 at 2:43 PM, Gary A said:

    You will probably have to order them. AliExpress has a selection of dimmable lights and bulbs.

    I have purchased quite some cheap stuff from AliExpress like anybody else I assume, including bulbs on one occasion...


    but never never again will I venture in any kind of electrical related stuff like bulbs from AExpress as the quality is horrible, not to mention potention fire hazards....

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