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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. Do any forms of superior powers exist above ?


    Well only a story teller would claim having the answer to that one...


    Nevertheless, to deny any such forms of higher energy or vibrations would be like straightforwardly denying other forms of life elsewhere in space?


    Who are we to confirm or refute such issues, considering our current levels of knowledge and science?.....only a fool would claim to know....

  2. 1 hour ago, Trumpish said:

    Cart before horse, which should have been obvious. When I first arrived, I fell under the same counterfeit spell. After about 3 years I began to realise the way things are as opposed to the way I thought things were. Massive mistake really. I got it wrong. I drank the Kool Aid.


    Now I don't, I've learned from experience by watching and wondering and comparing and asking 'why is it so?'.


    Tell you what. rather then have some mod delete the post for some contrived reason, how about we speak again in 5 years, and see how much you've changed your view after learning how to pay better attention? What say you? Observer by name, Observer by nature? My impression is not.


    Of course we'll have to agree contact details because I doubt TV will still be here in 3 months, let alone 5 years.

    Thanks for the sensible answers!!!


    Well sir,  to stick to the horses to please you, I guess in life one cannot have the horse and the carridge for the price of the horse!


    My dynamics towards  Thailand are  perhaps a bit different then yours.


    I go there, enjoy the fun and social interactions with those (falsely or sincerely) open and friendly, the food, the climate, the shops in BKK and a bit of the booze and hanky panky, but not all year around.


    Have left backup for regular use during summer here in Europe as the winter here is hell, my situation is perhaps different then yers and will remain similar in 5 or 10 years!


    But if I am not much of an Observer by your standards, so be it. I hope to be however to be somewhat aware or an "awarer" .-), and have planted a my tent in Thailand with full conscience that nothing would work as per my habbits, culture or standards here in Europe.


    But when I also start to complain in Thailand, I quickly give a think of the situation back home...that is either similar or worse in some issues. 


    I am aware that for many Thai's and...and  farang business professionnals in Thailand,  expats/tourists seem to be plainly walking ATM's. I have also had my lot of unpleasent business issues with the Thai's on petty matters, and with foreigners in Thailand on slightly larger scale stuff. So I am fully aware that it is not Disneyland©...but with a few precautions, patience, one can reasonably avoid getting ripped off as this is the most annoying for anybody.


    As for love:heart_001: with good or bad sex my dear fellow, I have no intentions or illusions either in Thailand or in my homeland, I just enjoy when I get lucky, enjoy while it lasts and then it's next!!!:crazy:


    I have a golden rule in life - if I don't like it - I just leave it (quietly)....should it be in a bar, in friendship, love, house or travel or whatever....


    but allow me 2 last questions....


    But I still wonder, what on earth went wrong in your case? - And what makes you say that TV won't be around in three months?



  3. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    It is an astringent made from the leaves and bark of a shrub that I think is native only to North America, which would explain why not common in Europe.


    It was originally used by Native Americans and is in common use in the US for skin ailments and hemmorroids.  It is also an ingrediant in many US-made skin creams/lotions.


    Ok thank you..... nice to hear about something new and somewhat natural, hopefully with a bit less of pharma additives!...

  4. 14 minutes ago, balo said:

    UBER still active here in Pattaya , right now I can see 5 cars on my app not far away .   So they are not giving up and I believe that Uber also pay for their fines .  At least that was told me by one of the drivers.   So if the police fine them 2000 baht like they did last week  , its not enough to stop them . 


    Just be careful and choose a location far away from the taxi stands.  I will support them as long as possible. 









    very true...we have similar issues here in my town in Europe....the local taxi crooks are trying to put pressure on the authorities and often surround Uber driven cars and try to intimidate.....but Uber still lives...just as you suggested, I also make a point to make the meeting place away from the official taxi stands, and never had a problem. 


    Long live Uber and down with the worldwide taxi crooks!

  5. 44 minutes ago, tso310 said:

    The only real issue I have is with car parking or rather the lack of it. Having to park blocking other cars and then having to have the hand brake off is dumb. I'm talking about the car parks adjoining the terminal which I thought were supposed to be for short term parking.

    then why not take the train on going to the airport and Uber when back with luggage?

  6. 8 minutes ago, MUSICMAN16 said:

    this is typical of these women

    this is femminism at its worst

    they feel entitled to do what they like

    she probably thinks she's doing you a great service just being in your establishment

    sees her self as a kind of queen white goddess visiting the 3rd world

    i work with these kind of people

    they are trouble makers and alcoholics

    if they cant have their own way they destroy the establishment and try to make the club/bar lose its license

    a day will come soon when these women will be banned on sight


    she'll even call the police herself and create the most ridiculous scene and portrait herself as the victim

    but of course that wont work in thailand but in the uk it works everytime

    I perfectly see your point. Here where I am in Europe, we have such types of females and it goes 100% just as you put it in your post...one could not be more specific. A very good dosage of perspicacity in your comments.

  7. 36 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    My wife's handbag got snatched in a bar - no chance of even filing a report and the nicking of my iPhone 6S never made the news either; both happened in Bangkok in reputable pubs in Thonglor - so not the sleazy kind of establishment. 
    Lesson learnt is, no handbags and no phones; leave 'em in the hotel. 

    Well you must be careful like in any other western country bar ...pickpockets are not specific to Thailand! 


    Ironically the thief could have been a westerner as the bar you were in, seems upscale ...


    But the fact that it did not make the tea time news, is it a reason to accept such dishonest patterns from tourists who give all farangs a bad image in Thailand?


    That would be the question...

  8. 9 hours ago, fruitman said:


    And this is also why Aussie bar's have some gorilla's at the doors...they would have just tossed them out onto the streets and sure they won't come back after that.


    I've seen that happening several times, they really flew a few meters after being tossed out.

    also happens in certain bars in Pattaya, where the unwanted patrons, sometimes drunk or who consider themselves in conquered territory in giving the locals a finger or an insult for exemple, get harshly bashed up by the Thai bouncers (some of them perhaps beaten to an extreme, but obviously with a lesson of life and fully learnt).


    A certain public video channel on the net is full of such videos.

  9. 6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    It is easy to mock the local people for their beliefs, but having spent a long time in rural Asia (outside of Thailand) I have a slightly different take.


    I always found that the local animism and the concurrent belief in 'spirits' was more a way to try and live in harmony with nature, In olden days, the easiest way to express what we now call environmentalism and common sense in dealings with nature was to ascribe what they saw to a supernatural presence, and by heeding the 'spirits', local people adapted themselves to their local conditions.


    I think it is true that the guy slipped on a rock. That said. the local belief might actually have been saying "don't go there or you might slip on a rock". It is just expressed in a different manner.




    at last something intelligent that makes sense....well said my friend!

  10. 13 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

    I wouldn't mind but the average farang over here looks like a train wreck - fat, balding, badly dressed and with views on women that aren't a million miles from the average Saudi.

    They're not really in any position to slag off older women - here or in the West

    Kindly allow me to say that looks don't make a person....


    But you have a point when you cite that certain views are questionnable...perhaps some sort of kickback to what they have suffered in the past with their western or Thai partners?


    Allow me to add those who are in shape, but openly advocate for white supremacy or similar crude issues, and we have a fine cocktail in the globalisation of jerks, unwanted or ignored in their homelands, who desperately try educating others abroad or behind their computers,  instead of cleaning up their own shacks before.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    Always great to see TV promoting racist taunts via the reporting of this episode. 


    It doesn't become a joke when someone actually thinks about taking action over the remarks made. TV also has a duty of care when reporting; sensationalising such a report should also show balance. The OP encourages hatred.


    I don't condone stealing, but to hop on the bandwagon and say nothing is another thing.

    Perhaps TV/the Press is trying to pass a message to the farangs who misbehave (and if you travel a bit around Thailand) I am sure that a  person of your calibre has noticed it?....


    Human nature being such, one would only tend to remember those who misbehave and forget about those who are decent fun loving people?


    I am rather shocked to read some posts trying to minimise such thieving attitudes from tourists, who give a bad image to all the other farangs established in Thailand....


    I do not see any fuel of hate but the Thais would be shocked to see farangs covering up other farangs who misbehave.....we would be doing exactly what we blame the Thais for doing all the time.


    People need to learn through information...shutting down freedom of speech with censure?...once again we spend our days whiming that this is going on in the world but when it suits us, we call for such measures!!



  12. 10 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

    If I made such a remark concerning Thais , or indeed any other race of people , I would deserve to be roundly shouted down. The only people who think this girl tarnishes all Farangs are ignorant bigots.

    hum..interesting!...somebody seems to have missed out in the cruisade that no specific nationality was cited!!!!!...some  should try taking their sunglasses off and slow down on the booze maybe:cheesy:


    I guess the logics of human behaviour with the obvious consequences or correlations between cause and effect , are missed out from the narrow minded!!...whatever...


    p.s. Bigot seems a word highly in fashion currently....



  13. well well...supporting somebody is one issue...and being a sucker and paying thru is another....whatever...


    but ultimately where is the problem? if everybody  benefits or get's their willy happy and serviced:cheesy:


    I would only raise:post-4641-1156693976: the issue of STD's...take care guys and gals....condoms don't protect from all...there are lot's of nasty things out there in within human bodies and minds!!!

  14. 2 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    International pressure to sale of fake foreign brand named goods.

    Failure can translate into foreign-imposed trade barriers that can damage the Thai economy.

    oh boyy!!...then allow me to run fast with the sky train and fill up my closet with those lovely polo riding t shirts,....that are of such good quality that I still have some purchases a few years ago that are still run as new!!!...


    on other hands the worst damage to Thai economy would be if tourists and expats stop comming to Thailand to purchase their fake V. Dutch shirts, purchase their ready made pool villa's in the beach resorts or spend on booze and willy willy in Pattaya....or perhaps throw in a bit of money in the rip off prices of Home Pro goods:cheesy:



    these cash throwing expats all cater such goods and if they don't come any more to Thailand, kindly allow me to speculate it would be far far worse for the Thai economy then a bunch of international sanctions from a bunch of dictator run nations around the world, that are actually under governance of a bunch of clowns

  15. 1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

    Thais , as much as I like them, have a very hard time accepting the truth that their society is not perfect and indeed some Thais commit horrible crimes. To  most, it is much easier to save face by ascribing  bad behavior to foreigners and believe in  the theory that a Thai would never commit a heinous act. Reality and the news shows a much different story.

    sounds a bit like the american dream and some of the past and current US or Russian:cheesy: propaganda? ... no offence to our american friends naturally...

  16. 43 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    You must be unfit,you just stand in one spot and taxi come to to you.Don't be ripped off.

    well..if you enjoy standing under the rain, the heat and breathe the lovely air of Bangkok, your nose must be blocked!!....:stoner:..

    I rather get UBER or GRAB and things are clear from start...

  17. 6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    I don't normally bother with political youtubers of any type. But I watched this, and Paul Watson is so on the money it's almost comical. Corbyn straight on the scene at Finsbury almost parallels him unnecessarily dragging his mates back to his bedsit to see his kudos-winning black bonk dianne Abbott all those years ago. What a statesman! What a prime minister-in-waiting. Good job the globalists are only going to allow him a few months in the box seat.

    who is this fellow?...is he sort of left wing or is he more likely to have "Mein Kampf" as his favorite bedtime novel? or neither??

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