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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. First try - take it back to the store for a refund, which of course they may refuse ?


    Second try - post the rotten potatoes on Social Media, they may react after the public shame ?


    Third try - if it happens to often, buy it from a street seller if possible, always fresh most of the time, and don't forget to bargain hard.



  2. You will not be able to say if it's a good deal or not, until you move in !!!!!......what if the walls may leak ? aircon defective ? over charging in the monthly maintenance that untimately would not be done ?....noisy neighbours or a co owner neighbour who will transform his property to a party house on rent,  that will make life hell ?.... use the golden rule in Thailand that goes for ladies as well....never buy....rent first.....you will not be stuck with something unpleasent you did not expect before purchase.... Good luck nevertheless.

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  3. Don't they have to get back to their jobs ? Do they have the required financial means ? Are they polite and nice and say sorry or "solly" when they push you to reach the breakfast buffet or to exit the SkyTrain ? And mainly, have they purchased the regulation approved overcharged health Thai falang health insurance ?

    • Haha 1
  4. Koreans, japanese and Chinese are targetted suckers and scapegoats, as they pay inflated rates with no idea of the local tarifs and customs. They inflate the whole hooker personnal tourist guide and entertainement scene....not to mention that this fellow could have been deeply infected with Corona...that is to many Corona beers back at the culb before....

  5. Very good. Partially US funded Police Academy ?


    Was unaware that the Thai Police was for sale...for a petty 2.7 m US$  ? ????...in that case, can I also make a bribe donation and get a lifelong "free Police-roadblock/farang-checkpoint pass" ? :cheesy:


    Do not mean to spoil the party, but will they give the cadets courses on how not to be corrupt and how to tackle and report their corrupt counterparts, if any :whistling: ?

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  6. Agree with my fellow posters that he should get life with no parole or...the gallows.


    Not only did he destroy the family of the victim, such madness in the news has spread worldwide and  will further doom Thailand's declining tourist industry,  that generates jobs and revenue for many. Thus, on a large scope, this madman has caused very much indirect damage on a large scale. Consequently, he deserves the ultimate sentence. Case closed.

  7. On dealing with women, (provided there is no financial interest involved of course), Freud said that after a lifelong in studying them....what the f*c*** do they want utimately ?  ????


    Thai women are perhaps no different then western women when it comes to live it on the red side, you know it happens monthly !!


    It's more a matter of education and social well being.


    An educated Thai lady, financially independant, socially satisfied,  tuned to modern patterns of life, (obviously the one that is never in the favorite girlie bar), would be more open and look rather if the guy makes her mental boat rock, rather then to stimulate her bank account or if the guy is Thai or not.


    Just as any other lady anyplace in the world would. ????. IMHO of course....:jap:



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  8. 4 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    It ain't new. I have been asked for boarding pass for years. As I stated earlier not just Thailand but also Vietnam. The latter more often. Swampy very less often but have been asked. I fly every other week. Over this thread now.

    IO CAN ask for boarding pass for incoming flight and often do. And have done for sometime. Nothing new here. Hells bells

    Never have been asked since the last 10 years at least at Swampy. But maybe you should try the VIP fast track at Swampy...no such requirements....until now perhaps?

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