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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 10 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

    2) Multiculturalism was forced on us all (Europe) some embraced it, some said no way will it work. However, without the terrorists, maybe the former would have prevailed if only the hate preachers were checked properly and dealt with properly along with other examples, then maybe people would be ok right now and living in harmony? Im certainly not suggesting a Utopia would have been created as there are still nasties on both sides.



    many  in Europe consider that France or England's so called "forced" multiculturalism was not imposed on them but solely a sort of normal continuity inherent to their current and previous colonies abroad? What would be your idea on that?

  2. 22 minutes ago, Crowes said:


    The hatred for white people wanting to live in peace is really astounding. God forbid someone choose self preservation over a social experiment.

    What about the hatred against peaceful muslims who suffer from terrorists as well, in their homelands?


    What to say about the innocent jewish citizens of Tel Aviv and elsewhere who don't give a shit on politics and yet get the check with daily terrorist acts?


    What about France...when a series of attacks  in the past by french muslims  in Paris, killed amongst others, an innocent police officer on pin point range  (who by the way was of muslim descent)!


    what to say on who trained and financed Ben Laden?  who created the Air America drug routes in Viet Nam that currently operate and flood the USA with poison? what to say on the Saudi's, accused post 9/1,  but who cut a multi billion weapons deal recently with big brother?


    It is not only the white people who suffer my dear fellow....criminal terror activities are global, with a form of "uberisation" of stupidity and hate combined, in which  innocent bystanders suffer, should they be white, black, yellow, green or purple!

  3. 2 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

    Mate, I'm old (50)

    I still get 30-35 year old lookers back home.

    They can talk about more than smartphones and Hello Kitty gear too

    my dear fellow poster...50 is far from being old as I have well built 35 - 40 year acquaintances here who are just a bunch of big boars (in every meaning of the word!!)..:cheesy:...


    and definately, if the conversation is as good as the willy-willy servicing, that does nicely spice things up on the hard side, like an amazing penang!!


    enjoy it all as long as you can an even longer!!!!!!!!



  4. On 01.09.2016 at 5:57 AM, Gary A said:

    You should buy the materials yourself and get a price per meter for the labor. We had walls built around two different properties. The second time, the contractor came and needed more material. That was pretty fishy because we had experience from the first time. Sometime after the wall was completed he added on to his house, no doubt with material stolen from us.

    in real estate (or construction issues etc)....be it with Thai's or farangs, you just always...always need to be around them...and never...never to fully trust them!....this is the first rule of the thumb!!......


    this is no more the usual thai vs farang bashing issue....this is real estate/construction guy vs home owner!!...


    Thai's also get ripped off and naturally a farang will get scamed too, but with the farang double pricing rate!


    if possible, use your Thai wife/GF/LongTime/Inhousemaid to negotiate in Thai for the price....and remain invisible until the price is fully fixed...:cheesy:

  5. as they cannot throw out the locals who litter as they are in their homeland...


    why not start to throw out the farang tourists who mess things up, disrespect Thai's, give other integrated farangs an awful image and think that they are in a conquered territory just due to favorable exchange rates!???..


    ..well..because they bring in good money!!....

  6. 1 minute ago, samsensam said:


    evidence of the theft and culprit are often not a problem, getting the police and authorities to prosecute thieves is. a lecturer friend at a university had her bank account emptied by a college and 'friend' who 'borrowed' her atm card one lunchtime. the police were called but could not solve the crime. once told the facts i knew immediately who it was. the culprit eventually confessed but still the police refused to act and the university wouldn't fire her. oh yes and she got away with not repaying the full amount because she 'couldn't afford it'. bizarre.

    now that is sad and scary as the country seems lawless?....perhaps could explain why many locals take up the law in their own hands when they have issues.....pity!!

  7. 11 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    all my thai friends who own businesses complain about the difficulty in finding staff who are not petty thieves, a sad fact.

    A friend of mine in Thailand had his watch stolen by his maid....but then, why leave it around, give the maid the key and not be present when she comes by?...

    Common sense....


    As for your thai friends in business, allow me to recommend a full range of CCTV cameras, show it to the staff, it will solve all the issues of petty theft!!...it worked miracles with a friend here having the same trouble...

  8. 39 minutes ago, yogadavid said:

    Funny how it is "westerners stealing" ,  not a drunk girl or the fact that it is impossible to get service when they don't want to serve "westerners" .   It also interesting how no one was there a really long time and we do not know how long it was before they started filming that.   Don't worry I wont spend my money there again.  A bunch of racists. They never show it when those motor cycle cooks drive by and grab your stuff.   They won't say thai s stealing from unwary tourists.  Or pushing over old people as a diversion and then stealing your stuff.   Whats more is that for all we know she was born and raised in thailand.  She just "looks different"


     if the staff in bars are that awful, just boycot those bad bars and teach them a lesson in giving your cash elsewhere....

    (but allow me to refer to certain european bars, that start getting very popular and making money. with large alchool bottles starting at the equivalent of US$ 200,-- and going upto US$ 1000,--+ ..the staff consider themselves as real rock stars and scorn small time patrons!!)


    all this does not excuse the attitude of this tourist stealing in a foreign country....she does not care...but it is the other farangs who live on in Thailand who will get the check!..and not to mention the other jerks in Pattaya who get into brawls, insult the locals, get drunk and argue...youTube is full of such shitty farang tourists...


    as for the thai's who steal from tourists, what to say?...it seems a responsability of any visiting tourist to be safe as the cops will not do anything about it...and not that I mean to contradict, but when I observe the bling bling attitude of some tourists, they are just looking for trouble...not an excuse...but they do lack common sense...


    but you do have a point, as there is a climate that generally discriminates farangs and such people as on the video plainly contribute to fuel such vindictive attitudes....

  9. a certain amount of blacks are racist..

    a certain amount of whites are racist

    a certain amount of jews are racist...

    and the list could carry on.....


    when you impose your thoughts on others, racism can urge...when you exploit and/or colonise, it arises too...when some misbehave, same thing...when you think you have been unfairly treated, similar,....no golden rule in here...a sensible move would be to not generalize, be smart, don't give others a chance to victimise you, keep jealousy or envy under control,...and you will get on fine...if not, turn your heels...there is enough of pussy out there for everybody!!:cheesy:....and if the problem persists, consult your friendly local shrink!!...:drunk:

  10. 26 minutes ago, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:

    Fire the bar staff! There are leeches I in every society looking for an easy opportunity, doesn't mean that it should present itself so easily

    why blame the staff for a farang thief?


    I definately would not like to bring this farang girl back home to entertain my willy by the pool, despite the fact that her chesty friend on the left seems fine and healthy!!:cheesy:


    such attitudes raise hostility against all farangs and will end up in exploding for petty reasons, once the Thai's get fed up with incivilities from farangs, as they have enough to deal with from the locals....

  11. On 04.01.2017 at 11:45 AM, machans88 said:

    bluport fdoesnt seem to stock indian products such as poppadums, spices, pastes, chutney etc, whereis villa does, villa has a better range of foreign condiments and spices for all farang food on the whole,

    yummy!!...Thai and Indian food, amongst the best in the world!!!!!!!...what about Bangkok?...any stores carry Indian cooking spices?

  12. 1 minute ago, Thai Ron said:

    I just find it remarkable that so many men have difficulty getting laid with attractive women in their own countries

    plainly getting laid for some, could be an issue, for farangs or Thai's..in Thailand or abroad....


    often getting laid without some perverse lewd perks, could be yet another issue..


    getting laid, but needing a different set of chesty kitty every 6 months, is even all a different issue...


    but the common denominator is human nature, my friend...it will surprise us daily.....

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