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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 16 minutes ago, Trumpish said:

    Ooh. Touchy. Must be from Tazzie. I suppose being Thai would be a bit better than being a Taswegian. Mind you, I've got a hole in my back garden that would be better than being from Tazzie.


    What's a Bogan?

    As an acclaimed "Aussie" you are unaware of what is a Bogan, when even I as a humble farang,  heard about it from my exGF who was half Australian!!!.....are you a Tazzie?:cheesy:

  2. 25 minutes ago, hobz said:

    Guys, I have a theory.


    I was born in 1980s and I got online around 1995.

    I was on irc, some forums, etc. Sure there was arguing.. But arguing like this and trolling like this didnt happen much.

    And here we have it, it's the worst forum I've seen in terms of trolling, and its the only forum i know that has so many old people.

    Thats the theory, that almost all internet trolls are old miserable people. And thats why trolling didnt exist to this extent in 1995-2000 because old people at the time didnt know how to use computers.. Im sure many of you will boast that u had access to internet early, but lets be honest, you didnt know how to access forums or irc etc.


    I think there could currently be a minority mix of :


    1. young, uneducated, immature white supremacists,

    2. rude middle aged, with ego issues

    3. sour and lonely elderly,

    4, frustrated ripped off farangs, or all of it mixed up together....


    and in between, a majority of the TV folks who having fun, enjoy Thailand, happy with their willy willy entertainement, enjoy their pool villa's, enjoy reading posts and sometimes maliciously contributing to the heat ups, :cheesy:...


  3. 11 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    So the Thais want to copy the Chinese (aka technology transfer) a technology that the Chinese have copied from the west or from the Japanese! I think I drive my car instead of taking this train if its ever going to be built. 

    you have a point...


    But, I remember when a Swissair plane crashed in 1998 in Canada due to a technical issue. Air France also suffered a few plane crashes in the last decade. Respectively the planes were Made in USA and Made in Europe.


    Both France and Switzerland enjoy a solid and justified global reputation regarding workplace habbits, engineering or whatsoever.


    Very true, we are talking trains and not planes here.


     To get to the point -  no matter how strong or advanced a country can be, anything can happen.... to anyone....anywhere...no matter whether the plane or train is Made in Europe,  Made in USA or Made in Thailand...but is that a reason enough to stay at home and miss all the fun?

  4. 4 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

    As usual - looking through the first few posts - some sad gits on TV- who probably don't live in Thailand and have not got to grips with the truth that Thai family comes first.


    I believe her- why not- how ever much  you hope the relationship you have with your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend - ladyboy and in between is just fabulous- you don't understand this country. 


    Is it wrong - no- unless you are one of those appalling alpha males- just go with the flow- realise you are not in Kansas anymore, enjoy your life  and don't stress. 

    Sensible comments!!.....the worse are not the genuine alpha's that are natural and usually under good self-control...


    Allow me to emphasize that the worse breed would be the gamma males, aspiring to become alpha's, in vain.. those are really bad bacteria!!! IMHO that is of course!!..

  5. poor chap...R.I.P. -  once a person is gone he is gone,,,but ultimately his family and friends will suffer even more now...sad for them mainly!...


    and for any others feeling bad or planing such awful endings, just think about your friends, family, pals, ex-gf's with whom you wicky wicky now and then :passifier:, current girl friends, even your ennemies and all those others back home who will feed bad once you will be gone, - don't get rash, get help!!!


    get clinical evaluation and medical help before the mind get's over f***-D up!!... a healthy body means a healthy mind!

  6. I would vote for the party that stops the 60 or 90 day reporting :cheesy:


    I would also vote for the party that allows farangs to own their own land without going through 3rd party leaseholds, for an individual house or two  (with moderation of course understandingly, as Thais rightfully do not want those situations as abroad with the Qataris or the Chinese buying up practically entire towns!) :cheesy:


    And last but not least, have the THB at around 40 US$ to 1 Baht!!!..this is worth two :cheesy::cheesy:


    As a conclusion, the cherry on the cake would be to the party who severely enforces Bangkok and Taxi drivers all around the Nation:post-4641-1156693976: to turn on the taxi meter without argument!!..


    But then I do not vote in Thailand....:post-4641-1156694005:

  7. 15 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

    You worry too much - just carry on as normal - lots of bleach etc- Thailand is just one vast soak away ( never quite about the country types who dig their own wells)


    Get the truck to empty- and help with the rice. 

    :cheesy:...you are quite right as I do worry as I like to be careful about small details here and there...but I manage to live with it!.... in the meantime enjoy, and I will probably skip bleech, and unfortunately no rice fields around my area except in Tesco or BigC!!

  8. 5 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    Dear ben2talk, just ignore him. He's either not the sharpest knife in the drawer, not playing with a full deck, 12 years old or all three.  I'm ashamed of myself for even responding to him.

    if you used your brains better, you may have realised earlier that yes, you can be ashamed of yourself!!...And you are continuously being rude

    interrupting an exchange that did not address to you. This is precisely what I meant from a meddlesome attitude cited previously that irritates Thai's and well integrated farangs. Is this your idea on healthy debate and expressing an opinion? Sorry, but you have it all wrong dear chap!....and this reminds me when I was 8 years old in the playground when some told others not to talk to him or to  her!! :cheesy:...

  9. 2 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    EM isn't a cleaner, it's an additive to help keep the microorganisms alive in your septic tank.


    I don't think there is any problem using a small amount of "Toilet Duck" or "Mr Muscle" toilet cleaner now and again. The septic tank probably contains 1,000L or more of liquids and solids, so a squirt of cleaner won't kill it.  Things to avoid are those blocks that go in the cistern, or are attached to the toilet rim, and send bleach to the tank with every flush.


    Good idea would be to buy some EM or similar and flush it down the toilet now and again - depends on how much use the toilets get. Certainly, add some if you get any nasty smell from the tank.


    We use this one from Tesco or Big C...


     I was under the wrong impression that EM was a plain cleaner to use in the bowl. Thank you for the other bits of advice also as I was not sure if a bit of chemical cleaner now and then was harmful or not....but if EM keep the microorganismes alive and prevent nasty smells, what better could one ask for?!!!!! Thank you for the tips!

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