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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 4 minutes ago, Thechook said:

    Why don't people demand that thais stop dumping rubbish everywhere.

    the farangs could not demand as Thai's would politely invite them to mind their own business or leave..


    a Thai cannot argue either, as probably he is doing same if not worse....


    that leaves only the military to rule, and clean up the bad habbits...but will they??

  2. 50 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Oh it gets a mention here a bit too!

    you mean like the sick buffalo or the leaky roof?!!:post-4641-1156694606:....


    many of my friends in love with brasilian meeows claim the issue of the last passport, as a well known scam amongst those fine ladies of Recife/Brasil,...sort of equivalent of Isaan.....


    when hubby leaves the kitty fest to go back home, shortly later his champion will claim having lost her passport and ask (usually around US$ 2000,-- to get a new one and cover the travel expenses....whatever....after all it is legitimate to try to make a living...but not acceptable to become a fool!!

  3. humm....was he endulged to positive pressure:cheesy: by the local taxi or limo transport mafia, as they would loose many a potential farang to be ripped off once the train is operationnal?...


    on this issue the military should just order the trouble makers to shut up, get on with the construction and give the kingdom it's long wanted high-speed rail....

  4. a thief is a thief...whether larceny or a bank heist...whether a Thai or a farang!...


    now to publicize, stigmatise farangs with continuous media feeds, would not seem socially healthy...if petty Thaïs don't get the same treatment (and one could assume they don't)


    it launches locals against the farangs....


    what could be the reason?


    to make the locals forget internal questionnable issues in their country, through a decent supply of "farang bashing"?


    not so smart, as should the expats/tourists get treated from bad to worse by the locals, tourism and the considerable farang cash investments in pool villas, condos, booze and chesty cuties will drastically drop....is it worth it just to ease the ego of a frustrated few?.





  5. the biggest and most ignored lie would be from those who spend the whole day scorning, grieving, insulting, complaining about issues in Thailand (on valid or invalid grounds).....and still continue to stay/visit  the kingdom:cheesy:...IMHO this is the biggest and worst lie one could tell to one's own self!!!...I may be no exception to the rule, I admit...:whistling:...

    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    To understand the long term current US disbelief in regards to the sanctity of life, one just needs to review the tough policeman 

    who shot an unarmed man who was reaching for his documents. The deceased stated that he was a licensed weapon holder and was just reaching for documents.

    Shot 5 times at point blank range. Incident was mostly filmed. And of course the trigger happy cop was acquitted.

    This is the US. I have visited most countries other than Muslim, Ruskie nor US. Total redneck idiots

    absolutely sir...it comes from the american criminal justice system that legalizes lethal force by officers of the law on the sole assumption of a threat..this could validate shooting a suspect who plainly makes a physical move with his hand being put up, without any weapon....the officer gets the final and sole decision and judgement of life and death!...(and not under proportionate circonstances of adapted retaliation as per most european or international standards of lethal engagement)....some of their laws need an update as the civil war seems far behind!!?....also agree that each country has it's load of absurd outdated laws that harm more then they serve and protect!!©....but this won't prevent me from having enjoyed those Starsky and Hutch shows..

  7. and to spice up the debate a bit, allow me to refer to disputed historical genealogy records of early mediaval periods of an european country (that I admit I forgot the name)....which  conclude that queen Elisabeth would be a long and distant descendant of the prophet Muhammad....funny isn't it?...do Google it or look up historic records in a decent library....you would be surprised....

  8. 7 minutes ago, JohnJay said:

    In Isaan, all my garbage ends up on the side of the road. It sucks but what can I do. Some of it will get burnt, some things like razor blades, metal tablet packaging, old screws, and etc will never biodegrade. I've seen light tubes on the side of the road, and energy saving bulbs, both of which contain mercury, very close to a water reservoir that feeds houses. This is very bad for the environment. Only glass/plastic bottles are recycled and the money I get for them is negligible (20 baht for hundreds of bottles).


    Of course there is no main sewerage in Isaan either and so shower water filled with soap and shampoo usually gets piped into peoples gardens. I'm not a scientist, but surely, if you eat plants that have been watered with all sorts of chemicals, that can't be healthy?


    Littering in Thailand is nothing. There is tons of garbage on the side of the road, literally everywhere, it's not frowned on like in the West. And sometimes I litter as well. If I take it home it goes on the side of the road, if I put it on the side of the road now then I don't have to move it again.


    I remember once I was on a beautiful island that was barely developed. The water was crystal clear and the beach pristine white sands. A Thai man in front of me took his glass bottle of Coke and threw it off the pier into the water. There was a garbage can 3 feet away. Does he not realize if everyone did that we would be looking at a pile of garbage and not this lovely beach? I saw that years ago, but I can't forget it, just makes no sense to me.


    There are a lot of sanitation problems in Thailand that should be addressed. They won't be. On the bright side at least Thailand now has 3 new submarines.

    sad....the less industrialised are destroying the water with their garbage or waste.....the more industrialised are destroying the air with their factories....add the nuclear waste, the pollution from one single supertanker crossing the ocean etc etc etc.....not to forget the views of certain western clowns in top level governance on global warming and the Paris treaty...and we have a fine and amazing family photo out there!!

  9. 7 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    A US citizen dies every few hours due to "gun" crimes in the US (Not including overseas crusades).

     And you have the brazen  righteousness to preach to other countries about "gun" crimes. Just blab.

    the citizen in the USA dies by a bystanding criminal fire exchange or gets shot for an invalid reason (by international standards) by an over zealous gun tooting police officer ?.....no offence please to our american friends!

  10. On 17.06.2017 at 8:06 AM, NCC1701A said:

    Government elites treat tourist just like they do everyone who is not part of their group.


    Everything in Thailand is about your status.



    until one of the high level local elite gets mugged, ripped off, things may not change...if they do...things will change overnight...and that's how it works...all around the world at different levels perhaps...

  11. 6 hours ago, fruitman said:

    I agree and the toilets also stink and are too busy. Oh and there are not enough smokinglounges....yes lounges instead of those filthy doghouses they call smokingrooms.

    agree on this point, the smoking rooms seem as bad as Bangkok Hilton:cheesy:....but then smoking is filthy for one's health...so perhaps it aims to discourage people getting to relaxed in the smoking lounges and entertaining their lung cancer??????????

  12. Just now, Flustered said:

    That's a very good point.


    Even Muslims must be afraid of Muslims, not just the rest of us.

    interesting turn on your response, sir....


    muslims must flee the fanatical extremists who preach hate, terror etc..


    whites in their homelands must free the ass lickers of the local friendly KKK clubs... and the list goes on.....but I think that the point is clear..

  13. 12 minutes ago, Trumpish said:



    1. And youy were doing so well. Oh well, one of the definitions of inadequacy in conversation, is an early resort to ad-hominem. Still, I do appreciate that if it's all you've got then you're bound to defend it.


    2. None of your business.


    I think that covers it. Have a nice day. Oh, and by the way, embrace is spelt with a 'C' not an 'S'. Not perjorative, just trying to be helpful.

    p.s...and to go down on the same low level of typo corrections...it's pejorative...and not perjorative, sir, if I may...perhaps in Australia...but not in regular universal english anyhow...:cheesy:...guess I'm done with this too...thank you sir and have a nice day, even though how you spend your days may not be of my business, as you stated before:cheesy:

  14. 7 minutes ago, Trumpish said:



    1. And youy were doing so well. Oh well, one of the definitions of inadequacy in conversation, is an early resort to ad-hominem. Still, I do appreciate that if it's all you've got then you're bound to defend it.


    2. None of your business.


    I think that covers it. Have a nice day. Oh, and by the way, embrace is spelt with a 'C' not an 'S'. Not perjorative, just trying to be helpful.

    :clap2:.."none of my business":cheesy:....correcting typo mistakes?:cheesy:.....sorry...english is not my mother tongue so sorry on that one......whatever....typical responses  when one lacks sensible argumentation....well was kind of expecting it...just wanted it to show up:clap2:....thanks for the entertainement...and good night to you sir.

  15. 47 minutes ago, Trumpish said:

    erm. Broadened horizons? Worth a try, you never know.

    interesting....and how do you plan to broaden horizons if you consider (as you said in a previous post) those looking to become Thai. to lack ambition and something negative hovers with Thai nationality?....would such ideas correspond to your thoughts on "broadened horizons"???....with your kind permission, I would rather consider such ideas as Lost Horizons!!...intriguing!!

  16. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    First time I stayed in a Bkk hotel I wondered why there were so many young women sitting in the lobby!

    I went for breakfast at a well known ( back then ) restaurant for breakfast and wondered why there were so many young women nursing a drink there at 8 am!

    I was very naïve back then.

    If they want this crackdown to succeed they'll have to close every nightclub and hotel disco in the country.

    What's the betting they won't touch the Thai bars in every town, and what about the Thai soapy massage places?

    yes and guess from whom the local boys in brown will look forthe tea money as it happened a few years back just after the big party that cleaned up the street vendors...

  17. 15 minutes ago, Trumpish said:

    Yes. No offence taken, I'm pretty hard to offend really, I just don't take it seriously; offence generally demeans the deliverer, not the deliveree.

    Ok fine, thanks as I do not like to offend the weak or any other.....


    If I may, then why live in a country in which you consider those wanting to embrase the nationality to lack ambition and to be negative, as you said in post no 161 in response to my comment?....sounds quite pejorative and insulting to the locals?....unless you were not clear in your sayings that got me wrong?

  18. 40 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

    And many do. Do you think I was talking about 100% of the population of Europe? 


    I have read many of your comments and we should agree to disagree as I feel we would be batting and bowling for hours. Especially if you continue to bang the drum about centuries ago. Sure it has a correlation, but it is not relevant to now. My reason for this thinking is that the Western world has developed into something, where the goat $ha&&ers are still living in 900AD. That is the difference. You only need to look at how they carry out their heinous acts haha, suicide bombings, stabbings, slicing heads off, sometimes hacking heads off, setting people on fire in cages and laughing about all of these. Oh and pushing people from cliffs. Now, Im no fan of some Americans, but at least they know how to put someone to death in a more humane way!! Oh and when I said what I said about the western world, I wasnt talking for the 100% before you JTC's again :) I will see your next reply but I will not answer it as I need to watch some paint dry


    Well thank you sir for your precious time and having responded.


    I would not claim to speak for you in assuming if you were aiming at 100% of European (or any other) population.

    I would neither dare engage in a cricket match as you would obviously have better means to master the skils of the sport, in similar manner to your argumentation and debate.

    You will forgive me for being unware of what is JTC...but I am sure it has a sensible definition.


    Without any amalgam to your previous posts as I may dare consider it to be off topic and plainly an escape to evade debate,  with due humility,  I just had a few specific questions being curious by human nature ... I thank you for leaving your paint job, in previously responding.


    Good Night to you.


  19. 2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Thailand's great. 


    Just stay off motorcycles and don't jump off the balcony, you'll be fine.


    Oh, and let someone else fix the electrics. 

    and  please allow me to add


    to use imported, tested and reliable condoms during willy-willy servicing by a chesty 22 year old in Pattaya!!


    always have a decent supply of 50 and 100 THB notes for tea money when immigration or police start to racket or blackmail you...


    the worst drug you should use, should be the cigarettes bought at the local 7/11..


    never bring back home the chesty 22 year old female who cost a fortune in a bar fine...rent a place nearby instead !!


    never talk with the same arrogance/honesty in public places, as you would do in TV forums and above all...never speak ill against any...any of the boys with golden wings!!


    try to hoop up with a sexy young chesty female immigration officer...it would help doing your 60 or 90 day reporting without leaving your pool!!...and maybe she is making more in tea money then you in a month's pension


    never have sex with your maid!!


    remember, you could purchase a sealed bottle of water that contains no water and be told later at the store that you did not ask for water included in the bottle....consider it as Thai logic...


    don't get involved with drunk, body built tatooed types who mix steroid injections to booze, or cherish their bikes more then their gals, as they could be gay looking for straight fellows!!


    consult a shrink if you start to hate Thailand, criticize it all day long on forums, but still do not move  back home...


    never have sex with your maid (reminder)


    regularly consult for STD proportionately to the decent amount of tongue twerking you may indulge...


    don't service and meditate on porn websites, as most are banned or monitored by the honorable authorities


    never take a regular taxi in Bangkok airport, use Uber or Grab instead...


    get your teeth serviced regularly as it is considered as a social status sign and good against bad breath...and you won't get busted by the nose sniffing detectives, recently on duty in Thai metropoles


    never trust construction workers, real estate developpers, local or farang...always be around when they are around your place...


    do not finance the girly's family roof or believe the story of the sick bull back in the village...


    make her also pay for the food and drinks here and there....


    keep a set of old school, outdated, pathetic and shabby clothes at hand....very useful when bargaining....


    rather they feel sorry for you then envy, on money issues....


    stop displaying or taking those selfies in public with your latest pineapple iPhone costing perhaps 2 months salary for a local...


    dont buy top level, grade "A" Rolex watches....it would be a pity to get hammered for a fake now would it not?


    never have sex with your maid (another reminder)


    smile and act stupid when you deal with (some of) the locals....


    use google translator, as it helps if you negotiate a bar fine in Thai language!!!!


    do not hesitate to do your act on young/older farang tourist girlies....they enjoy it as much as you do!!....and gives you the latest uncensored news from farang land's


    shopping malls are better  and do not charge a bar fine on take away or home delivery!!!


    thanks for reading to this point....have fun and stay safe!





















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