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Big A

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Posts posted by Big A

  1. I am just back from a 4 week stay in thailand. It was for me one of the best experiences ever. I went there to see a computer friend, but i met there a woman where ai was not looking for.

    Conas atá tú.

    John, please be very careful. I do not want to say anything negative and I am sure your judgement is good, but be aware that a 4 week romance and then marriage is a wee bit hasty, don't you think? If you want to reply and tell me to mind my own business, please do so. Just, don't rush into things. I know I sound like a father, mother or relative, but, as we say here...TiT (this is Thailand) and anything can happen (and often does!).

    Anyway, best of luck

    Go maire sibh bhur saol nua agus go nEiri an tAdh leat.

  2. From soi 11, I'd walk to the underground at Asok, go to Hualamphong and get a train to HH. The train station in HH is about a 10-15 minute walk to the Hilton. Easy as that. Tell the Hilton staff Big A sent you and wait for a 75% discount on the Presidential suite (or was it a swift kick in the Henrys?!!)

  3. The story will surely surface again soon. This isn't one that people will let slide by.

    I dunno about that, Tony. This piece of scumsh1t will get off the hook because of daddy's connections. The unwashed hoi polloi can rant and rave all they want, but when it comes to the Patricians, money, connections and power IS everything, sadly to say!! :o

  4. ^^^^^Hang on, hang on.

    I am currently on a Non Imm 'O' (marriage) visa, am not working, so cannot show B40,000per month income to qualify for a yearly extension. I do have a multiple entry O visa (and so must do 3 month border runs), and have over B3mill in a Thai bank.


    Or is it not as easy as that?


    Big A

  5. I agree, more than that after being resident/married for a further three years you can apply for citizenship and hey presto a full UK passport to follow.

    I have just gone through the process for my Thai wife and daughter. That means they will always be able to return to the UK and enjoy the full benefits of being a UK citizen, anytime in their future. Sure there are some requirements you have to meet now such as passing a test and a certain level of English language but that is a good thing . Yes the process of immigration is a whole lot easier, fair and permanent in the UK

    I hope to return to Thailand in a few years and live with my family with at least some stability / security on the Visa system but to be blunt, following the current changes in the Thai visas and all the endless reporting year after year I wonder if it really will improve.

    Being under 50 I would probably just go for the Multi Visa and accept that foreigners are not really wanted I'm sorry to say.

    It dosn't matter that I can meet the minimum requirements as a partner it's the fact that the process has to be repeated on an annual basis with increasing red tape.

    It dosn't matter that I speak, read & write Thai or that I have a degree or even that I could start up a business .We will never be granted equal human rights in Thailand and I accept that.

    But I don't have to like it or jump through immigrations hoops every year just to get a paltry annual Visa with all the added paperwork should I wish to travel outside the country.

    I will not be forced to register at an address I might wish to move from ( god forbid may be more than once a year ) I do not wish to live in a condo and refuse to purchase a house ( wifes name ) that I may have to leave if my visa is not renewed by some official who can refuse you on a whim or their inability to understand their own rules.

    I will not start up a business just to satisfy the salary expectations ( accepting I don't pick a business on the restricted list ) when I have more than enough to live on for our future but not in a pension. I will not break Thai law and work illegaly either.

    I will resume life in Thailand and integrate as before fully and willingly, but I will not accept the current visa process is fair, sensible or even sustainable in it's present form.

    Most of all I will not be demeaned by having all these restrictions demanded that quite frankly are humiliating and makes a mockery of the very translation of the word Thailand = Free Land

    Don't get me wrong I love Thailand and spent five happy years living there and I will do so again but until they change for the better I can only say the UK will always be our home and Thailand a place of temporary residence, and I truly hope that changes but if not mai pen rai.

    Well said.

    I think there are increasingly more and more people starting to think like that. Of course, you are going to get the 'if you don't like it.....' brigade, but let them have their fume. I've been here 10 years and I have seen the immigration stance go from easy and welcomed to difficult and 'where's yer money, Johnny Westerner?!' and more hurdles than the Olympics.

  6. Mr. Arse, with a nick name like yours and with posts like “Maybe kissed a little arse as well??? :o” you should perhaps not be too surprised to have your attidude brought into the discussion.

    Anyway, it was thoughtful of you to let us know with your chosen member name that you are an arse, which should lead to the question whether your original post in this thread is perhaps a made-up story.


    An excellent provocation. Goad, goad, goad, goad. Organise something behind the bike sheds at 3.30pm!! Right up there with my signature/footnote.

  7. ..........the "quality tourist" is considered by the TAT to be the one that arrives with pocket loads of cash, deposits it in a special reciptical at customs, turns around, boards the same flight he came on & returns home.

    No, no, no!!! I have met some TAT officials who, as well as the above, actually let a farang past immigration as long as he gets into a tout's taxi for over B1,000 to the Chonburi motorway and immediately return to the airport for immediate departure.

    :o faire...faireer tha....fairre than th.....fairer than t.............forrere tha.......... fairer theen....fairer that....faiere thonn...

    :D You can't say fairer than that!

  8. I know that Thaivisa have started their own travel agency, and I wish them all success in their new business.

    However, it is wise to shop around for other agents (sorry, George!! :o ). Can anyone recommend any good, reliable, honest and reasonably priced (flight) travel agents that have provided you with good service?

    Thanx in advance.

    Big A

  9. Thanks for all the replies. The 60,000bht does sound the cheapest but is still over 10,000bht a month and just seems uneccesary compared to neighbouring coutries visa options. And I would prefer not have to visit the uk again. Might have to do it. Thanks for the figures.

    So is that right that with the ED visa, you can stay for 2 years? Am thinking that maybe spending the 1st year on the ED visa and then get the extension for another year. And after that could move to cambo and spend one month out of every three in thailand would maybe be the best option.

    No no no mate, you're getting it all wrong! Any Non Imm visa is for 1 year (either multiple entry or extended 1 year). Am I right, playmates?

    (sorry, but Big A has been at the carpet cleaner solvent again) :o

  10. Hi all

    Although I have been in LoS for 10 years now, this will actually be my 1st border run on a new Non Imm 'O' multiple visa next week.

    I have read many threads that the situation in Victoria Point is that....

    * the Burmese entry visa is still US$5(not risen to $10?)

    * they only accept crisp, new US notes/bills

    * if they think that you have bought the $5 from a bank (and not from a tout or some scam merchant), they will not accept it.

    Can anyone verify the above as in recent events?

    (Baboon, are you reading this?)


    Big A

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